Dark Tag Of Wonders

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Fly to a dream
Far across Wattpad
All the burdens gone
Answer the tag once more
Dark tag of wonders
Seen through the eyes
Of the one with pure heart
Once so long ago

This doesn't even make sense lmao
chaos_god_faven_ tagged me (not really. They tagged my roleplay account but tags are more fun when I do them in this account sooooo...)! Thanks a lot anyway 🙂

1) Weird fact about you
I like ducks, power metal and mythology.

2) Favourite food
Sorry I don't know the English word for that...

3) First fandom
Does this mean first obsession or first obsession after you had got Wattpad and had learned what the word "fandom" means?

If it's the first one, Winx Club XD
My favourite season was 3, my favourite power Enchantix (even the official channel of Winx agrees with me on that) and my favourite fairies Flora and Stella. What about you?

If it means the second, then the Riordanverse

4) Best friends
You have already heard the response "they are 4 and don't have Wattpad" too many times so I will talk about my Wattpad ones this time ♥️

Duffsvodka39  you are such an amazing person! A talented artist (both when it comes to drawing and making memes) with a great sense of humor. I always enjoy talking to you so much because you make me laugh a lot! I am very happy I have got to know you 😊

T0ast_0f_The_T0wn first of all, you are an awesome artist and I absolutely love both your drawings and songs. Also, you believe and support some great ideals and you have made think of beauty in a different way than before reading your books. You are definitely one of the most interesting and great people I have met here and I believe that one day you will definitely manage to make your dreams come true ❤️

old_fashioned_girll you are one of the sweetest and kindest people I have met here! You are also very interesting with quite special interests that are absolutely amazing, just like you ☺️

flufflyduff  you are realy kind an interesting and I 'm proud to be your friend ❤️

inyourdarkesthour  first of all I think you understand that you satisfy two very important requirements that make someone a friend of mine: a) you like power metal and b) you like duck comics. Just joking, you are my friend because you are kind and awesome (though your taste in music and comics helps a bit too lol) 😀

justmaves  you are such a kind and sweet person! Don't underestimate yourself because you deserve much better ❤️

appetite_for_lies I don't really know what to say about you except one word: awesomness ❤️

emosewaa  you are my friend because you are kind, happy, nice and fun ☺️

5) Your lockscreen

5) Your lockscreen

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