Chapter 22: You Don't Know Me

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"Oh my god! I swear you get better and better at fucking me each and every time. Holy shit Beca." Lacy moaned loudly as she came down from her third high of that evening, as Beca slowed down her hips all together. "I still can't believe your dad hasn't looked at the tapes yet. He's got to be one of the most oblivious mother fuckers on the planet blondie." Lacy laughed as Beca finally pulled out of her and pulled up her pants that were pooled around her ankles. Lacy heaved out a satisfied sigh as she too stood up straight pulling her panties up and underneath her short skirt. "Next time we're using a condom because I can't keep ruining my good skirts anymore. A girl always has her limits Mitchell." Beca chuckled deeply as Lacy turned around to kiss her softly in appreciation. "You owe me about five, just a heads up baby." Beca cringed at the nickname as Lacy searched for her purse and started to reapply her makeup. "So my parents are throwing this stupid party for one of my dad's companies and I was thinking we should go together. You know since he basically already invited your parents and that red head, what was her name again?" Beca rolled her eyes as she sat down on the office chair nonchalantly. "Does it even matter?" Lacy chuckled as she nodded in agreement. "I guess it doesn't, so be ready by five tonight. Obliviously I'm picking you up, oh by the way I'm leaving early today. Don't try and flirt with Kate either today, she's not in the mood for it. Bye!" Without another word Lacy was already halfway out of the shop door, making Beca sigh as she eventually had to leave the office. "Okay well I guess this is where you come in, I seriously can't be bothered today." Beca closed her eyes as she breathed in a slow breath for a few seconds before eventually opening her eyes again. Beca's eyes widened in shock as she looked around the room in panic until she eventually sighed in relief as she recognized where she was at. Beca looked down at herself as she noticed the clothes she was wearing. It was a mixture of black skinny jeans and a navy blue leather jacket. At least she wasn't naked, she can't even count the many times she did come back to her mind to find herself naked next to a random girl she didn't even know. Beca licked her lips nervously as she eventually exited the back office out to the front of the store. Kate took a glance at a nervous looking Beca as she eyed her crotch with a small smile of amusement. "Your fly is down stud." Beca let out a small gasp as she immediately zipped up her pants in embarrassment. Lacy...why did it always have to be Lacy? The only reason she could think of was because she denied that part of herself to make the moves on her tutor Marley. At least they've finally come to some sort of agreement after all of these years. That stupid fucking voice takes control when she's around Chloe and now she wakes up in random places again. It's not all that bad though because at least she finds herself back in her room or back at work most of the time. "Um, how long was I in there for?" Beca asked Kate in curiosity as she found a stack of CD's to occupy herself with. Kate put down her magazine to look at Beca weirdly before finally answering her. "I don't know, about like an hour? Why are you asking me? You obviously were clearly enjoying yourself in there, you both were." Kate said in mild disgust as she went back to reading her magazine in annoyance. Beca let out a sigh as she searched for her phone in her jacket, finding it in one of the secret pockets. It was now two pm, she lost about a good five hours of the day, which wasn't bad at all due to her previous track records. "I lose track of the time sometimes...sorry for asking you." Kate huffed out a laugh as she put down her magazine, slapping it on the counter angrily. "Okay I know Lacy told me you were weird but like I didn't think you would be this weird. I'm going on my smoke break..." Beca watched Kate fumble in her purse pulling out a small packet of cigarettes and heading outside quickly. "And that is exactly the reason I don't like being alone with her, she kills my vibes dude." Beca rolled her eyes angrily as she started to put the CD's back in their right place once more. "I thought I told you not to talk to me once I'm back in control? We had a deal." The voice laughed in her head as Beca cringed at the sound of it. "Jeez sorry for trying to make light of the situation. Whatever, I've got better things to do anyways." Beca let out a sigh of relief as she busied herself with her work once more. Luckily the shop closed in thirty minutes so she locked up and started to walk her way towards home. It was an hour of a walk, usually she gets a ride from Lacy but apparently she left right after their excursion together. About thirty minutes into the walk she heard a car slow down behind her, making her turn her head at the sound. Beca's eyes widened as she realized who it was making her stop in her tracks. "Beca! Sorry I would have been here earlier, but Sharon wanted me to help make a casserole for that party later tonight. Hop in." Beca then turned towards Chloe as she smirked in confidence opening the door as she got in promptly. "What's up red, thanks for coming to my rescue. I honestly thought I had to walk all that way, what a life saver you are huh?" Chloe nodded as she smiled at Beca tersely before driving off on the road again. They drove in silence for a few minutes until Chloe took enough glances at Beca for her to sigh in annoyance. "What? Do I have a zit or something?" Chloe shook her head as she examined Beca's facial expressions carefully before turning her head back towards the road. " Beca I have a question for you and you don't have to answer it if you don't want to but, its really important." Beca chuckled as she put her feet up on Chloe's dash as she shrugged nonchalantly. "Sure red, shoot." Chloe knew this was a bad idea but it was now or never. "When you lost your parents do you remember the last thing they said to you was?" That made Beca's smirk fade as she snapped her neck to glare at Chloe. "What kind of fucking question is that? I should make you bleed for even asking me that." Chloe gulped as she took an intake of breath as she looked at Beca quickly. "You're not Beca...are you?" Beca sat there for a few moments smiling at Chloe creepily before she answered. "I think you should just keep driving and keep your mouth shut for once, because if you keep talking to me who knows what I'll do. You've read my file right? You should know what I'm capable of..." Chloe knew she shouldn't be scared of Beca in this moment because whoever this person next to her was, it wasn't the Beca she came to know these past couple of months. Of course her files were riddled of violence and aggression once she first read them, but then she met a sweet innocent girl and she couldn't believe it was her. Now though? Now she finally sees what those files were talking about. She wants to be happy that she finally pinpointed what Beca's medical diagnosis was, but she was also scared of what triggered this side of her to come to the light. At the end of the day, she knew it was her fault Beca is using this voice as a coping mechanism again, for her to not be able to face the real world. "Well let's just be glad we made it here safe and sound, I'll see you later at the party tonight right red?" Chloe parked the car in front of the huge house as Beca gave her one last bright smile before exiting her car.

"This house sure is huge, make sure you don't get into any trouble young lady." Carson said as he ruffled Beca's hair making her smile at him tightly. "Of course I won't pops, I wouldn't dream of it." At that last line Beca made sure she locked eyes with Chloe's worried ones, giving her a cheeky wink before they all headed inside together. "Miss Beale I must say she seems a lot better these past couple of months, your therapy is really doing wonders for her." Sharon said as she smiled in excitement as she saw Beca interact with a few of Lacy's friends positively. Chloe cleared her throat as she smiled at Sharon and Carson before they too fled off somewhere in the large house. It was perfect timing as well because she knew she had to keep her eyes on Beca at all times. Who knew what this side of her was going to do tonight. Beca was a ticking time bomb and she felt like she was the main reason for setting the timer. Right now all she had to do was stick close by and figure out how to bring the right Beca out of her mind. As of right now Chloe just stared at Beca's co-worker Lacy hang off of her arm in front of all of her friends. Chloe felt her chest tighten in jealousy at her actions, as she looked away for a brief moment to gather her thoughts and feelings. After a few minutes she looked back to only find Lacy dancing with her friends, alone. Chloe looked around in fear as she scanned the whole house only to jump in fright at the sudden voice that was right behind her. "Looking for me Red?" Chloe's breath hitched as she immediately turned around to find a smiling Beca before her, staring at her in amusement. "Wow, who knew you were such a scaredy cat. You don't have to be frightened of me you know. What I said back in the car was a brief moment of...insanity. Let's just say I feel a lot better now. So what do you say? No hard feelings?" Chloe gulped in confusion as Beca looked at her with a soft smile. "Um, Beca I don't think-" Beca groaned in frustration as she rolled her eyes at the red head in impatience. "Look let's just get this over with shall we? I've told my parents that I feel as though I don't need to see you anymore and they've happily agreed. You fixed me Red, so as of tomorrow you're out of a job. So do us both a favor and give up, because if you don't...I can make things very and I mean very hard for you." Chloe let out a soft gasp of pain as Beca suddenly gripped her arm tightly, but Chloe wasn't going to give up on Beca that easily. "No matter what you do to me I'm not going to give up on you Beca. I know you're hiding behind this exterior because you don't want to deal with the pain I've caused you. I understand that but, I care about you so much and this time I promise I'm going to help you. You're not alone..." Chloe slowly lifted her other hand to caress Beca's right cheek softly making her face cringe as if she burned her. Beca chuckled darkly as she pushed Chloe away from her in detest. "You think you know me? That you know us? You don't have one inch of a clue Red. You can't help her, I won't let you. Now I'm going to have to do what I really wanted not to do, but you've left me no choice. I warned you..." Beca huffed in anger as she quickly headed out of the house, but not without Chloe steadily on her heels. "Beca wait! Beca stop!"

Author's note: welp

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