Chapter 9: Abandoned

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Beca always hated Tuesday's of each month, everyone would have their families visit them. Beca usually sat down in the television room to hide from everyone, but today it was occupied with Cheryl's family. Which she tried to avoid by trying to leave the room as quickly as she entered it, but Cheryl beat her to it. "Move weirdo!" Cheryl nudged Beca out of the doorway harshly as she walked out of the room in a huff. "That girl is out of control Cliff, I doubt they are even helping her here. I want to speak to her doctor at once!" Cliff nodded as they too exited the room in a huff as well. Beca shrugged her shoulders as she sat down in front of the television. She thought she had the room to herself, but then someone suddenly sat next to her. "Hi, I'm Stacie, Jesse's big sister. So this is what you guys do for fun huh? No wonder he's dying to get out of this place." Beca's body immediately tensed as Stacie was a bit too close for comfort. Apparently Stacie was just like Jesse because she had no idea what personal space was either. "Oh here! I totally forgot why I was here, but our mom made Jess some brownies and he wanted me to track you down and give you a piece." Stacie reached inside of her jacket pocket to bring out a saran wrap brownie. Stacie held it out to Beca but it seemed like Beca wasn't even listening to her. Jesse did warn her that Beca was a bit skittish so she just got up slowly and left the brownie next to her. "Well it's right beside you so...I'm gonna go. See ya next month." Beca released a breath of relief as Jesse's sister left the room all together. Even when Jesse's occupies with him family he still finds a way to annoy her with his kindness. The brownie did look good though.

"So how's she doing Miss Beale?" Chloe smiled gently as she was currently in her office with Beca's adoptive parents. "Well as you know her recent doctor has passed away, so I've been her replacement for about a few weeks now and-" They frowned as Sharon shook her head. "No we didn't hear that at all, we just assumed you were her regular doctor. Why weren't we informed of this sooner?" Chloe's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh I'm sorry I thought that the hospital would have already informed you with this information. Don't worry though because I have all of her previous doctor's notes about her condition and-" Beca's adoptive father interrupted her abruptly. "We just want to know if she's fine to come home with us as soon as possible. I don't know if Beca has told you, but she wasn't very fond of us as when we dropped her off here. Rest assure we love her very much and we just want to see her get the help she deserves." Chloe nodded as she smiled sadly at them. "I'm sorry Mister Carson is it?" He nodded his head as Chloe continued to inform them. "Well Beca has made some progress since the first year she's been here, but only through medication wise. It's her emotions I'm afraid that hasn't been worked through yet." Sharon nodded sadly as Carson held her hand in comfort. "Can we do anything to help?" Chloe pursed her lips as she nodded, she needed to know about Beca's time with them. If Beca didn't want to open with her right now that was fine, but she needed more information. "Yes you can actually. When you first adopted Beca was there any signs that she wasn't a normal teenager?" Sharon shook her head as she looked at her husband Carson. "No well when she first came home with us, she didn't talk to us for about a week. We both thought it was because she was still grieving about what happened to her parents. As time went on she grew more comfortable around us and eventually she was going to school again. She had some friends, but not very many. Then one day she got aggressive with us for no reason, sometimes she would tell us we didn't love her. That we would abandon her just like her real parents did. When we tried to tell her we did love her she would throw things against her own bedroom wall. For a few days she would be happy one moment and then be angry or sad the very next. During those days she would be in and out of the house, doing gods no what. Then the incident happened with that poor boy, his parents were so angry they tried to get Beca a year in prison. Luckily Carson's attorney friend helped us send her here. We had no other choice Miss Beale, Beca needed help and now she hates us because she thinks we abandoned her." Sharon then bursted into tears as her husband rubbed her back. "Can we just see her? Just for a moment Miss Beale, we just want to see how she's doing." Chloe nodded as she handed Sharon some tissues before they all exited the room together.

"Beca? I have some visitors for you." Beca perked up at Chloe's voice as she turned around with a slight smile on her face until she saw who came in behind Chloe. Beca immediately got up from the couch as she glared at them. Sharon approached Beca first cautiously as she smiled at her softly. "Hi sweetie, I'm sorry we haven't been able to visit in awhile, but we're here now." Beca felt herself became even more angry as they looked at her like they cared for her. They didn't care for her anymore! They left her here! "You left me!" Carson shook his head as he tried to approach Beca as well, but she immediately jumped back like she had been stung. Chloe saw Beca look at her adoptive parents with hate in her eyes, seeing Beca's hands clenched at her sides. Chloe didn't know what Beca was capable of so she secretly paged Jimmy to come to the television room immediately. "Beca we are so sorry, but we had no choice. We've been calling the hospital non stop to see your progress, but apparently your last doctor didn't want us to try and disturb you and your progress. Miss Beale called us and we-" Jimmy suddenly bursted into the room as he eyed Beca down and moved towards her. Beca looked at Chloe in shock as Chloe stopped Jimmy from moving towards Beca any further. "Mister Carson I think it would be best if you said your goodbyes to Beca. Jimmy will escort you out and we will inform you when you can have your next visit." Carson sighed sadly as he nodded. "We are truly sorry Beca, but I promise you we will be visiting every month. We love you kiddo, please just know that." They both said goodbye to Beca as they left the room with the help of Jimmy. Chloe sighed in relief as she looked back at Beca, who seemed to be lost in her own thoughts. "Are you okay Beca? I know that couldn't be easy to see them if you need a moment to-" Beca growled as she pushed Chloe up against a wall roughly. "They abandoned me Chloe! They don't love me anymore!" Chloe shook her head as she saw Beca had tears running down her face. "Beca stop you're hurting me." Beca's eyes widened as she looked down to see her hands grasping Chloe's arms tightly. Beca moved away from Chloe quickly. "I-I'm sorry. Please don't tell anyone, I can't get a shot again. The voice, that fucking voice! It tells me to do things Chloe, it tells me and I just can't-I can't control myself! I hurt people..." Beca fully bursted out in tears as she hugged herself against Chloe's body tightly. Chloe gasped in shock as Beca was hugging her tightly, while crying into her shoulder. Chloe hugged her back as she rubbed Beca's back in comfort, trying to calm her down. "Beca it's going to be okay, I'm going to help you. I promise you we will figure this out together."

Author's note: a little short again but hopefully this story is getting more and more progressive.

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