Chapter eighteen

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I don't even want to see the scar that I have. It has to be worse than the one that I got from the duel. I don't where I am exactly, but I can hear voices. One of the voices belongs to mom. The other two are coming from Headmaster and Vice Headmaster Grimm. The other voice is a voice that I don't recognize. I opened my eyes and saw that it was very bright where I am. 

I opened my eyes wider and saw that I was in a bed. A hospital bed. I sat up, letting out a pained grunt. What did Arthur do to me? Everyone stopped talking and mom came over to my side. She eased my back on a pillow and caressed my cheek.

"How are you feeling, Rowan?" Mom asked.

"My chest hurts and I feel exhausted." I sighed, "What happened? Did Arthur get caught and he is back in prison? How's everyone back at Grimmdale Academy?"

"Calm down Rowan." Headmaster Grimm soothed, "You were hit pretty bad and your lung is punctured. Everyone is okay, but they have to stay in their dorms until the issue is over. Arthur hasn't been caught. The police and higher ups are doing a search for him."

"Dammit." I whispered.

"Headmaster Grimm came to London and told me what happened." Mom explained, "It's a good thing that I did and right on time too. I don't want to imagine what would have happened if I did not show up." 

Arthur isn't caught. Who knows what damage he caused around town. Grimmdale Academy is on lockdown for who knows how long. Here I am, sitting on a hospital bed with no clue of the situation, having little knowledge of what's going to happen, and I have a punctured lung. 

"Rowan, could you tell us what happened?" Vice Headmaster Grimm questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts. "This is just to see if your memory of last night's event haven't caused any memory loss." 

"The last thing I remember was that I was hiding in the clock tower and Arthur was the voice of mom, dad, and Lumi to trick me." I recalled, searching for any other important details I could remember. "I tried to talk to Arthur and use my apex ability to stop him, but he opened his necklace and something struck me in the chest. After that, I blacked in and out until I woke up here." 

"And you don't remember anything before that?" Headmaster Grimm queried.

I shook my head, "No I don't. I don't even remember how the issue escalated to me being inside of the clock tower in the first place." 

"Okay so her entire memory isn't gone." Mom told the doctor.

"That's good." The doctor chimed in, "Rowan is going to have to be on a six, maybe an eight week recovery and she must stay in bed until those weeks are up. After she recovers, she'll be back on her feet in no time. I will prescribe her some pain medication and suggest that she needs to do some breathing exercises for her to do." 

"Thank you doctor." Mom said, "We'll give you a call if she's feeling worse."

The doctor bid us a goodbye and walked out of the room. A six to eight week recovery. I'm going to have to stay at mom's place until then. That means whenever we could go back to school, I am going to miss some days, but I can have someone send up my assignments and I could do school from bed without having to worry about being behind. 

"Rowan, there is one thing that we would like to know." Mom frowned, "Did Arthur take your powers?"

"I don't know." I replied, "I can't use any magic right now since my wand is broken."

Mom handed me her wand, "Try a simple levitation spell."

"Tabernus." I recited.

I waved mom's wand at a jar, but nothing happened. I tried again, but still nothing. Maybe it's because this isn't my wand since Carmine's fur isn't inside.

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