Chapter 25: Visiting Old Friends

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"Beca what are we doing here? I thought you said we were going out on a date, not to come back to the looney bin you just got out of." Lacy huffed as she crossed her arms in annoyance in the passenger seat. Beca sighed heavily as she turned off Lacy's car and turned towards the annoyed blonde. "Like I said before I'm visiting an old friend, we can go afterwards. Now would you like to stay in the car or come in with me? We both know you're not a fan of the crazies now are you?" Beca said with a suggestive wink as she leaned over to quickly kiss Lacy's pouting lips, which quickly turned into a giggle. Lacy pushed Beca away from her playfully as she leaned back into her seat. "Make it quick stud or I swear I'll leave you here." Beca hummed in agreement as she got out of the car and strode towards the entrance in confidence. As soon as she opened the doors a gasp was heard from the main entrance. "Beca?! Holy shit! It really is you." Jesse exclaimed in excitement as blatantly ignored him, heading for the sign in desk. "Hiya there nurse Rose, miss me much?" Rose's eyes widened as she looked at Beca's appearance. "Well look what we got here, you clean up nice Beca. Are you here visiting? Or did you miss us that much as well?" Beca chuckled as she subtlety rolled her eyes as playfully as she could. "Well I'm surprised miss Posen didn't tell you I would be coming to visit her." Rose scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion as she didn't recall miss Posen telling her any of this information at all. "Well actually she didn't but, for now I can give you a visitor's pass. You know the rules don't cause a ruckus, and miss Posen is in her new office. Where miss Beale's was, you can't miss it." Beca grinned at her as politely as she could before slapping the visitor's pass on her leather jacket Rose just wrote for her. "Oh and how could I forget it?"

Aubrey looked up from her notes at a knock as she shouted for whoever was on the other door to come in and she jumped in fright to see who it was. "Beca? W-what are you doing here?" Beca grinned at her as she just nonchalantly sat down in front of her desk. "Nice space you got here miss Posen, hell of an upgrade from your last office that's for sure." Aubrey's chest heaved in anticipation as she looked over Beca's shoulder at the door, already planning to escape. Beca huffed out of laughter as she noticed miss Posen's supposed plan. "Oh calm down would ya? Did you really expect me to hurt you in here of all places? Not likely blondie, why can't we just chat like we used too? Or are you too busy for me now?" Aubrey gulped as she relaxed in her seat, still on edge at what Beca wanted from her. "What did you want to talk about Beca? It must have been important to drive all the way here." Beca let out a soft chuckle as she leaned on Aubrey's newly painted desk. "Important? I wouldn't call it an important discussion, we've never been good at those in the past now haven't we?" Aubrey remained in silence as she refuse to play this little game of cat and mouse, making Beca sigh in annoyance. "Ya know it's no fun when you don't play along Posen. Well let me get straight to the point shall I?" Beca suddenly got up making Aubrey shoot out of her chair heading for the door, but Beca beat her to it as she slammed her against the wooden wall roughly. Aubrey hissed in pain as Beca pressed their foreheads together. "I know what you're trying to do with red, trying to get rid of me? Let me make one thing clear to you, to the both of you. I'm not going away any time soon and I think you know this by now. You want to know what I think? I think you can't let go of this little crush you've had on me. You don't want me to go away do you?" Aubrey's chest heaved in embarrassment as she blushed feeling Beca's hands slide down her torso. "Don't think I didn't notice the way you stared at me in group, the way you touched me for a little too long for her liking. But for me? I've always loved blondes." Aubrey whimpered as Beca crashed their lips together suddenly as Aubrey tightened her hold of Beca's leather jacket, finally giving into her desire for the brunette. The pair made their way to the couch as Aubrey desperately tried to keep their lips infused together. Beca smiled as she made herself comfortable between Aubrey's legs. "You want me to fuck you? Huh miss Posen? Or should I do you one better and just make you scream my name for this whole hospital to hear?" Aubrey whimpered as Beca chucked darkly and started to kiss her neck sloppily, as she thrusted her hips between Aubrey's legs; making her moan due to the friction she most desperately needed. Just then a loud knock consumed their ears as Aubrey let out a surprise gasp and pushed Beca off of her roughly. Aubrey quickly smoothed down her lab coat and hair as Beca chuckled wholeheartedly doing the same as Aubrey spoke anxiously. "C-Come in!" The door opened for them to find it was just Tom with papers in his hands. "Miss Posen Cheryl's dismissal paper work is done what do you-" Tom stopped speaking once he saw Beca looking at him with a hardened glare, which didn't go unnoticed by Aubrey as she quickly took the papers from Tom's hands. "Thank you Tom I'll fill these out and you can just do the usual routine of helping Cheryl with her things, if you don't mind." Tom nodded with a gulp as he immediately left the room in fear as Beca kept her glare on him until he completely disappeared from the room all together. "Oh so my other favorite red head is getting released today? What a nice surprise. I'll see you later Doctor Posen." Beca said with a sultry wink before exiting the room as well. Aubrey let out a sigh of worry as she ran her hands through her hair in frustration. Beca smirked once she saw Cheryl getting her multiple of bags getting carried out as she stood by the front desk signing paper after paper. Beca confidently strode up to the front desk as she smoothly stood next to an unaware Cheryl. "Hey there sugar lips, did you miss me?" Cheryl let out a gasp as she looked up at Beca with mild fear until her confidence grew back as she finished signing the last paper of dismissal. "Miss you? That's highly unlikely, good thing I'm getting out of here since you decided to get thrown back in the looney bin. Looks like your crazy lover is back Jesse, isn't that nice?" Jesse huffed in annoyance as he was prepared to fight on Beca's behalf, but Beca herself beat him to it. "Oh I'm just visiting Miss Posen, we had a nice little chat if you will. So who's coming to pick you up? I'm guessing your estranged parents are, am I right?" Cheryl let out a huff as she wrapped her arms around her chest insecurely. "Well if you must know my chauffeur is outside and trust me when I say this, if you even come near me out there he will not hesitate to plant your face in the dirt. So if you'll excuse me." Beca smiled as she eyed Cheryl's leaving form, quickly tearing off her visitor sticker and heading after Cheryl. "Awww and I thought we had a real connection back there." Cheryl huffed as she yelled at her driver to hurry up and pack her bags in the car, making the driver roll his eyes. "Listen Cheryl I'm sorry for what I did to your hand, let's just say I wasn't my best self in there. I mean could you really blame me? You tried to cop a feel on my precious jewels." Beca said with a cocky smirk as she motioned to her package, making Cheryl blush at the action. "How about I make it up to you? I know you hate your parents, so what about you stay with me for awhile? I mean of course my parents will be there so it's not all paradise. So what do you say?" Cheryl sighed heavily as she knew Beca was right, every time she went back with her parents they would drive her up the wall. Cheryl crossed her arms over her chest as she lifted her head up with determination. "And if I said yes to this whole ordeal, what would be in it for you?" Beca shrugged her shoulders as she walked closer to Cheryl. "I just need a favor from you, do you see that girl in the nice car over there?" Beca said as she motioned to the car parked not too far away from them. Cheryl glanced as she nodded in confusion, as Beca continued her speech. "Well let's just say I'm kind of ending things with her and I'll be out of a job pretty soon once I do get rid of her. Since your parents have a variety of connections in every town they visit I was thinking you could hook me up with a job at your dad's farm. You know it's not too far from my own house and it's way better than the job I have now. So what do you say? A favor in return of another favor." Cheryl pursed her lips in thought as she put her hands on her hips. "Fine...but just so you know I won't hesitate to tell your parents when you start acting all psycho on me." Beca chuckled as she put her hands in her pockets nonchalantly. "You don't have to worry about little ol' me anymore, Miss Beale fixed me awhile back. I'm a citizen of society now." Cheryl rolled her eyes as she let out a genuine laugh. "None of us are ever going to be citizens of society after we've left this place for good. Anyways, hurry up and get in my car it's freezing out here and if your house isn't up to my standards I'm leaving, got it?" Beca smiled as politely as she could as she nodded, quickly getting into the car with Cheryl.

Author's note: hey holy shit, sorry about the very very late update. Now you know I'm still alive, just haven't had any motivation for this story. I'll try to keep going though. Have a good night or day wherever you guys are and stay safe.

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