Chapter 18: Going Outside

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'I wonder if she knows she's sleeping peacefully right next to a psychopath.' Beca jaws clenched as she unconsciously held Chloe by her waist a little tighter. It's been about ten minutes since she's been awake and all she's done is stare down at Chloe in her arms like she's the most precious thing on this earth. Beca of course wanted to talk back to the voice but she also didn't want to wake up Chloe. 'When do you think she'll figure out you want to do more things than just hold her? I know I certainly do.' "You're not going to touch her!" Beca whispered angrily to herself, making Chloe move around in her sleep at the harsh noise. Beca's eyes widened as she laid there frozen until Chloe slowly opened her eyes and started to look around the room. She let out a small gasp as she sat up in Beca's bed, suddenly realizing where she was. "Beca-" Just then there was a loud knock on Beca's door, making them both jump in fright. "Beca, wakey wakey sleepy head! We're going for a run today so get your butt down here for breakfast." They both let out a sigh of relief as Carson luckily didn't open Beca's door as he left not another second later. Chloe quickly got out of the comfy bed, making Beca frown as Chloe faced her. "Beca I can't be in your room like this and you especially can't hold me like that either, it's not appropriate." Beca bit her lip as she looked down at her sheets in shame. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean too. I just woke up and I was holding you, I swear it won't happen again." Chloe sighed as she let herself calm down from almost getting caught by Carson as she sat down next to Beca once more. "No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have agreed to go with you last night. You can't rely on me all the time Beca, we need to find you another method of calming down." Beca licked her dry lips as she nodded as she sat up in her bed, scooting closer to Chloe. "I'm glad you did though and I don't want to find another way." Chloe's eyes widened as she turned her head finally realizing how close Beca's face was to her own. "You made me feel safe, you always make me feel safe. Thank you." Chloe bit her lip as she tried so hard not to look down at Beca's lips, only trying to focus on her dark blue intense stare. Beca's confession made her want to look down ten times as much, but luckily she held strong. "You're welcome and I'm glad we're making progress with one another but, this can't happen again okay?" Beca sighed lowly as she eventually nodded in agreement. "Okay..." Beca clearly didn't have the willpower as she was the one doing the staring, looking at Chloe's pink supple lips with longing. Chloe eventually noticed Beca's blatant staring as she cleared her throat loudly, catching Beca's attention making her eyes snap up to her own. "I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast okay?" Before Beca could even answer her Chloe was up and out of Beca's room without another word.

"Alright kiddo hopefully that bacon gave you enough energy because we're doing one mile today." Carson said as he started to stretch making Beca cringe and look away from him. "A mile? Are you serious?" Beca asked him incredulously as Carson nodded as he finished his stretching and looked at Beca with a wide smile. "That's right, remember how we used to exercise all the time together? This could be our thing again. Now stop complaining and let's do this puppy." Beca groaned as he already started to jog without her making her run after him in agony.

"So how did you sleep last night Chloe?" Sharon asked Chloe nonchalantly making Chloe almost cough up her coffee. "Oh my goodness, are you okay dear? I knew I shouldn't have put a lot of sugar in it." Chloe shook her head as she let out a few coughs to clear her throat. "No, no, no, it's completely fine. I guess it went down the wrong pipe. I slept...well, amazing even." Chloe said with a small smile as she sipped on her coffee attentively, as she remembered last night and how carefully Beca held her. Sharon smiled as she sipped on hers as well. "Well that's always good, one can't get enough sleep these days. Since the two trouble makers are out of the house I wanted to ask you something." Chloe raised her eyebrows in surprise as she nodded letting Sharon continue. "I'm not pushing the whole Marley thing too far am I?" Chloe scrunched her eyebrows in confusion as she set her mug down at the dining room table. "What do you mean?" Sharon sighed as she shrugged. "Well Marley told me she liked Beca during one of our chats last night and she seems like a relatively normal girl. So I suggested to her that she should ask Beca out on a date, which she did last night. I just wanted to know if you think Beca is ready to go out in the real world yet. Even though it's only a minor football game at her college campus, but still what do you think?" Chloe smiled tight lipped at Sharon as she shared her honest opinion on the matter. "To be quite honest with you Sharon I've noticed Beca has a lot of anger when she hears the wrong thing, I don't think it would be best if she went with someone she hardly knew. Maybe you could take her out on the town, like the grocery store? Just so she could get back out there with someone she trusts." Sharon sighed as she nodded, realizing how right Chloe was. "You are right Miss Beale, but Carson and I already agreed to her on going. She seems really excited to go, can't this be Beca's test run?" Chloe was about to protest once more until Sharon got an idea and decided to share with Chloe. "I know just the way to fix this little problem. Why don't you go with them? She's very comfortable around you and if she has any major meltdowns than you know exactly what to do to calm her down." Chloe hummed in thought as she eventually nodded. At least Beca wouldn't go alone with this Marley character, who knows what she has up her sleeve. "That is a wonderful idea Sharon, now we just got to get Beca on board."

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