Chapter 17

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March 26, 2003 Beverly Hills, Los Angeles
"I do not find this evidence valid. Therefore, Mrs. Moore, I declare you guilty for the murder of Kenneth Moore." the judge slammed his gavel.

"What?" I stood up. But he already stood up and left.

"How?" I turned to Britney. She shook her head.

"I don't know, it's all in the video that you didn't kill him." she said.

"Maybe we can go to a different judge?" I suggested, desperately.

"Shit, your nose is bleeding, here." Britney handed me the pills and a water bottle. I didn't even notice. I quickly took the before I had a hypertension attack.

I wiped away the blood.

"Something's gotta be wrong. I can't last another day in jail." I covered my face.

"I know, and Kevin and I will figure it out okay? Don't worry, we'll get you out. My mom doesn't mind taking care of Christopher."

I nodded. "Thanks Brit. I have to go."

The police were already putting me in handcuffs again and they walked me outside of the court where paparazzi and reporters were. They swarmed around me.

"Lili, did you really kill your husband? Is it because he was abusing you like the rumors said?" a man shoved a microphone in my face. I didn't answer.

"Lili, your squeaky clean record has been completely diminished, how does this feel?" another asked.

"Get away from her." A policeman shoved them aside while they put me in a car. I was driven back to the jail, and was put back in the cell with the orange suit.

"Hey, little miss perfect. Glad to see you back." the girl, who's name was Tamara, gave a evil little smile. I ignored her.

Soon enough, it was lunch time, and the food was absolutely disgusting, but I didn't say anything. Instead, I just didn't eat it. I wasn't desperate enough yet.

That was a mistake.

"You ain't gonna eat that?" Tamara asked. "Of course. I forgot this food isn't exactly what you're used to huh? I bet later tonight you'll just seduce one of the policemen and you'll get everything you want."

That was it. I turned to her and punched her nose. She fell back, and covered her nose, which I knew had to be bleeding. Everyone turned and gaped.

"Hey! Back in the cell for you!" the woman yelled, grabbing me and shoving me back in there.

I didn't protest all all. But I was not going to have anyone talk to me like that. I was in jail already, what more did I have to lose?

So instead, I simply laid down on the bed, wondering how the hell I was going to survive here until another court date.

"Cmon man, let's just go get drunk and have some coke, like usual." Chris said, lazily.

I shook my head. "No man, I promised Kevin I wouldn't anymore. I'm going to rehab in a little."

Chris snorted. "Please. You're going to that? I didn't know you were such a pussy Carter."

My nostrils flared. "I'm not. I care what goes into my body. And that shit isn't helping it."

He rolled his eyes. "Doesn't seem to be a problem when you sleep with girls."

That pissed me off.

I shoved him to the floor and tackled him, trying to punch him.

"You motherfucker!" I yelled, trying to hit his face.

Mr. and Mrs. Carter: I Need You Tonight Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant