Chapter twenty-nine

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Our skirmish went on for what feels like forever. The corpses of withered beasts scattered around the clock tower, slowly disintegrating. Arthur must have done something to them to make them stronger than the last withered beast Lumi and I encountered that night after meeting Edward.

The plan of having Edward distracted wasn't working. No matter how many times I got close to the entrance of the clock tower, a withered beast would block the entrance or one would try to attack me. I'm almost out of potions to use and smoke bombs won't be able to kill the beasts or have any effect on them since they can sense us through heartbeats too.

"Rosanne, using your apex ability will be handy!" Jiao Long shouted.

"I can't pick and choose who falls asleep and who doesn't." Rosanne claimed, "Whoever is near me, will fall asleep. That would be all of us. 

"There has to be some way to get through the door." Lumi uttered.

"Running out of ideas are you?" Edward laughed, "You all might as well-"

Willow took a shard of glass and slashed Edward across the eye. From the look on his face, it didn't so much surprise him. Edward raised his wand and a beam of magic shot Willow in the chest. He disarmed her.

"Willow!" Rosanne screamed.

We all ran to Willow and picked her up off the ground as more hordes of withered beasts came closer to us. Edward raised his hand to the withered beasts and they stopped moving. It seems like they listen to commands. Obviously they will listen to us.

"This is sad for all of you." Edward sighed, "A bunch of children who think that they can save the world from someone who is stronger and knows way more than your average witch and wizard." 

"Why do you worship him so much?" I asked, "I've told you already that he doesn't care what happens to you."

"Arthur was the one who found me and he cared to listen to why I was angry at Kai." Edward replied, glaring at Lumi.

"That didn't give you the right to kill him." I claimed, "You could have found an alternative than to kill someone for it. What would your dad think?"

"Don't talk about him." Edward spat, "That man is not who you say he is. He was someone vile and cruel."

How ironic. He can't call his father vile and cruel after he has killed people and is committing terrorism while being a kiss ass to someone who has used his words to manipulated so many people into committing horrible acts. If Grimmdale was that type of place, Arthur and Edward would have been executed.

Now we have no hope of being able to get through that door. We are surrounded by Edward and withered beasts. Willow is weak. There has to be a way for us to get by. Think back to what dad said. Improvise. 

"Okay Edward, you win." I sighed, "Go ahead, kill us off. You have made it pretty clear that we aren't getting into the clock tower."

"So all it takes to give in is inflict pain on your friends." Edward uttered, "That would make killing you guys off more fun. How should I do it though?"

"I have a poison in my bag that will kill all of us." I stated, "The poison is slow reacting one."

"That's fine, I can watch all of you die slowly and I would get away with it." Edward leered, "Go on, use it."

I did as he instructed. I reached in my bag and pulled out a bottle filled with a black liquid. My hand rested on the cork. With a firm grip, I shattered the bottle on Edward and the contents spilled out all over him. I took a step back with a smile on my face.

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