Chapter eleven

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 I knew I wasn't the only one. Amity and Willow thought that he was outlandish. Like he came from another planet or was a clone from a science experiment. Rosanne thought otherwise. She gushed all over Constantine like he was her prince charming.

"I don't know about you Rosie, but he does seem a little strange." Willow said, "He acts like he has never been around other people his age before."

"And he approached me in the weirdest way." I added, "The fact that you don't think it's strange is weird too. Seems like he has hypnotized every girl that looks at him. Well, not us three."

"Oh come on, you're being dramatic." Rosanne groaned, "Give him time to get in the spirit of being here. Besides, who can't get attracted to a beautiful face like that?"

After Rosanne said that, it made me want to gag while I rolled my eyes. I get it if Constantine is having a difficult time making friends, but the way he approaches people is odd. Also I noticed that Jiao Long was not too happy about Constantine flirting with Xanthe. 

Speak of the devil, here comes Jiao Long right now. When he got to us, he threw his body on the ground and stretched out his arms and legs. Jiao Long started to exhale loudly. He continued to do so when it started to get annoying and he wanted us to acknowledge him.

"Sweet Merlin!" Amity exclaimed, "What is it Jiao Long?"

Jiao Long stood up on the ground, "I'm glad you asked. Have you seen the new kid?"

"Yes, yes we have." Willow sighed, "What about it?"

"What do you mean what about it?" Jiao Long choked, "Have you seen how he has been acting around Xanthe? She's completely falling for him."

"Don't be stupid." Rosanne interjected, "You've been having a crush on her since she's been here. Haven't you notice that she likes you back? I swear, you're so oblivious sometimes." 

"You think so?" Jiao Long asked.

"We know so." Willow smiled, "And we'll make sure that she-"


I perked up at the sound of my name and at the voice that called it. I turned around to see Acelin storming towards me. If I only made that spell permanent. Acelin came to a stop and glared right at me. I crossed my arms and gave Acelin a fake smile.

"Hi Acelin." I greeted, "Nice to see the spell I have given you has worn off. You know there is a potion that you can make to have it wear off quickly. It might give you a nasty rash, but since Alice is your ancestor, I'm pretty sure you know something about potions giving you weird outcomes." 

"Shut it." Acelin snapped, "After what you did the other day, I challenge you to a duel. To see if your magic really is up to the mark."

Rosanne, Jiao Long, Amity, and Willow stepped away. Duels have been banned at this school ever since the Grimmdale incident of 1923 where two wizards were dueling and accidentally traveled through time, which caused a disturbance in the space time continuum. Good thing we got them back.

"Acelin, that's not a good idea." I declined, "You're a rule follower and you know that duels are banned here. What about our usual races?"

"No." Acelin replied, "If we were to race, you would win like always. By the way, I'll let you in on something since you were gone for such a long time. Duels have been allowed here back at school. Our wands are required to have a gem inside to make sure the 1923 incident won't happen again. Everyone has one. Check your wand." 

I pulled out my wand and started to look for an opening. I found a rectangular engraving in my wand and pushed it open. Inside was a glowing white gem. Acelin was right. I closed the opening and sucked my teeth. 

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