Chapter twelve

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Something felt off in the room. I tossed and turned in my bed, trying to go back to sleep. There's something in here that isn't supposed to be here. Carmine started to growl and she was in front of me. I tried to sooth her and lull her back to sleep, but she kept going. Her growling started to become louder. I sat up, trying to reassure Carmine and tell her that there is nothing wrong.

 That's when I heard Minouche growling and Nico hissing. They are all focused in this one corner of the room. I looked over in the corner and saw a dark figure rummaging through my bag and the closet.

I didn't wake Amity and Willow because that will increase the risk of being seen. There isn't any  security because we are protected by the chapreye gem. I grabbed my wand off my nightstand and kept it on the figure, never taking my eyes off of him. 

I slowly crawled out of my bed and snuck over to the figure. Once I got close enough, I raised my wand and waved it. I then felt out a sharp pain in my neck. My vision was blurring and I started to feel sick. Carmine was now barking at the figure and chased them out of the room.  

Lights switched on and I can hear the other girls walk out of their dorms, asking what is going on. Willow and Amity held my body up and sat me back down. I tried to explain to them what happened, but I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. My head was spinning and I have this throbbing pain going through my temples. 

Willow and Amity tried to get me to tell them what happened again, but my body just slumped back and my eyes closed. 


When Carmine saw that I was awake, she jumped up and started to lick my face. I smiled as I ruffled her fur, letting her know that I'm okay. I looked over in the corner and saw that my bag was opened and laying on the floor. What happened last night felt like a dream, the dizzy feeling and the pain my head still lingering. 

"It's good to see you awake."

Willow was sitting at her bed with a warm smile on her face. I picked up my phone and checked the time. It was ten in the morning. I stepped out of bed, my balance feeling off and it feels like I have the urge to vomit. 

Willow leapt up from her bed and came to my side, easing me back down. Willow raised her finger and mouthed for me to wait. I rested on my pillow and waited for Willow to come back. After some time, Willow came back with a glass of water in her hand and suggested that I take small sips. 

"Thanks Willow." I murmured, "This should soothe the pain in my head. Feels like someone is hitting me over the head with a blunt object."

"I'm just glad you are awake." Willow smiled, "Amity isn't here at the moment, so I am going to take care of you."

Willow is like a mom. She's caring, soft spoken, and willing. She lives up to the meaning of her name, graceful and the symbolization of hope. Though I feel like she would get feisty if someone were to do something she's not fond of.

Willow stood up from my bed and walked back to her side of the room. I rested my head back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. The only sound was I could hear was Willow spraying her plants and Carmine sleeping next to me.  

"By the way, what happened to you last night?" Willow asked, "When the situation was settled, our pet guides were still making noises. Was there something that was a threat to us?"

"I don't know how to explain it." I sighed, "I mean I can, but I don't know who."

Willow tilted her head, "What do you mean?"

"Carmine was growling and I thought she has woken up and couldn't go back to sleep. Then I heard Nico and Minouche making noises too." I explained, "They were all looking towards the direction of my bag and the closet. Someone was there, going through my bag and the closet." 

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