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I m back!!!

So, I want to make a second chapter today because yesterday (29 June) was Don Rosa's birthday!!!

In case you didn't already know, Don Rosa is my greatest idol and favourite comic book creator. He became 70 years old yesterday :''')

Yeah so...some stuff about him. Don Keno Hugo Rosa is American (from Kentucky in specific) but his family came from Italy. He is a huge fan of Carl Barks, who is considered to be the greatest Disney comic book creator of all time. So, he followed in the Duck Master's footteps initially creating his own comic book and later working for Disney. To be honest, I don't know much about his life. I will habe to read more.
Anyway, he stands out among other comic book creators because of his extremely detailed illustration style. He is also the only duck comic book creator that I know of, who not only includes historical events and people but also promotes meanings in many of his stories. Disney normally forbids the artists from signing their work (OF COURSE. Disney is a thing like the music record companies but even worse. Because the music record companies may have the rights to the music but at least the people who listen to the music know the band/artist who made it. Disney owns the rights AND doesn't let the names of the people who did all the work show. Actually I need to ask you something: if I wrote a rant on the matter would anyone read it? ) but Don Rosa has found a way to do it, without breaking the rules. Usually in the first page of his stories, he somewhere hides the letters "D.U.C.K" which stand for "Dedicated to Uncle Carl by Keno". Isn't this awesome?
His most well-known work (and my favourite too) is The Life And Times Of Scrooge McDuck which has won the Eisner Award, the greatest award concerning American comic books.  I also love his stories The Quest For Kalevala, The Last Sled, Letter From Home and Dream Of A Lifetime.

After this small introduction, let's get to the spam

After this small introduction, let's get to the spam

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