Chapter 9

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June 19, 2002 Beverly Hills, Los Angeles
I cheered as the Chicago Bulls scored a point. Then I sat back down next to Paris.

"Hey, Nicky, I have something to tell you." she said. I didn't pay attention, I was watching the game. She nudged me and repeated her statement. I frowned. I didn't like being talked to during a game. And she knew that very well.

"Paris, can't it wait? I'm watching the game." I shrugged her off.

"No it can't." she said, firmly.

"Shhh!" the guy behind us said.

"Sorry." I turned around.

"Nick." Paris said. Frustrated, I looked at her.

"What?" I whispered.

"I'm going to Australia in a week. I just thought I'd let you know." she fished out lip gloss from her bag and applied some. I stared at her. She was always going places. I also didn't like how comfortable she got with Chad Michael Murray either. I turned back to the game, but didn't even cheer when the Bulls won.

I put down my hair from its short ponytail and adjusted it. Another night of going to the club.

As soon as I entered, I went to buy drinks. I went with my usual, shots. After several shots, everything felt numb.

"Lili? Is that you?" I heard a voice that I hadn't heard in years.

"Kenneth?" I turned around. I hadn't seen him since I was seventeen. Five years ago. I heard that he had gotten into drugs and stopped acting. Happened to every single child star eventually.

"Yeah. I haven't seen you in a while." he sat down next to me.

"I've been busy." I ordered another round of shots. Kenneth nodded. I drank them and we stayed silent. It was incredibly awkward. Something was telling me to run, but I stayed.

"Nick's an asshole, you know. He didn't deserve you." he said, suddenly. I looked up.


"You heard me. Nick's an asshole. God, you're beautiful. I wanted you from the moment I met you seven years ago." Kenneth leaned in and kissed me. I stayed stiff, unsure of what to do. When he stopped, I turned away, suddenly feeling shy.

After a moment, he spoke again.

"So, you want some? They're great, I use them all the time. I have ecstasy, heroine, coke, and the best of all. Meth. Which one you want?" he held out packets. Drugs. I tried them before two years ago, when I was twenty. During filming. I never told anyone, knowing that I would get scolded. I think it had been meth, but I wasn't sure.

"Sure." I shrugged. "But we can't do them here."

Kenneth nodded. "I know. Come on, let's go to my place." he took my hand and we left and went to his house. The moment we entered, we went straight to the coffee table in the living room and he lined up the drugs.

"Alright which do you want?" he asked. I looked at them. I decided to be spontaneous.

"I'll do one of each." I leaned forward. He chuckled.

"Brave. I like it. Go on then."

I grinned and decided to go with ecstasy first. I snorted it in, but it didn't have much affect on me. I went for heroine, but it wasn't strong enough for me. I tried the cocaine, but I didn't like it too much. Finally, the meth. I sniffed it, and I felt amazing immediately. I sighed in content and leaned back. Everything felt wonderful. I was in blissful heaven.

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