Chapter 5: What's Happening?

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"Do you wanna talk about what happened today Beca?" Beca made no answer as she sat in front of Chloe in her office silently. Chloe pursed her lips as she nodded. "Okay, how about telling me what triggered your panic attack?" Chloe sighed as Beca again did not answer her as she continued to stare at the ground in front of her. "Well I know by first hand experience how scary panic attacks are. I had my first one when I was in my freshman year of college. I don't know if you know this but, Aubrey was the one to help me through it. Just like how I was there for you today." Beca scrunched her eyebrows together at that information. Why was she even telling her this? Chloe's raised her eyebrows curiously as she saw Beca's eyebrows twitch to make an expression. Chloe was beyond excited because Beca was showing some sort of reaction to her. Of course Chloe was up all night studying Beca's files like it was the Bible and she found some interesting stuff out. Like how Beca never showed emotions to people she first met and how she tried to hurt everyone her first year of being here. She can understand why Beca is on lock downs most of the time, with the track record she holds. The first night she was here she almost broke a nurse's nose with her fist, just for him talking to her. She heard from Aubrey that she's mostly calm now due to her extensive medication and all the needles they give her when she acts out. She couldn't help but frown at that last information though. Every time one of patients act up the hospital's routine is to sedate them. She plans on changing that routine when she runs this hospital. Just right now her main goal is getting Beca to open up to her, but she definitely wants to pursue that topic later on. "I know you don't feel like you can trust me right now, which is completely understandable. I just want to let you know I'm going to try my best to accommodate you. I'm also not going to pressure you to talk to me. I'm sure we will have many chats on your own time. For now though I would like to have as many sessions I can with you." Beca sighed lowly as she slouched in her chair in obvious discomfort. "I know, I know, I can be quite a stiff." Chloe said with a playful laugh as she got out of her chair to open her office door for Beca. "I promise they will be short sessions, I just want to get to know you better. You're quite interesting, you know that?" Beca stood up as she eyed the door cautiously, as if the red head was trying to trick her. Chloe noticed Beca's apprehensive stance as she widened the door some more. "It's okay Beca, you can go. I'll never keep you here without your consent, I promise." As soon as Chloe said she could go Beca was out the door in a flash. When Beca was out of her eye sight she closed her door softly to continue her research on the mysterious brunette.

"She broke Cheryl's hand?!" Benji whispered to Jesse in shock. Jesse nodded with a loud laugh. "Yea man! It was awesome! You should have seen Cheryl's face, it was beyond hilarious. I mean she definitely deserves to get some bones broken anyways." Benji shook his head in disbelief as he laid down the cards in his hands. "I mean I wouldn't go that far Jess, she's not all that bad." Jesse rolled his eyes at his best friend. "Not that bad? Oh come on Benji, you're just saying that because you think she's the prettiest girl here." Benji gasped playfully as he shoved Jesse. "I do not..okay maybe I do, but can you blame me? I would give my left pinky toe to even sit next to her." Jesse made a disgusted face as he laid down his cards as well. "Gross, do you have to be obsessed with her? I mean I know that's your illness, but like couldn't you have picked any other girl here. Her personality is so shit." Benji shrugged as he grabbed both of their cards to shuffle them again. "I don't know man, it's not my fault I obsess over people easily. I'm working through it with Miss Posen." Jesse nodded, even though he likes to give Benji shit about his illness, he obsessed over people as well. I guess that's why they got along so well. "Speaking of obsessions here comes your psychotic lover now." Benji said as he nodded his head behind Jesse. Jesse perked up immediately as he turned around to see Beca walking down the halls with her head down. "Rain check?" He asked Benji pointing to the cards as Benji laughed and nodded. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, go do your thing lover boy." Jesse got up quickly tripping over his feet to walk next to a brooding Beca. "Hey Becs! I heard you got lockdown the rest of the night because of what you did, you missed out on a good movie." Beca didn't answer him as she was too caught up in her thoughts to figure out what she even did last night to get herself locked up in the first place. Jesse of course went on ignoring her ignoring him. "Well don't sweat it, Cheryl had it coming anyways." Beca stopped walking all together in confusion, what did she do to Cheryl? "Woah you okay? Are you-" before Jesse even finished his sentence Beca was off to find out what she did to Cheryl last night. "Okay! Well I'll talk to you later I guess!"

Beca eyed Cheryl's door worriedly, she really wanted to see what she did to her. Why couldn't she even remember what she did to her? Beca looked around the hallway to make sure no one was watching her as she entered Cheryl's room quickly. "What the fuck?! Beca? Get out you freak!" Cheryl jumped out of her bed she was currently sitting on in fear, throwing her book she was reading at Beca. Beca looked down to see one of Cheryl's hands to see it was in a cast. "Was breaking my wrist not enough for you? Now you have to stalk me too?!" Beca frowned as she moved closer to a shouting Cheryl to examine her hand. Cheryl jumped back immediately as she kept her hands at her side in fear. "Get away from me you psycho! What do you want?! An apology?! All I did was try to have a little fun and you went all psychotic on me." Beca looked at the wall behind Cheryl in confusion. Cheryl didn't know what to do as Beca stopped moving towards her all together. To be quite honest Cheryl was really scared of Beca in this moment. "I-I'm sorry okay! I won't do it again, I promise. Everyone in this place wants me and I just thought that-" The door bursted open behind them revealing Jimmy and Tom. "Beca you can't be in here!" Jimmy shouted as he immediately grabbed Beca by her hand, pulling her out of Cheryl's room harshly. Cheryl sighed in relief as Tom asked her if she was okay. "Do you want to get thrown in lockdown again?" Jimmy asked her disapprovingly as he led her away from Cheryl's room. Beca didn't answer him as she was led to the tv room in a haste. "Just please stay away from Cheryl okay? I'm trying to look out for you and you're making it really hard for me too. Just watch some tv for the rest of the day okay? I think your favorite show is gonna come on in a bit." Jimmy gave her a pat on the shoulder as he left to head back to Cheryl's room to assess the damage. Beca just stood there as she was lost in her thought again. She broke Cheryl's wrist last night, for what reason? She had no clue. Hopefully she will figure out why soon. Maybe she will figure out what's happening to her as well and why that stupid voice is back.

Author's note: Hey another chapter, it's going a little bit slow.

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