My monologue I guess

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I m just gonna state my philosophy which everybody already knows:

Humans is the worst and most stupid species on Earth

Just look what we do to our planet! It's really sad. And people, the number 1 problem is not the Climate Change. The number one problem is destroying nature in order to make -ehmm how is the english word for that?- arificial land. Meaning the making of roads, pastures, (I trust google translate that that's how "βοσκοτόπι" is in English) etc! This is what results to so many problems such as the extinction of other species

It's times when I feel disgusted

And for what do we do all those? Money? Power?
There's only one thing to say here:

"All we are is dust in the wind"

Next moment we know we are not gonna be here.
In some billion years from now the Sun will die. It will become a supernova. At first it will get so huge that the planets next to it such as Mercury and Venus (maybe even Earth!) will disappear and then it will shrink and fade. Humans are smaller than a grain of sand compare to this.
In the same time, we are important for ourselves. So enjoy your life and fill it with things that are worth it.
My advice is go to nature
Today I went to the mountain next to my house (it snowed) and I had a long time to go outside because of the lockdown you know, and it really made my day a lot better.
I m lucky enough to live next to magnificent places such as *insert all the photos from the first chapter*
There were times when I though that fairies would start dancing in a forest.
So, if you don't live next to places like that, use your time and travel.
As my teacher said "Travel broadens your horizons" and I think that travelling is the nearest we have to making our fantasy come true

That was my monologue.
Have a nice day
*insert song here*

Edit: Also a friend just told me something that proves how stupid our species are: 9.568 people voted for "Sea of Monsters" and it has 4.5/5 stars

R, R & RROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora