Popcorn night #2

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Hello guys!
In the previous chapter I asked you what you would like this chapter to be. The only one who answered was the wonderful T0ast_0f_The_T0wn so here we go with a movie review! Thanks a lot!!!

So, in this chapter I will be talking about two movies that look alike a bit, since they are both biographies of (rock? Idk the one is about rock but I m not sure about the other one) musicians.

The first one is...

*drum roll*

*drum roll*

*drum roll*

*drum roll*

*drum roll*

*drum roll*

*drum roll*

*drum roll*

*drum roll*

*drum roll*

*drum roll*

*drum roll*

*drum roll*

Bohemian Rhapsody

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Bohemian Rhapsody was released in 2018 and it narrates Freddie Mercury's life story.

I honestly love it with all my heart and think it's a movie that is definitely a must-watch! I mean that the first time I watched it was before a few months and since then, I have seen it other two times without being bored at all.

As I mentioned before, the film is Freddie Mercury's (and Queen's but mainly Freddie's) biography. Really, this is enough -there aren't much to say about the plot. It shows how the band was born and rose to sucess. You can also see how some of their most famous songs like We Will Rock You were created and the difficulties the band had to go through. At some point, Freddie started a romanric relationship with a guy called Paul, which ruined him. Paul made sure to isolate Freddie from the outside world and all the people who trully loved him. Thankfully, later Freddie understood what was going on and came back to the real world!

Why would I recommend it
• First of all, it's a biography and in my opinion biographies and historical movies are always the most interesting, since they narrate true events. Then, Queen are one of the greatest and more legendary rock musicians (and musicians in general) so I think that even if you are not a fan of the band, you might find it interesting.

• However it's not just that the movie narrating a true story, but also that this story is amazing itself. Freddie Mercury had been lost during his time with Paul. This resulted into him acting arrogant, losing contact with the band and the people he loved and ending up all alone. The state he was was really sad but he didn't seem to fully realize it until later on. That was when he let go of his toxic relationship with Paul and found the courage to go on with life not caring about the lies Paul said to the journalists about him. He admitted his mistakes and asked for forgiveness before giving the greatest concert ever in Live Aid with the rest of the band. He had also learnt that he had AIDS which meant that he would die, but didn't let this let him down. Instead he faced the future with courage trying to enjoy his life the time he had left.

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