Chapter 2: A New Reality

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"So what have we learned today people?" Beca sighed as she heard everyone answer Miss Posen in grunts. "That's right, no matter what we are feeling on the inside, we can always work through it together as a group. Now I know today's session was a bit short, but as you know a new doctor is coming to Balton today." They all groaned as Miss Posen looked at them disapprovingly. "Hey now, I want everyone to treat her with respect, she's an old friend of mine." Luke chuckled playfully as he stood up in his chair. "Hopefully she's not too old am I right fellas?" Luke high fived one of his buddies as they agreed quickly. "Luke I assume your mother would not agree with some of your behavior towards women, hence your private sessions with Mr. Hensen." That made Luke quiet down immensely as he quickly took his seat again with an embarrassed pout. Beca could have chuckled right then and there at the silence that followed. Everyone knew Luke had a issue with his mother, maybe that's why he treats women like they're nothing to him. "Alright now that is settled, everyone you're free to leave to your daily activities." Everyone sighed in relief as they got up to leave, Beca was the first to try to get up but was stopped by Miss Posen. "Oh Beca wait, we need to have a little chat." Everyone stopped to look at her in shock, no really wanted to talk to Beca. Not even some of the staff in the facility would ever try too. Beca looked at the ground confusedly as everyone left hesitantly. "B-Beca I know this might come to a shock to you but, your counselor passed away last night." Beca couldn't feel any happier at that information, maybe they won't give her another therapist since she will never try to talk to another one again. "I know you too were like peas in a pod, but we have arranged another doctor for you." At that moment Beca could feel nothing but anger towards the blonde woman. "Her name is Miss Beale and she's coming in today for a meeting. I gave you very high praise so-" Not that Beca was a softie or anything towards the blonde, but she would rather throw a chair across the room than choke the woman and get thrown in confinement again. Beca picked up the chair and threw it over Miss Posen's shoulder, which thankfully she dodged out of the way first. "Beca! Stop!" Nurse Rose then bursted into the room at the commotion, capturing Beca's hands behind her back before she threw anything else at the blonde. "Beca it's okay! Calm down!" Beca grunted as she thrashed her body around harshly, giving nurse Rose a hard time, until she felt a prick come to her side. Oh god, Beca wanted to avoid this exactly. She felt her eyes getting heavier as she was put to sleep. "Thanks Jimmy. Take her to her room." Jimmy nodded as he carried a passed out Beca towards the hallway. "Well that went better than expected, at least she didn't lunge at me." Nurse Rose huffed with a chuckle as she rubbed the back of her neck in stress. "I guess you're right, but I'm just scared for the newbie who's coming in a couple of hours. Are you sure we can't be there to supervise, I think Beca would-" Aubrey interrupted her as they walked out the hallway together. "I know you're worried, but Chloe said she would like to be able to talk to her alone. She said us being there would just hinder her first impression on Beca. Trust me I want you guys to be there to protect her, but she's even more stubborn than I am when it comes to this sort of stuff. I gave her an intense report on Beca's past history offenses and her recent diagnosis. So she knows what she's going up against and if Chloe says she's got this than I believe her. Heck, maybe she can be the one to finally crack Beca's shell." Rose sighed as she nodded, knowing better than to argue with the top counselor here. "Okay if you say she knows what she's doing, then I guess you're right."

Beca groaned as she opened her eyes groggily, rolling to her side with a moan of uncomfort. She really hated those fucking needles they pricked her with. I guess she did fly off the handle for nothing. Who cares if she gets another doctor, she can just ignore them for an hour every day anyways. They can't make her talk to them if she doesn't want too. Just then a soft knock was heard on her door then a voice come from behind it. "Beca? Are you okay? I heard about the needle incident." Beca rolled her eyes at the voice and if she wasn't so drugged from the medication than she would get up and throw Jesse across the wall like she did that chair at Aubrey's annoying face. "Hey if you're feeling any better than maybe we can-" "Jesse Swanson get away from Beca's room, it's your session time!" Beca heard Jesse yelp as he ran away from the door in a hurry. "Wow, he's really annoying isn't he?" Beca's eyes widened comically as she laid there and looked around the room to see where the voice came from, but couldn't find the culprit anywhere. "You know what would be fun? As soon as these drugs wear off we can find the little twerp and-" Just then her door opened and she laid there looking confused. "Get up you psycho, your new doc is here. Jimmy is here to help you get to your feet." Beca groaned at the voice, her least favorite member of staff, Tom. Tom was what she liked to call an over grown man baby. He always peeves at the other women on the facility, but no one seemed to notice. Jimmy smiled at her softly as he put her arm around his shoulder to help her to her feet. Beca still felt dizzy but the more she walked the more she felt like herself again. "Now not to be an asshole or anything but we're right outside so please don't do anything stupid or Jimmy will give you the needle again." Beca's jaw tightened at the mention of the power that he had over her as she nodded nonetheless, feeling his cocky smirk. Just one of these days she's going to stab a needle right in his throat, see how he likes it. Jimmy smiled at her guilty as he opened the door that was right in front of them and led Beca into the small room. "Hi I'm-oh my god is she okay?!" Jimmy sat Beca onto the chair in front of Chloe's new desk and she immediately slouched into it. "She's fine doctor Beale she's just a little hazy from the medication earlier this morning. She had a bit of an altercation with Miss Posen and-" Chloe glared at them as she looked at Beca guiltily. "She's obviously in no shape to form sentences right now nurse Tom, why did-!" Tom huffed as he crossed his arms against his chest. "Look lady she's here isn't she? Our orders was to get her here, it's not like she was going to talk to you anyways. She never talks to no one but the old Scrooge who used to be here before you." If Chloe's eyes could kill then Tom would be dead by now, Jimmy cringed at the look on her face. "We're sorry Miss Beale, but Doctor Charles said-" Chloe put her hand up to get them to stop talking all together. "I'll deal with Doctor Charles, but for now can you please escort Beca back to her room for some much needed rest." Jimmy nodded as did an annoyed Tom. Jimmy picked Beca back up carefully and moved her back down the hall towards her room.

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