Chapter 10

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June 27, 2002 Beverly Hills, Los Angeles
"Are you sure you want to do this? You only reconnected with him like a week ago." I protested.

Lili had simply called me asked if I wanted to be her maid of honor. I had nearly spit out my drink. Of course I accepted, but in hopes that I would be able to talk her out of this.

So far, it wasn't working.

"It's okay, I love him." she pushed her hair away from her face. But I could tell she was lying. I'm sure she hated this guy, and he probably threatened her or something.

"But-" I began.

"But nothing Britney. Do you want to be apart of this or not? I don't have time to argue." Lili said. I stopped talking.

"Sorry. I'm just looking out for you." I sighed. Lili nodded.

"Thanks, but I'll be fine." Lili gave a smile, but I could tell she was trying not to break down in tears. We heard the music begin. I pursed my lips together.

"You should probably go over there, with the other bridesmaids." she sniffed. I nodded. I exited the little place, and went to stand next to Kristin, Kevin's wife.

"How is she?" she asked. I shook my head.

"She looks like she's trying not to cry. I know she doesn't want this. And he just seems so...wrong for her. I feel like he forced her into this." I admitted, looking over at Kenneth, who was tapping his foot impatiently. Kristin looked incredibly pitiful.

"She's already been through so much, she doesn't deserve this." her lips went into a straight line. I was about to agree, but I turned as everyone else did. Kenneth had invited most of his family here. Kevin was walking Lili down the aisle. She looked so pretty and miserable at the same time.

It felt like I was looking at her at her own funeral. Lili walked over to Kenneth, who had the biggest smile on his face.


The minister went with the usual saying, up until the final moment.

"Do you, Kenneth Phillip Moore, take Liliana Elisabetta Viotto, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poor, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" he asked.

"I do." Kenneth answered, immediately. I scowled.

"Do you, Liliana Elisabetta Viotto, take Kenneth Phillip Moore, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poor, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" he asked again.

Lili hesitated. She looked at me, she looked at Kevin. Her green eyes were filled with sadness. I slowly shook my head, indicating that she called the whole thing off. Kenneth grew red. I saw him nudge her with his foot. Lili turned back to him. He gave her a look and gestured to me. I frowned.

"I do." Lili hung her head. The priest smiled, but I knew he could tell something was off.

"Very well. You may kiss the bride." he said, closing the book. Kenneth pulled Lili into a kiss, but I could tell she wasn't kissing him back. Everyone clapped. I clapped, but it was stiff. So did Kevin and Kristin.

Lili pulled away and wiped her eyes. Then, she ran towards me and hugged me tightly. I rubbed her back. Her first marriage...this really sucked. Kenneth gave an awkward smile but shot me a death glare. I returned it, and comforted Lili. I sat with her the whole time for the wedding, while the guests ate the cake and congratulated Kenneth.

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