Chapter twenty-eight

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Dad was dead for eight years. The last time I saw him was when he told mom and I to go on and that he said that he would be able to catch up with us. When I knew that he was dead, was when mom sent me a scroll explaining the situation. I didn't even get to hug her. 

"Dad." I spoke, "It's me, Rowan. Do you remember me?"

"Don't be silly Rowie." Dad chuckled, "Of course I haven't forgotten you. I'm just surprised by how much you have grown. You were so little when I last saw you."

I sighed in relief, "I'm glad you do. I would hug you, but I'll fall straight through."

"By the way, what are you doing down here?" Dad asked, "Let alone using something so strong like the undertaker charm."

"I just needed someone to talk to for an idea because I don't have any." I frowned, "You always gave out good ideas, so you came to mind."

"What's going on?" Dad queried.

"Arthur has escaped from Grimmdale Penitentiary and now he is causing havoc." I said, rubbing my temples. "Mom is dead and I am so lost that I don't know what to do. Arthur could be over in London, causing even more damage. Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Jasper could be dead."

"Oh Rowie." Dad whispered, "How can I help?"

"You don't have to come out of your grave or anything if you could do that." I decline, "I need some advice. How can I fix something like that? I'm only a kid and I shouldn't be the one who has to come up with the plan of stopping someone who has way more power than me."

I slumped my body on the ground and hid my face in my knees. When I first came back home, I was supposed to finish my last year Grimmdale, graduate, get my license, work at mom's dress shop, get into fashion school, and become a fashion designer. Instead, I am trying to save my life and others' lives because of Arthur.

Mom is dead. Grimmdale looks like something out of a dystopian novel. London might have actually fallen. Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Jasper could be dead. My cousins could be. Arthur might have already taken over London and is sitting on the queen's throne, overlooking the chaos with eight Corgis on a leash.

A cold chill shot up my spine. I looked over and saw dad's hand rested on my shoulder. A small smile emerged on his face. I could not help but smile back. When dad smiled, everyone smiled.

"Rowan, I've always had good ideas because I was always improvising and planning ahead." Dad said, "You and Arthur are both intelligent. You just need to be smarter than him, lass." 

I nodded, "Thanks dad. I'm so glad that I get to talk to you."

Dad ruffled my hair, "I'm glad that I got to see you too. I love you."

"I love you too dad." I returned.

"Now when you go after Arthur, go for his necklace." Dad reminded, "That's where the stolen powers are being held. Take it away from his neck and smash it."

Take Arthur's necklace and break it. I will get my powers back, other witches and wizards would get theirs back. Keep that in mind and don't forget it.


I made it back to the catacombs. I grabbed Headmaster and Vice Headmaster Grimm. I told them about my conversation with dad and they weren't surprised that I used the undertaker charm to talk to him.

We stepped away from the crowd to talk about what to do next. The plan is that we go back to London, let every non magic user hide somewhere safe until Arthur is handled, and then we go up against his army. That's if we know where Arthur is heading though.

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