Chapter 15: Making Things Permanent

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"I'm going back to school? But I'm eighteen already." Beca said confusedly as she eyed her two parents who were smiling at her softly. Carson decided to be the one to break the news to Beca first as he leaned towards Beca on the couch in front of her. "Well you didn't finish out your high school years because of...the incident, but don't worry you're not going back to any regular school. We've thought of a better alternative, which is having a tutor come by five times out of the week. It would be like regular school, but without all the hassle. Is that okay?" Beca shrugged as her nerves settled a little bit at that information. At least she wouldn't have to put up with the pressure of regular high school. She doesn't understand why she just can't take the GED course, most kids who dropped out already have. "So is this like preparing me for the GED? All I have to do is get tutored for a couple of weeks?" Sharon nodded in agreement as she added more to Carson's speech. "It's exactly like that Becs, except we want to make sure you're absolutely ready before you decide to take the test. So it will be about a two month study session. After that we can hopefully get you better enough to actually go to college. How does that sound?" Beca sighed lowly as she shrugged once again. "Sounds okay..." Carson and Sharon smiled in relief as they both stood up. "Well that's all that we've hoped for, is for you to try. I know you've been resting for a week now, but we scheduled another psychologist for you. She's coming this evening and-" Beca scrunched her face together in disgust as she shook her head in disagreement. "What?! No! I don't want to see anyone but Dr. Beale!" Carson and Sharon's eyes widened at Beca's sudden outburst. She has been home for a week and she's been nothing but complaint towards them. Then they mention she has to see a new psychologist and she has a meltdown. "Beca sweetie, I know you've grown attached to Miss Beale but I promise you Dr. Peterson is a nice woman and she's been recommended to us by-" Beca could feel her anger rising at her adoptive mother going on and on about this new doctor she had to see. She didn't want to see anyone else but Dr. Beale, why couldn't they see that she made her feel normal than any other doctor she has already seen. Carson could tell Beca was getting agitated by his wife so he cautiously stepped closer to Beca, who was fuming on the living room couch. "Beca I know this can all seem a lot to you right now, but-" Beca suddenly got up as she screamed out a shout and knocked over the coffee table in rage. Sharon let out a yelp as she backed away from Beca in fright. "I don't care about that stupid doctor! I'll-I'll go back to that fucking place just to see her again! She made me feel normal, can't you see that?" Carson tilted his head as Beca seemed to calm down a little as she talked about Dr. Beale. Obviously Beca wasn't going to see this new doctor they got for Beca willingly, so he had no other choice but to cancel her visit. "Okay Beca, we understand. I'll see what I can do okay?" Beca huffed out a breath of relief as she immediately nodded and ran towards her room upstairs. Sharon sighed in frustration as she got to her knees to pick up Beca's mess she made on the floor. "What do we do now?" Carson then got his phone out of his pocket as he started to dial Cambridge mental hospital. "The only thing we can do, beg Miss Beale to be Beca's psychologist again."

"Beca sweetie? Can I come in?" Beca's head picked up at Sharon's voice. She was currently on her bed, her knees pushed up against her chest in guilt. "Yeah..." Sharon immediately opened Beca's door with a soft smile on her face. "Are you okay?" Beca frowned as she sniffled away her tears, rubbing her nose. "Why are you asking if I'm okay? I'm the one who got angry and kicked over the coffee table. You should be upset with me, why aren't you?" Sharon chuckled as she shut Beca's door behind her and sat next to her on the large bed. "Oh honey, you've been through a lot and an old coffee table being knocked over is the least of my worries at the moment. Carson and I just want what's best for you, hence why I came up here to check on you. So are you okay now?" Beca smiled at her slightly as she nodded her head. "Yeah I'm fine, I'm sorry I got so angry with you guys. I know you're just trying to help me." Sharon smiled as she grabbed Beca's right hand and kissed it lovingly. "Well at least you're aware we are trying to help you this time. Now if you're up to it, I have some cookies downstairs all warm and gooey. What do you say?" Sharon asked her playfully as she got up and put her hand out for Beca to take, which she did.

A few days later
"Wait so you're going to be Beca's permanent on call doctor now? When did this happen?" Aubrey asked Chloe in shock as Chloe was packing away her things in her office. "Just two days ago, I got a call from her adoptive father Carson and he basically offered me a job to be Beca's permanent psychologist." Aubrey groaned as she sat down on Chloe's couch sadly. "Well who am I going to talk to now that you're leaving? Who knew Chloe Beale was a miracle worker? Seriously you just show up at this place and now it's a working happy facility. How do you do it Dr. Beale?" Aubrey asked her playfully as she helped Chloe pack her knickknacks. "Well I do have plenty of medals to prove my worthiness, but getting rid of Doctor Charles was step one. I don't think you have to worry about that man ever again. I think you could run this place better than I ever could, which is why I have good news." Aubrey looked at Chloe confusedly as Chloe smiled at her knowingly. "I may or may not have spoken to my friend who owns this place and once Doctor Charles respectively stepped down on his position. I gave him your files and now Doctor Aubrey Posen will be taking his place as head chief in charge." Aubrey gasped out in shock as she stood up from the couch in excitement. "What?! Chloe Beale you little minx! This is amazing! I don't think I can ever repay you." Chloe chuckled as Aubrey suddenly engulfed her in a tight hug. "Well for starters you can try not to crack my ribs, I have to show up at my patients house in one peace this afternoon." Chloe told her in groan as Aubrey immediately released her with a apologetic smile. "Sorry, wow so you're really doing this? How much did they offer you?" Chloe smiled as she went back to packing her things. "At first we've discussed three times a week visits which I suggested a hundred dollars per session, but he offered me something else entirely." This perked Aubrey's interest as she looked at Chloe curiously. "Well what is it? A million dollar contract or something?" Chloe chuckled as she shook her head no. "Well not really, he offered me to live with them until Beca got better. To be her permanent on call doctor at all hours of the day. Which roughly speaking if I lived there for a few months, which honestly? I don't think I can count that high, but you get it right?" Aubrey laughed as she helped Chloe pack the rest of her things and walked her out of the hospital for good.

Author's note: hey another short chapter, but this one was eventful I hope.

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