Chapter 14

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I had no freaking clue how he managed to do this, but it was like ten in the evening and Blake was still at our house, watching a re-run, yes a re-run, of a football game with my dad, Ty and me.

"Come on! Run! For Christ sake! I've never seen a defence more suckish than that! RUN!"

"Is she always like that when she watches football?" Blake asked behind me, but I ignored him.

"Jeez! Why didn't you listen?" I yelled at the TV when the running back got tackled, letting myself fall back on the floor while Ty was throwing popcorn at the screen.

"YOU SUCK," he screamed at the running back.

"Yes. It gets worse during the play-offs," my father answered, but I ignored him too.

"You know they win that game, right?" Blake informed me, chuckling, and I threw a cushion in his face for that.

"Yes Mister Know-It-All, I am well informed of it, but I still think my tactic advice always helps them win in the end," I answered Blake absentmindedly.

"Good thing you aren't a cheerleader at school, otherwise you'd give the coach a heart-attack with all your screaming."

"Don't you have somewhere to be? A party to attend? Alcohol to drink? Girl to fuck?"

"We don't say fuck in the living room Lexi," my father said at the same time Ty screamed, "YOU FUCKING WUSS! KNOCK THE SHIT OUT OF HIM!"

"Actually, no. I'm pretty comfortable here," Blake answered and leaned more comfortably into the couch.

"Suit yourself," I mumbled and then, "NO! LEFT! GO LEFT! WATCH YOUR RIGHT!"

"I never would have guessed your Friday nights consisted of watching football re-runs, screaming at the screen like a lunatic." Blake informed me, and just by his tone I knew he was smirking.

I wanted to answer "Go fuck yourself," but technically I wasn't supposed to use that word in the living room.


"What do you want me to say? I retired from the wet t-shirt industry. Got too many rashes," I told him.

"So that means I should probably send the Lamborghini to the cleaner?" Blake asked.

"You're the one with the Lamborghini?" dad exclaimed.

"Yes, well, technically, it's my dad's."

"Some guy at school, huh?" my father mumbled.

I rolled my eyes, but he probably didn't see me.

Great! Just great.

"That car's a beauty," my father finally said, thoughtfully.

Oh here we go...

"I know. There's just something about the Murciélago" I tuned him out after that. He was saying useless stuff about his car that didn't really make any sense. While he talked about the car though, I think I saw something that actually, almost looked like a smile, and not a smirk, on his lips, but that was just for one millisecond, and it disappeared as fast as it came.

"But you don't give a shit about the Earth, right," I told him, frowning, because I got nothing from that rambling mess, he just did except for a part about awful gas millage.


"Global warming, you dimwit," I explained.

"You know technically, some scientists say that global warming is all a natural thing," Blake said with a smirk I would have gladly punched off his face.

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