{Bonus} Character glossary

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This is the character glossary for Witchly Ever After. Every character will have their appearance, snippet of their backstory, order, age/age range, ancestry role, and birthplace (if necessary). 


Acelin Lewis [Ays-lin Loo-uhs]: Acelin Lewis is the descendant of Alice Liddle from the short stories of Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". Acelin is a seventeen year old full born witch, born in Liverpool, England to where she later moved to Grimmdale a few months later with her parents. Acelin has blonde wavy hair (secured by a white bow in the back), blue eyes, and carries a golden pocket watch on her. She mainly wears preppy type clothing. Acelin was known to be really good friends with Rowan, but was really competitive with her. When Rowan received her powers, Acelin became jealous of her. She gave Rowan a potion that was made to help her focus with her entry exam, but the potion actually interfered with Rowan's powers, causing her to fail her exam. Acelin didn't see Rowan after the incident. Her apex ability allows her to manipulate time by stopping it, slowing it down, or speed up by using her pocket watch. She can also speed up or slow down her movements and do the same to others. 

Addison Hawthorne [Ah-duh-son Haw-thorn]: Addison (Addy) Hawthorne is one of Blaire's friends and have participated in bullying Rowan.

Amity Seaver † [Am-ih-tee See-vr]: Amity Seaver was the descendant of Peter Pan. She was an eighteen year old half born witch. Although Amity's family is from England, she was born in Grimmdale. Amity had red hair that is always braided, forest green eyes, and always wore masculine clothing. She was separated from her family during the Le Fay battle. Amity's apex ability was that she could manipulate hers or other shadows and move it from one place to another. However, this is what would kill her in the end by fading away. 

Apollo † [Uh-paa-low]: Apollo was a grey wolf and served as Harkin's pet guide.

Arius [Air-ee-uhs]: Arius is the Snowy Owl and the pet guide of Arthur.

Arthur Le Fay [Ar-thur Luh Fay]: Arthur Le Fay, the descendant of Morgan Le Fay, is the main antagonist of this story. Arthur is the son of Gareth Le Fay. His mother died when he was born and had lived with his father ever since. Arthur is said to have long brown hair, a raspy voice, white opaque eyes, pale skin, and is twenty-five years old. He mostly wears long jackets with dress shirts under and black trousers. He was born in Grimmdale. Arthur is a full born wizard, but has not developed any magic, so he stuck to alchemy. He was going to attend Grimmdale Academy, but was rejected by the headmaster. Arthur was pushed to kill the Headmaster of Grimmdale Academy. He then rose to power, taking the abilities of witches and wizards. Later on, he will cause the Le Fay battle and witness the death of Harkin Bailie. Arthur would be arrested after killing Harkin Bailie. 


Bayard [Bay-ard]: Bayard is Blaire's pet black panther and pet guide.  

Beau Gosling [Bow Gahs-ling]: Beau Gosling is the grandson of Mrs. Gosling. He is cousins with Georgina, Jackie, and Julian Gosling. He is the descendant of Little Bo Peep. 

Blaire Arlington [Bleh-air Ar-ling-ton]: Blaire Arlington is the descendant of the Cheshire cat and is the daughter of Blaise and Robert Arlington. Blaire is seventeen years old and a full born witch. Blaire has auburn hair and dark brown eyes. She was the main bully of Rowan until she was expelled from her school. Blaire will go back to Grimmdale after she has gotten her powers and apex ability.  Before then, she lived in London. Blaire's apex ability allows her to wraith around. 

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