Chapter sixteen

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Everyone was mingling with one another. Constantine has stepped out, saying he has to take care of something first. No telling that he might be giving Edward some intel about what had happened. I stood by the refreshment table, watching some of the guests dancing. 

The music has changed to something more modern, that's good. Then I can actually stay awake and not fall asleep in the punch bowl. Why did I hype myself up about this ball? Though I am not surprised. There's a whole lot of upper class people here.

Many people came by and complimented my dress. It was nice seeing my former neighbors and the kids I used to play with that got into their dream school or they have gotten their witchcraft and wizardry license. No one seemed to be on edge. Everyone I've come to know that has lost their homes and family members are doing fine. The people that I didn't get to say goodbye to are doing fine. I want to see more of that.

"So how was your dance with your date?"

I turned around and saw Rosanne and Willow. I was afraid that this was going to happen. I mean the whole school does know about me going to the dance with Constantine. I didn't tell my friends what was going on and that's my fault. 

"Okay, I know what you are going to say." I sighed, "However, I have a reason for this."

"And you made fun of me for liking him before we found out who he was?" Rosanne laughed sarcastically, "How hypocritical."

"If you can let me explain everything, you'll see why." I rebutted, "Willow you're willing to listen, right?"

Willow held her head low, not saying a word. I wonder what do the others think? The same thing maybe. You're an idiot, Rowan. You fell for the guy who has killed your dad and is now planning the end of your home is what they probably think.

I threw my hands up, "You know what, I won't bother. You're not going to listen anyway."

I stepped out of the ballroom and walked up some stairs that led to a balcony. I just need to take some time to myself. Lumi is mad at me. Willow and Rosanne aren't happy with me either. The others are probably pissed at me too. 

I stood on the balcony, looking out into the view. I took my hair tie out and let my hair fall down my shoulders. I removed a pearl necklace that I got from Rosanne and threw it over the balcony edge.

"These stupid shoes might as well go over too." I muttered, "If Rosanne is looking for them, I'll let her look for them through the rose bushes. She can prick her finger on a thorn and fall asleep for all I care." 

"That's something you wouldn't want to happen to Rosanne now would you?" A voice teased from behind me, "That would be tragic."

I peeked over my shoulder and saw Constantine standing there. I looked back over the balcony and ignored him. Why did I say yes to him? I could have come up with another solution of uncovering Arthur and his plan instead of  doing this. Everything could have gone so much different.

Constantine was standing next to me. He looked down at the ground and let out a snicker and then a laugh. I assume that he saw the shoes and necklace on the ground.

"You sound like your father." Constantine chortled, "Sounds like something he would do."

I folded my arms and looked away from him. I would laugh along with him since it's true, but now isn't the time for me. Constantine's laughter starts to die down and I hear him sigh under his breath.

"I saw what happened between you, Willow, and Rosanne." Constantine uttered, "I don't know what it was about, but it seemed like you three were upset about something. Is it my fault?"

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