Chapter 18

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March 27, 2003 Beverly Hills, Los Angeles
I woke up in mess of sheets.

Then I remembered what Kevin had done yesterday. A part of me wanted to hate him for it, but another part was thankful.

And another felt like buying more to replace them.

And that part won.

I forced myself out of bed and fed Willie and Mikey before jumping in the shower.

After I had come out and dried myself off, I brushed my hair and shook it out to dry, as I usually did. The guys said that I looked like a dog when I did it, but it worked for me.

I got dressed and went to the medicine cabinet for a pain killer for my headache.

I opened it, and looked through it. I found it, got it, and was about to close the cabinet when I noticed another bottle. I grabbed it and examined it.

It was birth control.

Guilt washed over me, but I ignored it and threw away the bottle. My right arm was still broken, but healing, so I had to drive with one arm.

"Yo, Carter that you?" Chris asked. I turned around. I had been looking at the vodka shelves.

"Yeah. Hey Chris." I said, then turned back. I grabbed three and headed to go pay, but Chris stopped me.

"Aren't you gonna share buddy? I know you got way more at your house." he said, jutting his chin out toward the bottles.

"I don't. Kevin threw them away last night." I scowled.

Chris made a face. "Damn. Why doesn't he worry about himself? He's always in your business, you'd think you're brothers or something."

I looked at him. "We are."

Chris laughed. "Please Carter, you're not even related."

"Family isn't always blood Chris." I brushed past him and went to go pay.

"Don't be like that man. Come on, we should have fun tonight." Chris caught up to me as I walked to my car.

"Dude, wasn't last night enough?" I got into my car.

"That? That was nothing. We were missing the girls." Chris went into the passenger seat.

I gave him a look.

"Get out of my car."

Chris leaned back. "Nah, you got a pretty sick car. Plus, what are you gonna do? Kick me out? You're a one armed man right now." he tapped my cast and I pulled it away.

I sighed in disgust. "Fine." I started the engine and drove back home, but he stopped me.

"Here really? Come on man, let's go someplace fun. Let's go to that club your blonde ex used to go to. It's rad." Chris suggested.

"Blonde ex?" I scratched my head.

Chris rolled his eyes. "Don't get a big head Carter. We both know you only have two blonde exes. Brunette exes, you got a bunch, yeah. But only two blondes. And only one went to clubs. The one with the sex tape."

"Oh." I scrunched up my nose. "That's Paris."

"Yeah, Patty, whatever her name is. Although, the other did go to some awesome clubs too. Lulu was her name I think?" Chris frowned.

I gripped the steering wheel with my left hand. "It's Lili. Not Lulu."

"Mhm. Girl went crazy. She's been in jail for a little while."

Mr. and Mrs. Carter: I Need You Tonight Where stories live. Discover now