The Rants Are Back

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Hello my ducklings (as if there are more than one person reading this rn but anyway we 'll just have to pretend then lol)!
I 'm finally back in this book and I have a quite controversial subject to rant about:

*clears throat*

Should students go to the bathroom during the lesson or not?

Just kidding of course...the real subject I am going to talk about is: religion.

Unfortunately, religion as well as atheism both receive a lot of hate and this is something that needs to stop. The supporters of different religions tend to consider the God/s they believe the only true one/s and refuse to accept different religions as something equally important as their own. Considering that they fight with each other imagine how they behave to the atheists who may hate on religion as well. I 'm here todat to talk about how unfair is to consider religion/atheism a totally bad thing. Remember that our world is based on perfect balance, so everything -and I mean everything- has both a negative and a positive side, so don't judge anything without first considering both sides

Let's start with the basics: what is religion? It is the belief to one or more supernatural (usually immortal) being/s who can interfere with human lives. At first, during the prehistoric ages, it was nature itself that was worshipped. Then, during the ancient times there was what today we call "mythology", polytheistic religions with almost human deities. Most of these ancient religions don't have as many supporters as they had back then, of course, but they are still around. Some of them, like Hinduism, are still quite popular though. Also, we shouldn't forget the monotheistic ones, such as Islam, Christianity and Budhism.

I can understand the logic of atheism (I think I can anyway-) and I agree when it comes to some things. The reason why religion was created in the first place was to explain nature, but nowadays science has evolved enough to explain it so religion seems quite useless when coming to that matter. And I think the only ones who actually believe in the fairy-tales of Adam and Eve etc are the very closed-minded people

Another reason why humans made up a bunch of Gods to worship is to cover their emotional needs. Do you think it is a coincidence that in all religions it is believed that after you die, you will be judged for all the things you did in your life and based on them you will go either to a happy afterlife where the sun shines all day long and the flowers bloom or to a cruel/boring afterlife where you will be tortured for all eternity/ do absolutely nothing? What humans have been afraid of since they first set foot on earth is death. The loss of someone you love is extremely hard to deal with. Thinking that your friend or grandpa, at least, is in a good place now and can finally rest away from all pain and sadness sure offers some comfort. Of course, nowadays our lives are much easier than they were 200 hundred years ago for example. We don't need to struggle for survival the same way we did back then and maybe that's why religion may be considered useless by a lot of people nowadays. There are still a lot of problems that we still need to face, like death, though, so in some cases religion could help us deal with hard times again.

Last but not least, we should not forget that religion has accompanied humanity since its very birth thus, it is not something that can be looked down at. Each religion reflects a different culture and civilization and it gets across a unique set of ideals to its supporters. Whatever God or gods you believe in and even if you are an atheist, you must admit that it has played a very significant role in human history and is an important part of our traditions and culture.

In conclusion, religion is a way to
✓ explain nature
This isn't true nowadays, since science is a bit more trustworthy lol
✓ deal with our problems and cover our emotional needs
Nowadays, it is not as essential as it was in the past, but it is still important for a lot of people. And of course, whether you chose to face the truth as it is or mock yourself in order to make it hurt less is your choice and it should be respected by everyone
✓ reflect culture and tradition
✓ get across a specific ideology
If one doesn't believe in a particular religion it doesn't mean that they can't believe in its ideology or respect its traditions

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