Chapter nine

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"She really called you a menace?" Amity asked, "I can't keep defending her like this anymore and saying that you should give her time. It should be the other way around."

"Jiao Long said that he was going to talk to her about it." Willow chimed in, "We'll see how that will turn out."  

"I don't blame her completely for being mad at me. Every time I am trying to help her out and make things right, I do the opposite and make things worse." I frowned. 

"Rowan." Amity sighed, "You're an amazing person, not a menace. I don't know what Lumi's problem is and why she doesn't like you, but she's just going to have to deal with it. You don't even have talk to her when you see her, okay?"  

"And remember, you still have us." Willow reminded.

I smiled softly, "Thank you, I appreciate it."

"Now, what did you find out in your family's book?" Amity questioned eagerly, "That's what I have been wondering ever since you came back with those books." 

I waved Amity and Willow to come over. I turned to one page and read it . This page talked about what my dad did as headmaster. As I was reading, I did learn that my father did allow all magic orders to attend Grimmdale Academy and the Grimmdale Ball. I should have known that he would never keep them from coming. He was mortal born too, so why keep out other orders from attending this school and the ball? 

As in regard to my dad and the Andersens', my dad got along with Lumi's dad, but not her mom at all. Even when they were at this school together. They were always competing with each other at whose magic improved better. 

"Wait, your father actually wanted every magic order to be here?" Willow uttered, "Headmaster told us that he didn't."

"He did?" I queried, "Why would he say that about my dad? My dad used to go on and on to him about wanting to open up the school for all orders to attend. The night before the Grimmdale Battle, he said that he will go to the High Court and talk to them about it." 

Willow raised her eyebrow, "You think Headmaster Grimm lied about that?"

"He might have." I replied, "But why? I'll ask him about it tomorrow."

"What about the Le Fay's?" Amity mentioned, "I'm surprised by how bold you are to even check this out."

"I've looked through it while you two were out." I said, "I expected something dark, but this is something that is pretty sad."

I went on to explain about the Le Fay family. Arthur's mother had passed away after she gave birth to him and it was just him and his father. His father was a supportive one. That's a good thing. Besides being supportive, Gareth wanted Arthur to be like him. Arthur didn't want to though. I don't blame him. Arthur never developed his apex ability or any actual spells at all.

Arthur wanted to attend Grimmdale Academy, but he was denied because he couldn't do magic and that made Arthur feel worthless. The only thing Arthur was good at was alchemy. After some time, Arthur stopped caring about Grimmdale Academy and said that he will find another school to attend to.

Gareth didn't like that. Arthur being rejected from school angered Gareth. He approached Arthur one day and pushed him to kill the headmaster. So Arthur did. Arthur finally snapped and found something more greater than alchemy. That was power.

Arthur helped Gareth gathered an army with Harkin Bailie, future headmaster of Grimmdale Academy. 

Harkin served as a spy and was one of Gareth trusted allies. Until Harkin's lover, Wahya was expecting a baby. Once Gareth found out about Harkin's leave of absence, he wanted revenge. We all know how that turned out. Gareth was killed by my dad while he protected me and mom.  

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