Chapter 23: No Hope

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Chloe sighed as she continued packing her belongings inside of her car as she looked at Carson helping her bring down the rest of her stuff from their large house. Of course Beca's warning to her was to make her stay far away from herself as possible and she did see to it that she was. In the morning over breakfast Sharon and Carson softly broke the news to Chloe about their sudden decision. Chloe then tried to tell them about what she thought Beca was currently diagnosed with, but they really thought Beca was better. "We're sorry about this Chloe, really we are. We just want what's best for our daughter and you were it at the time, but she seems spectacular now because of you and we honestly cant thank you enough for your time and effort. We will be mailing your last check to your address of course. Is there anything else we can do for you before you go?" Carson asked her with a soft sympathetic smile as he packed the last of her bags in the trunk, shutting it completely. Chloe sighed as she looked over Carson's head to see Beca looking down at her from her bedroom window motionless. "I know you guys think Beca has everything together now but, just please keep a close eye on her. I don't know if you noticed but she seems different now doesn't she?" Carson nodded with a bright smile as her warning obviously went right over his head. "We know Dr. Beale she is different, but the good kind. She's not timid anymore and we obviously have you to thank. If we have any upsets with her or her with us then I promise I will call you right away." Chloe bit her lip in worry as she looked back at Carson with a sad smile. "That's all a therapist can ask for really, I don't live too far from here either I'm sure you know that. Whatever the time it is day or night I'll be there for Beca still. Could you tell Beca goodbye for me?" Carson nodded as he smiled at Chloe before giving her a quick hug. "Of course I will, have safe travels Chloe."

"Babe would you stop staring out of the window like that? You look like an insane person." Lacy whined in annoyance as she flipped through a magazine on Beca's bed. Beca ignored her for a few more seconds until she witnessed Chloe's car leave her house all together. Beca sighed with a bright smile as she turned around to set her eyes on the blonde. "You know I did come from an insane asylum right? I do all kinds of crazy things every now and then." Lazy huffed as she put down her magazine to get up and pull Beca towards her roughly with the lapels of her leather jacket. "Well the crazy thing I want you to do for me right now is fuck me, but it seems your mind is on other things when it should just be on me." Beca couldn't understand why the other part of her hated this girl in front of her. Her body was perfectly amazing and her dad was rich, what more could you ask for in a girl? Beca smiled deviously down at Lacy as she suddenly pushed the blonde down on her bed harshly. Lacy let out a grunt of surprise until it turned into a moan when Beca got on top of her and started to nip her neck the way she always liked it. "That's more like it." Beca let out a growl of dominance as she flipped Lacy onto her stomach quickly before tearing her underwear into pieces and flipping her skirt up. "Beca what did I say about tearing my underwear, you-!" Before Lacy could even finish her sentence Beca interrupted her by pushing her cock inside of her roughly. "Oh fuck!" Beca chuckled darkly as she leaned her head down to whisper into Lacy's ear softly. "And what did I say about keeping it down when we fuck in my house? I don't want to hear your slutty screams when I haven't even done anything to you yet." Lacy nodded obediently as she bit her lip harshly and breathed in deeply to prepare herself for a fucking of a lifetime.

"They fired you?! I thought you were going to tell them about Beca's diagnosis. If anything they should be worried not relieved." Chloe sighed over the phone as she finally got everything unpacked and settled back into her own house. "I did tell them Bree, but they don't want to hear what I have to say. All they want is for Beca to have a normal life and right now the other part of herself that she created is making a pretty good assumption that nothing is even remotely wrong with her." Aubrey sighed on the other side of the phone worriedly as she started to pack some of her clothes in a suitcase. "I know you think your a super wonder of a therapist, but I'm coming down there to come help you for a few days." Chloe scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion as she sat down on her couch, phone still glued to the side of her head. "What? Aubrey I told you they won't even let me near Beca anymore, I told them they could call me if they have an ounce of trouble with her so-" Aubrey rolled her eyes at her best friend as she finished packing her suitcase. "Chloe we can't wait until she hurts another person again and then she's back here at square one. You've said it yourself this other side of her is a wild card. What if one day she decides to show up where you live and hurt you? No way I'm letting that happen, I'm sure if I let Rose be in charge for a couple of days nothing will deter. Now stop being a grump and let me help you." Chloe eventually agreed as she heard Aubrey sigh in relief on the other side of the phone. "Great I'll be there in an hour and I expect a welcome salad waiting for me." Chloe chuckled as she agreed to her friend's request as she was feeling a bit hungry herself anyways.

Author's note: holy fuck sorry guys been a bit distracted lately. Thanks for reading this shit story and have a good day or night.

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