Chapter 30:

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Apparently Jason's parents have already paid some of the staff members from the hospital to turn a blind eye while the red headed boy took her. Beca was really nervous and she didn't know why this other side of herself wasn't coming out. The dark haired brunette felt like she could pass out at any moment, she was so scared. It was only silence in Jason's expensive car as they drove to an unknown destination. Beca could have sworn he was smiling from ear to ear all the way there. After an hour or two they made it to a large house, that basically looked like a modern day manson from the outside. "Get out and follow me, but one thing is for sure if you try to run on me I'm sure my little friends in this chamber can run faster than you by a mile." Jason said with a known smirk as he flashed his gun at Beca as she nodded without hesitation. She followed Jason inside the large house as two adults who had the same color hair as Jason stood there with no expressions on their faces. Jason made sure he stood behind her as the well dressed man in front of her cleared his throat first, catching her attention all together. "This is Beca? Well I must say your size doesn't match the description Jason gave us, but nonetheless. Beca I'm sure you're aware we have rules when it comes to our business. Just like any business owners we have our workers sign a contract. Which you did of course, but we have doubts of your discretion about how we run things here. After all you are back in the institution my daughter was in, which she did not give it raving reviews. What you did was a very serious thing Beca, but we made it all go away for you with no cost to you at all." At this point Beca didn't care how scared she was, all she could think about was getting away from these pompous assholes once and for all. "Look I'm sure Jason filled you in on how bat shit crazy I am, so why don't you people let me go?! I have no idea what you want from me or what I did for you, but I promise you if I do remember I won't say anything!" His wife beside him sighed in boredom as she stepped next to her husband. "Clearly dear she's just as a loss cause as our dear Cheryl. She is of no use to us. I don't see why we don't just throw her in the garbage where she belongs." Her husband rolled his eyes at his wife as he ignored her. "Now I've collected your records and you're quite the character. I must admit I don't believe you are incapable of making decisions on your own. You're not the institution type Beca. You're a smart kid, but not smart enough." Jason grabbed her roughly as they struggled to the ground. "What I have planned for you is quite simple. I'm sure my son has made it perfectly clear we don't like loose ends and you Beca, well you're a very loose end. So I'm sure no one will even bat an eye at you missing. They will simply think another crazy person from the institution got out, which let's face it isn't too far fetched am I right?" Jason laughed as he slammed Beca's face to the ground, cuffing her hands behind her back. Beca groaned in pain as Jason stood her back up on her feet. "Now Beca, it's not that we don't appreciate what you've done for us. You've done enough to prove yourself to my family and I, but let's admit it. I should have never considered you for the job. You're too much of a liability and those sweetheart, just don't add up in the business department. Take her away Jason, lock her downstairs while I get everything else ready." Jason smiled deviously as he pushed Beca towards a door that looked like it lead down to a basement. "Yes father." Beca drew in harsh breaths as her nerves got the best of her again. "W-Where are you taking me?!" Jason said nothing as she heard him chuckle behind her back. The next thing the brunette knew he shoved her down to the ground roughly again once more. Beca yelled out in pain as she heard chains being locked around her ankles quickly. Beca groaned as she used all her strength to sit up and put her back against the wall. "What are you gonna do to me?" Jason looked at her with no ounce of sympathy as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Cheryl really knows how to pick them, doesn't she? Don't worry she was punished before you, but not as severely. Your end will be swift and dealt with. Father knows what's best for the business and so do I. Now, I'll stop wasting my time and go about my own duties." With that final snarky remark Jason left Beca with her hands tied behind her back and her ankles chained to the floor. "Why aren't you taking over?! Isn't that what you're supposed to do?! I'm in distress over here!" Beca angrily whispered to herself as she felt tears slip down her cheeks. Just then Beca heard a loud sigh as her ears perked up in excitement. "Look kid, yes I got you into this mess and yes I'm gonna figure a way to get you out of it. So, just close your eyes and by the end of the day this will all be over and we can go back to being behind padded walls okay?" Beca nodded as she quickly shut her eyes closed as she felt herself passing out. A few seconds later her eyes reopened. " what the fuck do I do?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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