Chapter 20: Beca's Birthday Surprise

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"Seriously? You don't want anything for your birthday? You've got to be joking Becs." Carson asked her panting, as they both just finished their morning run. Beca shrugged as she wiped the sweat from off of her brow. "I guess it's never been the highlight of my never ending life. I mean if it really means that much to you then I guess you can take me out on the town old man." Beca told him with a playful shove as he groaned in pain trying to keep his balance. "Hey! I'm not that old, also your mother suggested we do a big party out here. Invite everyone she knows, you know we've lived out here for a year now and your mother has a bunch of random friends in the city. I of course would only invite my colleagues, Eddie and his family. Since they're the only ones that are cool enough to come to our awesome parties." Beca chuckled as she nodded. "Okay, I'll do it. Doesn't mean I won't hate every second of it. Can we wrap this up now? I've got to go to work in an hour and I reek." Carson huffed as he nodded in agony. "I'm beat too, okay let's go short stuff. Also I don't think I can move my legs anymore, so you go on ahead. I'll be there to drive you to work in a minute kiddo." Beca nodded laughing as she started to walk up to the hill back to their large house, while Carson fell on his butt in defeat.

It's been only thirty minutes and already Beca can't stand her new co-worker. All she's been talking about for the past ten minutes was how she was going to make sure Beca had a "banging" time. Beca couldn't help but roll her eyes at the petite blonde and shake her head in disappointment. "Can we please just focus on stacking these CD's for once?" Lacy hummed like she was pretending to think about it and eventually let out a short chuckle. "Why are you being such a stick in the mud all of a sudden? All I'm saying is your eighteen birthday should be fucking monumental and it seems like you don't care about it at all. What gives grumpy cat?" Beca knew if she just kept ignoring the arrogant blonde she would never get any peace and quiet, so she decided to indulge her. "Well for one thing I've never liked my birthdays to even begin with and secondly, all that happens on this spectacular day is that I become a legal adult. I don't think there is anything special about that with the world we currently live in, do you?" Lacy's eyes widened impressed at Beca's insight of the world, as she let out a smirk towards Beca. "You know for a complete known nutcase you sure do sound like you've got your shit together. Seriously though, I'm making sure you're gonna have one hell of a time. I might bring some of my besties along, who knows what the night may bring then." Beca sighed as Lacy finished her sentence off with another smirk and a wiggle of her eyebrows. The only thing holding Beca together right now would be the thought of Chloe coming to visit her at work. They been having their regular sessions every day, but every once and awhile it would just be of them kissing. Beca knows Chloe wants to wait for her to turn eighteen before they have sex, but secretly it's killing her inside every time Chloe rejects her advances when things get too heated. About a week of kissing and now every little thing seems to be turning her on. Usually her medicine would dull sexual desires for her, but since Chloe came into the picture it's like all of her senses came back in full force. Beca took a deep breath in as she heard the little bell of the door ring, letting her know someone entered the run down shop. Beca immediately perked up in excitement and turned around to see a breathtaking Chloe. Beca took a couple of seconds to take in Chloe's appearance and good god was she gorgeous. It seemed like Chloe took her own time out of the day just to dress up for her and by the smirk on the fiery red heads lips was anything to go by, then that might just be the truth. Of course Chloe was the first to speak since Beca was having a hard time even spitting out a greeting to her. "So this is where you work? I've got to say it is the place I've imagined you working in." Beca couldn't help but let out a loud chuckle at Chloe's comment. "Oh really now? Me working at this dusty old music shop was the calling you saw for little old me? That's harsh even for you Beale." Chloe rolled her eyes playfully at Beca as she stepped closer to Beca's small but lean frame. "Okay maybe not this shop in particular, I just meant you working with music in general. I mean you do always talk about how you want to make your own music some days. Everyone has to start somewhere Mitchell." Beca bit her lip as she tried to hide the fond for Chloe, but of course Chloe could see right there her as usual. "So when can you leave? I saw a sandwich shop a block over that way and it looked absolutely scrumptious." Beca huffed out a laugh as she was about to answer her back of course Lacy had to come out of her hiding place that was always in her dad's back office. "We're about to close lady so pick what ya want and get out of here." Beca felt a moment of absolute rage as she snapped her neck towards Lacy to glare at her. Chloe immediately took notice as she laid her hand on top of Beca's that was currently on the shelves. "Oh I'm not here to buy anything I was just coming to pick Beca up. I'm Chloe by the way." Lacy then rose her eyebrows up in surprise as she gave another smirk to Beca. "Oh I didn't know you had a girlfriend, oh Becky why didn't you say anything? I don't know if she's told you this but we're practically BFFS." Chloe coughed awkwardly as she immediately took her hand off of Beca's with a blush on her cheeks in embarrassment. "No! No I'm not-we're not-I'm just her therapist." Lacy hummed gleefully as she gathered up her things from behind the cashier counter. "Oh! well I guess she's still ripe for the picking then. Some of my friends seemed way too interested in her for my taste. That's also the many birthday gifts you will receive tonight Becs, just a little heads up. Anyways I'm out of here tell daddy I locked up, see ya tonight grumpy kitty!" Beca let out a grumble of distaste as she rolled her eyes as the confident blonde left the building in a haste before Beca could say anything. "Well now I know why you don't like this job, has she always been that annoying?" Beca could have fell in love with Chloe at this very moment because obviously she wholeheartedly agreed with that statement more than she could ever know. "Okay you're either jealous of how her hair flows in the wind or you absolutely complete me." Chloe couldn't help but cackle as she smiled widely. "Okay there Fabio, do what you have to do here and I'll meet you in the car." Beca licked her lips as she grabbed onto Chloe's hand pulling her back into her body before she could leave too. "Or I could just lock up the store now and we could I don't know, have a little fun." Chloe's breath hitched at first as Beca's eyes were completely dilated looking into hers as her hands grasped at her waist tightly. Chloe knew however Beca's suggestion wasn't a good idea, however, it did seem mighty intriguing. Chloe let out a sigh of desperation as she took in a deep breath and pulled herself away from Beca unwillingly. "I must say that isn't a half bad idea, but I don't think we should. Now stop with that sexy smirk of yours and hop to it, I'll be waiting in the car." Chloe quickly gave Beca a peck on her lips as Beca groaned in sexual frustration, making Chloe let out an adorable giggle as she ran out of the door to her car that was parked outside.

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