Tag once again!

55 5 15

Thank you very much The_Misfit_One !!!!😊 (And thanks for translating the questions too)

Let's start

1) Male or Female

2) High School or Technical Institute
High School

3) Are you good at school?
I 'm considered good but I don't considered myself good

4) Are you good at P.E.?
Well, my teacher lets the boys do whatever they want and makes the girls play volleyball. I suck at volleyball so no

5) What team do you cheer for?
Is that even a question?


6) Lock Screen
Bon Jovi of course

7) Home screen?It used to be one of my favourite paintings by Carl Barks:

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7) Home screen?
It used to be one of my favourite paintings by Carl Barks:

7) Home screen?It used to be one of my favourite paintings by Carl Barks:

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But I changed it today and now it's this beauty:

8) Profile Picture?Here on Wattpad? My cute Frazeeeeel!!!!!!!!

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8) Profile Picture?
Here on Wattpad? My cute Frazeeeeel!!!!!!!!

8) Profile Picture?Here on Wattpad? My cute Frazeeeeel!!!!!!!!

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On the only other social media I have (viber) it's this:

On the only other social media I have (viber) it's this:

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9) Worst dare they made you do?
I don't play truth or dare...?

10) Subject you hate?

11) Do you draw on your school books?

This is the description of my school day.

12) Are you a tidy person?

13) Worst mark took at school?
12/20 but hey it was a history test with only two questions. Our teacher told us that if we wrote more that necessary we would get a lower mark. In the first question I wrote the correct answer and then I erased half of it because I thought it wasn't necessary -_-

14) Do you have a lot of friends?
I have four best friends. If that's considered a lot I don't know...

15) Do you have more male friends or more female friends?
More female friends

16) Things you hate?
Oh that's a long list! Let's start!
>that trash that you may have heard as "The Percy Jackson movies"
> Octavian
> Zeus
> Thor: Ragnarok
> Bullying
> The fact that humanity are destroying our planet
> The human stupidity in general
> Sexism
> Racism
> My old headmaster (that woman was the Devil himself believe me)
> The combination of yellow and black
> And this food I don't know how it is called in English
> When I have a ton of books to read and then teachers make us read another one which is extremely boring
> 2017 Ducktales
> A book called "Γεροσταθης"
> My old school
> Some stories by Romano Scarpa
> Gladstone Gander

17) Have you ever tried smoking?
What? No!

18) Do you think you are childish?
Ah I don't know. Maybe

19) Have you ever gotten drunk?

20) Tag 25 people
Idk 25 people but I will do my best





owlLight86 (heheh)




shine_a_little_light (heheh once again)






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