Chapter 29: Back Again

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Beca sighed as she heard a familiar chuckle once she woke up and looked down to see she was strapped down to a hospital bed. Beca started to panic and trashed around as her other half started talking. "Well I know the first time was my fault, but it kind of feels like this is Carson and Sharon's fault right? I mean come on! I wasn't actually trying to kill her, you've got to believe me." Beca tried to ignore her other half as she stood right next to her, as she kept thrashing about. "Chloe was willing to be choked to death by me and they weren't having it. You know I always knew they weren't good parents to us, but now this just takes the cake doesn't it?" Beca let out a loud scream as she tried to use all of her strength to get off of the bed. "Oh great here comes Malibu Barbie, tell her I say hi would ya?" Aubrey immediately opened the door with worry covering her face as she tried to calm Beca down. "Beca it's okay, I know this might be confusing for you but there was no other option for us." Beca looked at her confusedly as she kept thrashing around on the bed harshly. "Where's Chloe?! I want to see Chloe!" Aubrey looked hurt at Beca's want for the red head, but she knew the dark haired brunette seeing Chloe would calm her down dramatically so she radioed in her best friend. "She's coming Beca, it's gonna be okay." Beca seemed to calm down at the information as they waited a few minutes until an out of breath Chloe came rushing in the padded room. "I'm here Beca, I'm here." Beca knew she did something wrong again once she saw the dark forming bruises around Chloe's neck. "I did that to you didn't I? I hurt you!" Chloe shook her head as she grabbed Beca's left hand that was still strapped down tightly. "Beca it wasn't you, you didn't do this to me. I'm sorry you have to be here again but, your parents saw no other option." Beca nodded in defeat as she closed her eyes in frustration. "So what happens now? How long am I gonna be here for?" Chloe shrugged her shoulders as she asked Aubrey to give them some privacy, which she hesitatingly agreed too. Once the padded door was shut, Chloe grabbed Beca's hand and kissed it lovingly. "I'm so sorry this has to happen to you again Beca, but you're a danger to yourself and others. I will say this though, this other part of you cares about you so much. She only wanted what's best for you and so do I. I'm sure she knows this by now. Is it okay if I speak to her for a moment?" Beca sighed lowly as she didn't know how to get the other side of herself to come out on her own free will. "I can try, maybe if I think about something that make her come to the surface." Chloe nodded as she told Beca to take her time and within a matter of minutes Beca's other half was staring at her with a smirk. "You would have let me kill you. Now that, is something I can get behind Miss Beale. Tell me you love me too?" Chloe's eyes didn't deter from Beca's own darkened ones as she nodded without hesitation. "Of course I love you, you're apart of Beca. Even though you seem hardened on the outside, you have all the same feelings Beca does. I know you were just trying to protect her from feeling everything she wasn't able to process on her own. Beca actually cares a lot for you too, you know? You're her protector from the world." Beca smiled as she looked at Chloe in curiosity. "I can tell you everything you know, without her having to remember it. All you had to do was ask me, but nothing comes without a little reward right?" Chloe bit her lip nervously as she crossed her arms over her chest. "What reward? Hopefully it's not me letting you out of the straps is it?" Beca chuckled as she shook her head. "No, all I want is a kiss from you and then I'll tell you everything you want to know." Chloe licked her lips in worry as she made sure no one was at Beca's padded door before she leant down and kissed the dark brunette's soft lips. Beca moaned lowly as Chloe pulled back after a few seconds making Beca groan in detest. Chloe couldn't help but find it cute as her cheeks flushed. "Okay I've done what you asked, now tell me what happened to you. Please don't leave any details out." Beca smiled as she nodded to Chloe's questions. "Well I first showed up with that whole incident with that stooge Beca called her biological father. From then on out she used me as a coping strategy or rather used me to protect her, which I didn't mind doing. Until it became constant, I grew tired of doing the same old routine. We were in and out of foster care a lot, which I'm assuming you know." Chloe nodded as Beca continued on with a bored sigh. "Of course the foster parents weren't always nice to little old Beca and she needed me all the time, even for the little things. Her aniexty grew more and more than I can handle, so I made us into something everyone grew to fear. I guess I'm to blame she had no friends, but trust me it was better that way. She wouldn't get hurt over little things and I wouldn't have to take over so often." Chloe grew confused as she stared at Beca curiously. "So you don't want to take over Beca all the time?" Beca scoffed as she shook her head in disagreement. "I mean it can be fun sometimes when I'm fucking the brains out of some random girl, but other than that it's pretty boring. I had to pretend to like every foster parent we've ever had. Also get her through school without getting bullied as often as she did. I mean we were stuck in that institution for better than a year, which in hind sight I got us stuck in that place in the first place so that ones on me." Chloe rolled her eyes at the comment of Beca's sexual escapades. "Okay I don't need to hear about the sexual conquests. Why do you feel the need to be so reckless? Is it because you felt like Beca had no life because of you and you had to make up for it somehow?" Beca smiled at her knowingly as she nodded slightly. "You could say that or you could say it was mostly for my sane of mind. The point is I've done horrible things Chloe and if any of the things I did came to light to her, she would be an even bigger wreck than she is now." Chloe bit her lip in worry as she asked Beca another question. "I mean I wouldn't count them as that horrible. Of course beating up people for no reason isn't something a saint would do, but it's not that unquestionable." Beca sighed as she feared what she would say next to the red head would officially scare her off and have her locked up for good. "I've killed someone Chloe, not in the past but recently. Let's just say the Blossoms aren't as business savvy as everyone thinks they are." Chloe stopped breathing all together at the new information. "What?! What do you mean you-!" Beca shushed her as she tried to calm Chloe down with an explanation of what happened. "Basically I was doing a drug run, I swear I had no intention of killing that guy but he was going to kill Cheryl's brother. I did what I had to do, it's kill or be killed Beale." Chloe got out of her seat as she paced the room in frustration. "Beca you do know I have to report what you did right? I can't just sit here knowing you've murdered someone even if that someone was a bad person. The blossoms as well have to get reported or-" Beca sighed as she wiggled aggressively to get Chloe's attention. "No! Chloe even if you did report them they would still get out of it. These people are the real deal and they have been doing this a long time. I know I only spent one night with their offspring, but let me tell you they're ruthless when it comes to their money. They will find a way to kill you and me. If I have to stay and rot in here then I guess it's just a small price to pay." Chloe shook her head as she sat back down. "And what about Beca? Does she deserve to spend the rest of her life in an institution because of the things you've done?!" Beca looked away from Chloe's teary blue eyes as she looked back up at the ceiling emotionless. "I think our talk is over now Miss Beale and if I were you I would keep my mouth shut." Chloe stared at her in disbelief as a sudden knock came upon the padded door, making Chloe jump in fright in her seat. "Chloe we have to go, Beca's parents are waiting for us." Chloe didn't say another word as she left the padded room in utter shock.

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