Chapter 5

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December 26, 2001 Tampa, Florida
I opened my eyes, groaning and sitting up. My back was sore from sleeping on the floor. I was back in my old house. I didn't know where else to go. Thank god I didn't sell it.

I painfully stood up, wincing. I vaguely remember opening the door here, and passing out in the living room. I shuffled upstairs, to my bathroom. I looked into the mirror.

My hair was messy and loose, and I had dried blood under my nose. Damn it. I rinsed it off and brushed my teeth and hopped into the shower.

After that, I changed into my old clothes that I had left here. Crap, how was I going to get everything back from Nick's house?

Then it hit me. We had a huge argument and I'm pretty sure we broke up. I held in the tears and went downstairs to turn on the TV while I ate breakfast.

"So it seems like things are over for Backstreet Boy Nick Carter and actress Lili Viotto."

I looked up. They were showing photos.

"A photographer caught Nick heading up to Paris Hilton's house two days ago, and then the next day, Lili running out of Nick's house with a bloody nose. Rumors has it that Nick possibly hit her, but we are awaiting word from the two stars. More after."

Commercials came on. I wiped my face and turned off the TV. How was I going to go out now? I decided to call the one person I knew I could count on. I dialed her number and she answered immediately.

"Lili? I heard about it on the news. What happened?" Britney asked.

"He cheated Britney. With Paris." I started crying.

"Paris? But why?" she sounded shocked.

"I don't know!" I cried, desperately.

"Hey, calm down. Just fly over here to Los Angeles. We'll deal with it. Okay?" Britney told me.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Don't worry, okay? I'll be waiting for you at LAX. I love you, we'll figure it out." Britney promised. We had formed a tight bond during 1999, and were best friends.

"Love you too. I'll be there soon." I hung up and slipped on normal jeans with a long coat.

Fuck. I didn't have a wallet or passport or anything that I needed to fly with. They were at Nick's house. Shit. There was no way I could face him. Not after last night. Brian and Leighanne definitely flew back last night, after seeing the drama.

I didn't want to do it, but I went into my car and drove to Nick's place. I parked my car a block away, and walked up to the house.

I got out the key and opened the door as quietly as I could. I peeked in. No one was in the kitchen or living room. I closed the door behind me and tip toed upstairs.

The door was open. I stepped in, and walked to the drawers. I opened the first one, where I kept my things.

"What are you doing?" a male voice caught my attention. I turned around. Nick. I wanted to cry at the sight of seeing him again, but I stayed strong.

"I'm just getting my things, I'll be out." I turned back and grabbed my wallet and passport.

He didn't respond, and went into the closet. He came back with a suitcase.

"You'll need this too." he rolled it towards me. I stared at it. I wasn't expecting him to act so cold. One look at his face, and I knew we were over.

I nodded and just stuffed everything in it, not bothering to fold things. He kept sniffing, something I knew very well. He was on drugs.

"Nick, where did you go? I've been looking for you." Paris strolled in, holding a little brown Chihuahua, wearing shoes and a pink dress. She stopped when she saw me.

Mr. and Mrs. Carter: I Need You Tonight Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu