Chapter 21

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April 21, 2003 Beverly Hills, Los Angeles
"Happy Birthday Lili." I said, over the phone. Lili was on the other side of Beverly Hills, filming. The series had moved from Miami to here, since it was more convenient.

"Thanks Kevin. How's everyone doing over there?" she asked.

"We're good. Kristin and I are doing well, AJ is dating a girl named Rochelle, Brian called yesterday because Baylee is pushing his buttons and Howie is with Leigh, as usual." I smiled.

"That's good." Lili gave a little laugh. She hesitated for a moment.

"How's Nick?" she asked, softly.

I stopped. I hadn't heard her even say his name since they broke it off. Maybe she was starting to realize that she still had feelings for him.

"He's been..." I struggled to find the right word. "Chaotic honestly. I don't know what to do with him anymore. He refuses any type of help for his drug and drinking problem. And his stupid friend Chris isn't helping."

Lili stayed quiet. "I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he isn't giving you gray hair. You're barely thirty."

I chuckled. "Yeah. You'd think he was my kid or something."

"Umm, Kevin, I gotta go right now. The reporters just arrived." she sighed.

I pursed my lips together. "Alright. Stay safe okay? Don't let them get to you like last time."

Lili had nearly strangled one.


"Bye." I said.

"Bye." Lili hung up.

I put my phone down on the bed and took a deep breath. For the past few days, I've been feeling uneasy. My gut was telling me that something really bad was about to happen.

Very soon.

"Kevin! Don't leave me!" I screamed.

"I'm sorry Nick. But you made your choice. These are the consequences." Kevin closed the door and left.

"No!" I ran to the door, but it was locked. "Kevin!" I pounded on the door.

I heard a wail, like a child crying. I turned around. There was some sort of crib. I tilted my head and walked toward it.

It had a baby inside, and it looked familiar.

It had the brightest hazel eyes I'd ever seen.

Suddenly, it started making gagging sounds. I widened my eyes and stepped back.

It started coughing and spluttering for a few moments.

All of a sudden, it turned pale and went still.

The baby had choked to death.

I woke up, gasping, and sweating like crazy.

It was all a dream. A nightmare.

So why did it feel like a warning?

I glanced at the clock. Ten fourteen in the morning. I had only been asleep for an hour.


Normally, being a deep sleeper due to all the years on a loud tour bus, I would be able to fall asleep again easily. But for some reason, that wasn't the case tonight.

So, I got dressed and did the only thing I could think of, even through I promised myself not to.

I grabbed the bottle of vodka.

Mr. and Mrs. Carter: I Need You Tonight Where stories live. Discover now