Tag Of Victory

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My chapter titles are getting weird-

Anyway I was tagged by MythicalNerdy. Thanks a lot :D

Let's see...

1) Ten random facts about yourself

1. I can be very sensitive sometimes which combined with the fact that I also am too polite, can result in feeling hurt when someone else may not care if they were in a similar situation

2. Me and frikkin-metal may make a couple of comic books about octopuses. Yes about octopuses. The one will be called How To Be An Octopus: Survival Guide and it will include survival tips in case you happen to be an octopus. And the other one will take place in a fantasy alternative universe in which the dominant species on Earth is not human but octopus which has developed civilization. What do you think?

3. I hate school

4. I really don't like today's mainstream pop music. The reason? I think the music itself is ok (though it depends) but I really hate it's culture and set of ideals, because well...they basically don't exist. It's superficial and fully commercial and I absolutely hate commercial music

5. I walked 3 km in my birthday party in Sunday because one of my friends suggested we walked to a place "which is close" and well...

6. Rhapsody Of Fire (whose song Dawn Of Victory is the reference in the title) released a new song a day before my birthday and a day after one of my friends' birthday lol

7. I don't know what more to say

8. Have I told you that I used to feed my dolls with toothpaste when I was little?

9. I had a sudden nostalgia for Asterix comics yesterday and now I want to reread all the issues I have

10. The next chapter I will write on here will probably be either a review of one of my favourite animated shows of all time or a rant. Which do you want me to do first?

Yayy I did it :D

2) Nine things you do every day:

1. Study

2. Listen to at least one (power metal) song

3. Cry over
   a) school
   b) friends/"friends"
   c) other people's problems
Well actually I don't do that every day but at least three times a week so... 🤷🏻‍♀️

4. Check Wattpad announcements.
(I respond to notifications only when I have time)

5. Talk with Vince aka my daughter aka Duffsvodka39  whom you all need to follow. Though again we don't talk every day but I guess we do it quite often 😅

6. Wake up at 7 am and want to kill whoever invented school because all I want to do is sleep in my soft, warm bed until 2

7. Daydream over fandoms

8. Watch a bit of a movie/series

9. Doodle

3) Eight fears:

1. Dogs

2. Being judged

3. Being alone

4. Not being cared for at all

5. Uhh...the dark?

6. Exams/tests

7. Teachers

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