Chapter 28: Repeating The Past

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"So how do we handle this?" Carson asked Chloe curiously as Sharon cupped her mug, looking as if she was day dreaming. Chloe sighed as she went through her notes as they were outside having their little 'meeting' before Beca woke up to wreak chaos again. "All that you've told me it seems Beca has some unresolved issues with her original parents. Due to their last records before they died, they never had a will and Beca didn't have any distant relatives she could live with. So she was stuck in the system, spending some time in the orphanage. Then she met you two, which she seemed thankful for. No kid wants to go grow up in those places, I'm sure it made her feel unwanted, which is fair. After that she started having blackouts again, which we can't really know the trigger for if she was in school and you two were at work most of the time. My request from you and Sharon would be not to allow her to work today and suggest she have some sessions with me as soon as possible." Carson nodded right away as Sharon looked at Chloe with apprehension. "She just got this job, I don't think that would look good to the blossoms Carson." Carson shook his head in detest as he looked at Sharon with a mild glare. "I don't care what the blossoms think! At this point all I care about is Beca becoming Beca again. Don't you agree?" Sharon sighed lightly as she nodded setting her mug down. "Of course I agree, it's just that I think this was a good opportunity for Beca and the Blossoms would be the best thing for colleges to look at." Carson looked at Sharon with a mild glare as she put her hands up in defeat. "Sorry, I know this is a very serious situation, but Beca seems to be a normal person when she's like this. I'm just saying she-" Carson huffed angrily as he got out of his chair abruptly. "She is normal with or without this protector of hers that she's created. For the mean time she's not going anywhere without one of us or Miss Beale and that definitely includes the Blossoms barn." Sharon's eyes widened in shock as she's never seen her husband like this before. "Of course you're right, I'm so sorry. We will tell her together when she wakes up." Chloe sighed in relief as she interjected for one last time. "I also wanted to try a new type of therapy on Beca if that's okay with you two." Carson nodded as he looked at Sharon where she eventually nodded.

Beca woke up to find herself with a permanent smirk on her face. As she showered and got ready for her new line of work she started to head downstairs finding Carson, Sharon, and Chloe siting in the lounge waiting for her. Beca chuckled out a laugh as she tilted her head in confusion. "What's up guys? You watching a new tv show without me? I'm jealous." Carson cleared his throat as he stood up with his arms crossed against his chest. "Beca Miss Beale has informed us that you're still not well. I've already called the Blossoms to let them know you're not coming in today, or any other day for that matter." Chloe could feel the anger radiate from Beca's body as she turned to look at Chloe with a glare. "Oh so she told you, I really didn't want you guys to find out like this. You know I wanted it to be on my own terms. Look I know this seems weird but I'm actually doing Beca a favor here. I'm protecting her." Sharon decided to interrupt with curiosity as she too stood up with her husband. "Protecting her from what?" Beca smirked as she was about to say something until Chloe interjected hurriedly. "Carson, Sharon, it's okay I got it from here. Beca would you like to start our session in your room?" Beca laughed as she shrugged while dropping her backpack on the ground carelessly. "Whatever floats your boat doc." Chloe sighed in relief as she made sure Beca's parents were staying downstairs as she followed Beca up to her room. As soon as they were alone together Beca pushed her against the wall roughly, making her groan in pain. "You play a dirty game red, but so do I. I could have easily told them about how you kissed us. How you said you were in love with us, just to take it all back when things got too hot to handle. You're the reason I'm here, not Beca. It's time to take some ownership of that, don't you think?" Chloe put her hand to the back of her head as she pushed herself off of the wall and shoved Beca back just as rough, making her trip backwards in surprise. "You think I don't blame myself for how I handled things between us? I do! I should have been more careful with you, but I just got caught up in the moment. Yes it was wrong of me to be that selfish and I'm so sorry Beca. I don't know how many times I have to tell you this, but I will keep telling you until you understand that I still love you. Even when you're not the Beca I need right now." Chloe saw Beca's eyes softened as she took a breath and looked around at her surroundings, as if she was seeing everything for the first time. "Chloe?" Chloe's eyes widened as she immediately hugged a scared looking Beca. "What? Where am I?" Chloe shook her head as she detached herself from Beca. "You're in your house, but you've been gone for awhile. How do you feel? Do you remember anything?" Beca swallowed nervously as she sat down on her bed, feeling overwhelmed. "I'm okay I think and the last thing I remember was you talking to me while I was in the restroom at that stupid karaoke bar. After that it gets kind of blurry." Chloe sat down next to Beca cautiously as she took Beca's right hand in her own, intertwining them together. "You were gone for a couple of months Beca, a lot of things changed." Beca looked at Chloe worriedly. "What changed? Did I hurt anyone? Did I hurt you?" Chloe shook her head as she knew all of this information she had could potentially lead Beca back into that state, so she decided to keep Beca at bay for now. "No Beca you didn't hurt anyone. The other part of yourself has been busy but nothing too major to worry about okay?" Beca sighed in relief as she looked at Chloe gratefully. "Thanks Chloe, I don't know what you did but I'm out. I'm sorry I couldn't face you...I was just scared. I knew she could handle it though, she always protects me." Chloe knew she had to be careful with the questions she had to ask Beca, but she needed to get to the root of all these blackouts. It didn't help either that  Beca was asking so many questions that she couldn't answer either. "I know it was my fault that you had to use her to protect you in the first place. I'm sorry for hurting you the way I did Beca, I was scared too. I was scared of all the feelings you pulled out of me. I didn't know I could love someone as much as I love you, but I'm glad I do now." Beca smiled in relief as she leaned into Chloe's personal space. "Is it okay if I say I love you back? Also possibly kiss you?" Chloe laughed as she felt tears come to her eyes at having the real Beca out, even if it is just for a few minutes. As soon as Chloe nodded Beca wasted no time in smashing their lips together. Chloe moaned in satisfaction as Beca kissed her passionately. Chloe made sure they didn't go too far as she regretfully pulled away from Beca's tantalizing lips. "Beca wait..." Beca took a shaky breath as she looked into Chloe's tearful baby blue eyes. "What's wrong?" Chloe licked her lips as she kept their hands intertwined as she looked into Beca's familiar eyes. "I want to try something new, therapy wise. Would that be okay with you? I'm just trying to see why you need her to protect you, even for minor things." Beca nodded as she scooted closer to Chloe's body, while answering her questions. "Well the first thing is that when something bad happens to me, I can't handle it. Then she comes and protects me in her own little way. When you rejected me, she immediately showed up and offered to take the pain away. Which I said yes too and now realize that was a big mistake. All she did was sleep with random girls and I should have known she would. She always does this whenever I give her full control." Chloe perked up in curiosity as Beca spoke to her calmly and she didn't seem to be too stressed. "So she's always been in your life? Do you remember a time when she wasn't?" Beca sighed as she shrugged and thought for a minute, until she came up with a legitimate answer. "I know why she showed up when she did. I do know it was right after my parents died." Chloe nodded in agreement as she tried to put all the pieces together in her mind. "So when they died did you have any unresolved issues with them? Anything you regret not telling them?" Beca bit her lips nervously as she shrugged her shoulders as she truly couldn't remember anything. "I'm sorry Chloe, every time I try to think of them nothing comes up. It's just blank. I don't know why." Chloe nodded as she tried to comfort Beca with a hug. "Okay, well how about we try something new? Is that okay?" Beca looked at her confusedly as Chloe explained what new therapy she wanted to try on her. Beca felt a little bit overwhelmed, but she felt calm while around Chloe. She was also super relieved that she was finally out and back in reality. Whatever Chloe was telling her to do now, she would do it without any hesitation. Chloe made Beca lay down on her own bed as she sat next to her as she explained what they were going to do together. "Okay so I'm just gonna have you breathe in and out real slowly, try not to think of anything else except the sound of my voice okay?" Beca nodded as they spent a few minutes of Chloe speaking to her softly until her body completely relaxed. Chloe smiled as she finally put Beca's body in a 'sleep mode.' This way she could talk to Beca and get memories she could never access if she was awake. "Beca can you remember the first time you met this protecter of yours?" Beca's face cringed up as she nodded slowly. "I didn't meet her, she met me." Chloe eyed her curiously as Beca continued, eyes still closed and body completely relaxed. "She told me everything would be okay and that I just needed more sleep."
"What happened before she showed up and talked to you Beca?" Beca swallowed nervously as her breathing got intense, as her body clenched up. "He came into my room...told me to be quiet. I was scared so I did what he told me too, but I could hear whimpers of a woman on the other side of the wall."
"Who? Who did you hear Beca?" Beca's eyes started to water as she answered. "It was her...he hurts her when he's like this. He would never hurt me though, just her. I don't know why."
"Is this person your mother? Was your mother in the next room?" Beca nodded slowly as Chloe looked at Beca sadly. "Where is your father?" Beca's breathing slowed down as she looked around her bedroom with her eyes closed, as if she was in another room entirely. "He's on the other side of the room, just staring at the wall." Chloe licked her lips nervously as she built up the courage to ask Beca one last question. "Why is he in your room Beca?" Beca sobbed lowly as she shook her head aggressively. "Beca calm down, you're safe I'm here with you remember? Just breathe." Beca nodded as she started to breathe again before answering Chloe's question. "He said he likes to hear her cry, he likes to make me hear her too. I need to help her Chloe...oh god, he's leaving to do it again! Chloe she needs my help! I can't-!" Beca started to thrash around her bed as Chloe helped her sit up as Beca's eyes immediately opened up in utter fear. Chloe turned Beca's face to hers as she saw the fear in her eyes dissipate all together. Chloe's eyes widened as she felt Beca grip her throat tightly, choking her with all of her strength. "All the work I've done to keep her from remembering this! Everything I've done to keep her from remembering how he hurt her day in and day out! You've ruined everything!" Beca then got on top of Chloe as she now used both of her hands to choke Chloe with all of her strength. The red head thrashed around as her vision was becoming blurry, until she finally felt air come back into her lungs. Chloe coughed loudly as she tried to catch her breath as she saw Carson holding Beca back in his strong grip. "Miss Beale are you okay?! I heard yelling and-!" Chloe coughed loudly as she was trying to catch her breath as Sharon wailed in horror. "Miss Beale! Should we call 911?!" Chloe shook her head in disagreement as she rubbed her throat in mild discomfort. "N-No! I can handle her, I just need to-" Caron shook his head in disbelief as he held a bucking Beca back. "Are you kidding me?! She just choked you for gods sake. I'm sorry Chloe, but she needs to go back to the hospital where she can be watched twenty four seven. We can't handle her alone. Sharon please get on the phone and get the police here." Sharon nodded as she quickly pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed 911.

Author's Note: wow been awhile, hope this is good. Thanks for the support as always.

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