Chapter 4: History Repeats

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"Beca is completely new territory for me Aubrey, I don't even think I know where to begin." Chloe said with a heavy sigh as she sat at her large desk, with Beca's scattered files looking at them stressfully. Aubrey nodded as she sat down in front of Chloe. "Everyone in the medical field would have a hard time figuring out Beca's motives and wants Chloe, it's not just you. Those files will tell you so little about her, I think the best strategy would be to get her to open up to you." Chloe looked up at Aubrey flabbergasted. "Open up to me? Aubrey she snapped that poor girl's wrist in a matter of seconds right next to me for no reason. What makes you think she will open up to me?" Aubrey smiled at Chloe widely. "Chloe don't you understand? Beca hasn't looked someone dead in the eye since she got here. All of a sudden she's looking straight into your eyes without a problem, I call that already opening up to you." Chloe bit her lip in thought as Aubrey continued. "Look Beca is a hard case to crack, we all know that, but she needs help. Her parents sent her here because she almost killed a boy from her high school and the court won't let her out without some sort of improvement. Beca's only seventeen Chloe, she turns eighteen in a couple of months. Technically she can take herself out of here if she remains on good behavior, but she can't do that if the court thinks she's a danger to herself and others. Beca's a smart kid, I believe with your help she can get out of here and make something with her life. So please don't give up on her now..." Chloe sighed lowly as she nodded at her former best friend. "Ok...I'll study her files tonight as best as I can and tomorrow I'll schedule her for a session with me." Aubrey smiled widely as she hugged Chloe tightly across her desk.

Beca woke with the sunlight hitting her eyes making her squint in annoyance. Beca sat up slowly with a groan, her neck was a bit sore, which was weird. Beca looked down to see she still had her old clothes on from last night and decided to tear them off of her body with a confused grimace. Beca frowned as she looked down to see her appendage at full attention. She always hated the mornings and she could do nothing about her little problem, or else she would want to have sex with every girl in this facility. Most mornings she would just sit there until it went away, which would take about ten minutes. Which is exactly what she did, she looked down at herself once more and smiled with relief. Beca grabbed more clothes from the floor that smelled relatively clean and put them on in a haste. She wouldn't want anyone walking in on her and seeing her appendage. Everyone would think she was a an even bigger freak then she already is. Beca hates feeling her emotions, she really needs those pills they gave her the first time she came here. They made her feel like a zombie and no one would even try to speak with her. Beca shook her head as she went to her door and turned the knob. It was locked, why was the door locked? She didn't do anything bad last night did she? Beca huffed as she sat back on her bed confusedly. All she remembers was sitting next to Chloe and pretending to watch the movie. Beca's eyes widened in realization as she remembered Cheryl trying to hit on her again, but after that it was a blank slate. How can she not remember what she did last night, it mush have been bad if they locked her in here until the morning. "It's because you snapped Cheryl's wrist in two." Beca let out a loud gasp as she stood up and looked around her room scaredly at the voice she just heard. Beca swallowed harshly as she rubbed her neck in pain. "Oh and they also pricked you with a needle again." Beca knew how this was going to end and she really didn't want to go through that again. Beca ran to her door and started to bang on it loudly in a panic. "You can bang on the door all you want freak, I'm not letting you out of there until Miss Beale tells me too!" Beca heard Tom's muffled shout behind the door and puffed out a panicked breath. Beca's chest started to heave in and out erratically, it was happening again. Why was it happening again?! She doesn't understand, She was supposed to be better by now! Beca felt short of breath as she crawled onto her bed, completely freaking out.

Tom looked at Beca's door confusedly as the banging stopped instantly after he shouted his comment at Beca. Usually she would continue to hit the door until someone let her out, hell she could go for hours on end if she wanted too. Why was she stopping now? Tom huffed out a breath as he stepped towards the door to open the hatch and peer inside carefully. His eyes widened as he saw Beca laying on her back, gasping for air. "Fuck!" He quickly reached for his walkie talkie on his belt and paged Miss Beale. "Miss Posion we have a three sixty for Beca Mitchell, come quick!" He gulped as he fished for his keys out of his pockets, opening Beca's door quickly. "Come on don't die on me now freak."

Aubrey bursted through Chloe's office door in panic as she looked at a disheveled Chloe. "Chloe it's Beca, follow me!" Chloe popped up from her desk, a few papers stuck to her lab coat as she rushed out of the door with Aubrey as quickly as she could. "What's wrong?!" Chloe asked her confusedly, as she rubbed her eyes from the lack of sleep she could get last night. "I don't know Tom paged me, I think she's having a panic attack." Chloe bit her lip in worry as they finally reached down to Beca's wing of the hospital. Tom came out of the room with a panicked look on his face, as he looked around quickly finally spotting the two doctors. "Finally! What took you guys so long?! I don't what to do, she won't stop-" Chloe rolled her eyes at him as she rushed inside of Beca's room. "It's okay Tom, thank you for paging me so quickly, but we got it from here." Aubrey said as she too rushed inside after Chloe. Tom nodded with a breath of relief, if the freak died at least he wouldn't be on his hands anymore.

"Beca? Beca calm down, it's me Doctor Beales." Chloe said as she sat next to a hyperventilating Beca. "I know you're scared right now and it feels like you're not control of your body, but trust me you are. You've just got to breathe with me okay?" Beca could do nothing but shut her eyes in fear as she gripped her bedsheets tightly. "Beca open your eyes for me...look at me Beca." Chloe suddenly put her hand over Beca's closed fist, making Beca shoot her eyes open to look straight into Chloe's bright blue ones hovering over her. "You can do it Beca, slowly ok? Just breathe slowly and focus on me and nothing else." Beca whimpered as she got lost in her blue eyes, starting to breathe slowly again. Chloe smiled widely as Beca's fist came undone, making Chloe grip her hand immediately. "There you're gonna be okay." Aubrey stood at the door with a shocked expression on her face. Beca licked her chapped lips as she just laid there basking in Chloe's eyes, as her hand gripped Chloe's back.

Author's note: hey sorry it's short but here is another chapter

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