Chapter 27: Betrayl

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"Can you reach into the glovebox for me?" Beca nodded as she immediately reached into the glovebox to find a handgun. "And this is for what?" Beca asked with a smirk as she waved it around. Jason turned his head to scowl at Beca's actions. "Ok first of all don't be waving guns around in my truck and secondly," Jason quickly snatched the gun from Beca and put it in between his own lap. "you will know when the time comes for us to use it, well mostly me anyways. Look kid, my parents are well known around this kind of business, so no one is gonna fuck with us. If they do they suffer the major consequences. Now when we hit this checkpoint we're gonna run into two people." Beca sighed in annoyance as she crossed her arms in boredom. "Two people who also have guns on them. I'll do the talking and all you have to do is load the product into their truck. Luckily for your first night we don't have a lot to give them." Beca rolled her eyes as they ended up on a lone dirt road. As far as Beca's eyes could see there was another truck, without their headlights on. "There they are, remember load the truck and definitely no talking." Jason rolled the truck in right beside them, turning the engine off as they both hopped out. Jason making sure he put the gun tucked behind into his jeans before they got out. "Hey daddy's boy, who's your little friend there? She looks new." Jason rolled his eyes as he walked in front of the two men. Beca didn't waste any time in grabbing some of the boxes and walking towards the strange men's truck. "Does it matter who she is? We got your boss our top product, that's what should matter most to you." Beca only caught a few glimpses at the men as she loaded the truck one by one. One man was shorter than the other, but they seemed to dress the same. They didn't look the same though, one had scars on his face and one of them had tattoos covered on his neck. The taller tattooed man laughed as he nodded nonchalantly. "Always down to business with you blossoms huh?" When Jason didn't answer the shorter man decided to speak up. "Is that all you got for us? We told your old man we needed more than that." Jason scoffed as Beca put the last box in their truck, looking at their backs. "You'll get more when your boss decides to pay us more than a few lousy bucks. He knows we're not cheap." The shorter man seemed to grow stiff with anger. "When we say we want more, we mean we want more. So why don't you and the short bitch go get us what we asked for and maybe we won't have any accidents along the way?" Jason rolled his eyes at the men in front of him. "Pay up and we will, but as soon as that happens this is all you're getting." For a few seconds the two men had a stare down with the burly red head, until one of them decided to slowly reach behind their backs. Beca's eyes widened as she saw the taller man reach for his gun, she quickly looked around the back of their truck and found a heavy crowbar. Before she even reached the smaller man Jason already pulled out his gun and shot the taller man right between his eyes, making him fall onto the dirt road instantly. "You fucking son of a-!" Beca grunted as she hit the other man with the crowbar behind his head quickly. She kept hitting him repeatedly until he stopped moving on the ground completely. Beca drew in harsh breaths into her chest as she dropped the bloody crowbar onto the dirt floor. Jason smirked at her as he put his gun back into his jeans and walked calmly to his truck. "Get in the truck, I'll clean up." As soon as she got into the truck, she watched as Jason pulled out leather gloves from his pockets. He continued to drag the men's bodies into their own truck and seated them next to each other. He then walked over to the back of his own truck and grabbed the gasoline canister he brought along with him. Jason doused the truck with gasoline as he lit the truck on fire, he stood there for awhile just watching them burn. Beca watched him curiously as he took off his gloves and threw it on top of the flames. Jason eventually went back inside the truck with a bloody Beca right beside him. "You did good kid, not a lot of employees know what to do when shit goes down like that. My parents well definitely be pleased with the both of us that's for sure." Beca huffed as she put her seatbelt on and they left the scene together. "How? The product was still on that truck, you just burnt your own parents money." Jason laughed loudly as they went back the way they came. "My parents knew these guys were sketchy from the first meeting with them. The product is nothing but old flour from our bakery shop. All of this was just a set up to send their boss a message, nothing more nothing less." Beca scoffed out a laugh as she looked down at her clothes, full of blood. "I'm definitely gonna need to burn these clothes, I can't go back to my house like this." Jason nodded as he pushed his hair back nonchalantly. "I'm sure we have some clothes that might fit you back at the barn. When you do go back, tell my sister I miss her will ya?" Beca rolled her eyes as she huffed out a whatever to him, making him smile.

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