Chapter 7: Yellow

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"Wait, so you're telling me Beca actually spoke to you? Out of her own free will?" Aubrey asked her incredulously as they both sat down with their lunches in the cafeteria. Chloe nodded excitingly as she drank some of her orange juice. "Yes she did and I brought her one of my favorite CD's to listen to during our session this afternoon." Aubrey smiled in relief as she took a bite out of her sandwich. "I'm still in shock, but I guess all of those rewards you received has some merit after all. I'm proud of you Chloe, now all you need to figure out is how to get her back out in society again, before she turns eighteen." Chloe nodded as they ate the rest of their lunch, coming up with ideas to further Beca's progress. Step one was to get Beca out of her current lockdown. Which of course meant Chloe herself convincing Doctor Charles that Beca wouldn't hurt anyone, so she won't eat breakfast locked inside of her room anymore. Which also meant Chloe trying to figure out why Beca was diagnosed with Boderline Personality Disorder in the first place. All Chloe saw of Beca's symptoms would be panic attacks. Which was normal with that kind of mental illness, but Beca hasn't shown any of the other signs. So far Chloe has nothing to work with. She needs to run some tests on Beca, but she also needs Beca to trust her. Chloe knee what she had to do, which was running some questions by Beca. Now that she talked to her, it wouldn't be that hard to get her to open up even more to her. Would it?

"Breakfast time is over, slide the tray under the door freak." Beca rolled her eyes at Tom as she didn't even touch one single once of food on the tray. Beca placed the tray through the hatch, making Tom reach down to grab the tray. Tom groaned as he looked through the peephole on Beca's door. "Seriously? You know I'll have to force feed you right? And we all know how that went last time. If you don't eat by lunchtime, I won't hesitate to shove a pipe down your throat." Beca ignored him as she heard him walk away from the door. Normally she would want to rip his head off for even speaking to her, but right now in this moment she could feel nothing but emptiness. Which would explain her not eating, she just feels like it's a waste of her time. "Beca?" Beca's ears perked up at the muffled sound of Chloe's voice behind her door. "Tom told me you were done with breakfast and I was wondering if you wanted to start our session a little early? That is if you don't mind." Beca could feel her heart rate pick up a little at the mention of being close to Chloe again. Beca licked her lips nervously as she got up to answer Chloe. "Yes." Chloe smiled as she used her keys to unlock Beca's door quickly. As soon as the door opened Chloe saw Beca looking into her eyes intensely, making herself a little nervous. "Well shall we?" Beca nodded as she stepped out of the room to follow Chloe to her office.

Chloe closed her door as she saw Beca was already sat on the couch near her desk, patiently awaiting Chloe's next move. Chloe smiled at her gently as she moved towards her desk, reaching inside her drawer. "So I know we discussed I would bring in my favorite CD, so here it is. I know it's a bit cliche, but I really love the band Coldplay. Have you heard any of their music?" Chloe asked her curiously as she opened her laptop and continued to put the CD in. "No." Chloe gasped at her in surprise as she stopped typing on her laptop. "What?! Are you being serious?" Beca blushed a little as she shook her head no. Chloe smiled excitingly as she readied her favorite song, turning the volume up. "Well I'm glad you're finally going to get introduced to them. Their lyrics and style of music have seriously changed my view on life. This song is called yellow."
(This song is so beautiful, you should play it)

As soon as the music filled the air Chloe ran over to sit next to Beca.

"Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you, and everything you do. Yeah, they were all yellow. I came along. I wrote a song for you. And all the things you do. And it was called "Yellow. So then I took my turn. Oh, what a thing to have done. And it was all yellow."

Chloe looked over to see Beca's reaction, only to see Beca looking straight ahead of her blankly. As the song continued Chloe then noticed Beca's foot started to tap to the beat slightly, making her smile.

"(aah) Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones. (ooh) Turn into something beautiful. (aah) You know, you know I love you so. You know I love you so. I swam across. I jumped across for you. Oh, what a thing to do 'Cause you were all yellow. I drew a line, I drew a line for you. Oh, what a thing to do, And it was all yellow."

Beca really loved the lyrics and beat so far of this song. Beca quickly made a glance at Chloe to see Chloe smiling brightly and bobbing her head along to the beat. Beca couldn't help but notice how blue Chloe's eyes were. She always loved the Chloe blue, she never could explain why until now.

"It's true, look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine for, Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine."

Beca wanted to feel closer to Chloe, so every now and then she would scoot her body when Chloe was too busy lip syncing the lyrics to notice.

"Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you. And all the things that you do."

As the song ended Beca was touching thighs with a blissful Chloe. Chloe turned her head to Beca with a wide smile. "So did you like it?" Beca looked over to her as she nodded with a slight smile. Chloe couldn't contain her own smile as it grew even wider, seeing Beca show an emotion. "Well I'll tell you what, every session we have I'll let you listen to any song you would like." Beca's body straightened at that information, she was dying to hear music each and every day like she was used too. "Only if you tell me one thing about yourself each and every time we talk." Beca's face scrunched in discomfort making Chloe chuckle a little. "Oh come now Beca, all you have to do is tell me a little bit about yourself. Like what's your favorite color or what's your favorite food. Stuff like that, so what do you say? Do we have a deal?" Beca bit her lip as she eventually nodded.

Author's note: I'm trying to do short chapters so I don't I will put too much out there. I think I'm planning to do a thirty chapter like the rest of my books. Thanks for all the feedback I truly do appreciate it.

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