Chapter 26: Coming Clean

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"So her parents said it was okay for her to be visiting us?" Carson asked Beca in a grunt as he grabbed Cheryl's last heavy bag out of her expensive limo. Beca nodded as she eyed Cheryl's ass as they walked up to the house. "Yeah and they even offered me a job at their own family ranch. Isn't that awesome? It's not too far from here actually, so I don't think I'll be needing rides anymore." Carson huffed as they all finally got inside, making him set down the hefty bag in relief. "I mean that's awfully kind of them, but it would seem to me that they would want their daughter back as soon as possible. I mean your mother and I couldn't wait for you to come home whenever you were well enough. It just doesn't make any sense to me is all." Beca sighed lowly as she turned towards him with a fake polite smile. "Dad to be quite honest with you, Cheryl and her parents don't get along the greatest. I don't know if I told you this but, we were kind of you know close back in the old pin house. I think it would be beneficial for me to have someone like myself in my life, or I could just kick her out in the street if you-" Carson shook his head in disagreement quickly as he retracted his statement about Cheryl staying with them for awhile. "No, no Beca that's not what I meant at all! I just meant that what if her family has a therapist they want her to keep seeing. You know like when you had Miss Beale when you first got out." Beca smiled tersely at her so called father as Cheryl turned around over hearing their conversation. "They do have a psychiatrist I should be seeing but Beca so kindly referred me to Miss Beale and I've sent a text to my so called mother and she completely agreed. I have an appointment with Miss Beale here tomorrow if you don't mind. By the way this place isn't all too bad Beca, I'll guess this will do for now." Carson sighed as he rubbed his sweaty neck and stood up straight. "Well alright, if you're parents are okay with it then that's fine with me. I'm sure your mother would feel the same way. I guess she's just excited you have a real friend over. Anyways Cheryl make yourself at home we have two left over guest bedrooms so you can pick which ever you fancy." Carson told her with a genuine smile as Cheryl nodded still looking around curiously. Beca smirked as she followed Cheryl around confidently. "So your parents really are going to pay me just to move some supplies around?" Cheryl sighed annoyingly as she turned around with a glare at Beca. "Yes, all your small minded brain has to do is simply lift a box or two. Couldn't be that hard with that insane strength of yours, now could it?" Beca's left eyebrow went up as she eyed Cheryl up and down in curious lust.  "You know I think there was a compliment in there somewhere and let's just say I didn't mind one bit." Cheryl let her cold facade down for a second until she replaced it once more before throwing her bags at Beca to catch instantly. "This conversation is boring me Mitchell, bring my bags to your finest room and I'll be down here waiting on my coffee I was promised awhile ago." Beca smirked smugly as she quickly ran upstairs to set Cheryl's bags down in the guest room right next to hers. After Cheryl settled in and Sharon was filled in on the situation they were all having dinner together peacefully. "Wow Cheryl I've heard of your family and I must say their business savvy is most impressive these days." Cheryl smiled brightly as she lifted her chin up in the air with pride. "They most definitely are doing well for themselves like they always have. I would say the same for both of you as well since you have a lovely home." Sharon and Carson smiled at Cheryl politely as they kept making small talk, with even a few genuine laughs on all parts. Beca just smirked as she ate her dinner, hoping she was still here when she wakes up in the morning.

"Chloe I don't think you should do this." Aubrey said nervously over the phone as Chloe was driving up to Beca's house once again. "Aubrey you told me yourself she came by to intimidate you into not helping me and it didn't work right?" Aubrey sighed over the phone as she bit her lip at the fond memory, feeling her cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "N-No of course not, but-" Chloe pulled her car into the driveway as she turned the engine off quickly interrupting Aubrey. "She got to Cheryl somehow and we both know she planned this just so she could see me again. This other side of her knows I'm Beca's trigger and if I'm around all the time then she is never going to be able to control her actions. Which is why I'm going to do a little investigating more with Beca's parents about her background. I think they know more than what they let on, let's just hope they can help me let the real Beca out. Even if it is for just a few minutes." Aubrey sighed heavily on the other side of the phone before she told Chloe to be careful as Chloe eventually hung up as she finally got to the enormous house. Chloe put her car in park as she got out of her car to hear none other than loud laughing on the other side of the house. She followed the sound as she went on the side of the house to see Sharon and Carson sitting on their patio watching Beca and Cheryl splash each other down by the lake. Sharon obviously was the first one to notice her as she immediately stood up and welcomed Chloe with a tight hug. "Oh Miss Beale! Welcome back to our humble abode, sorry if you knocked on the front door I don't think we could hear you over all the hollering." Chloe smiled at her genuinely as she shook her head politely. "Oh that's quite alright, so Cheryl and Beca seem to be getting on fine then I presume?" Chloe said with a tinge of jealously as she witnessed Beca picking up a laughing Cheryl and spinning her around as they finally got out of the lake together. Sharon smiled as she clapped in excitement. "Isn't it just wonderful? Beca just seems to be more comfortable with her around." Carson laughed as he set down his newspaper on the glass table. "Well Beca did say they were close back in the institution dear." Sharon nodded as she invited Miss Beale to sit down with them. As Chloe did she saw Beca look over towards them, locking her dark blue eyes with her bright ones as she smirked cheekily. Beca grabbed Cheryl's hand and intertwined them together as they laughed all the way up the hill towards the sitting adults. "Good evening Miss Beale, it's just so lovely to see you again. Isn't it Cheryl?" Cheryl smiled tightly at Chloe as she subtly rolled her eyes, tugging Beca closer to her own body. "One can't complain to see another familiar face again, but if you don't mind Miss Beale I require a shower before our session." Chloe sighed lowly as she nodded nonetheless as her eyes were only on Beca. "Of course it's fine, I was hoping to catch up with Sharon and Carson for a moment anyways." Cheryl smiled as she tugged the dark haired brunette inside the house as Beca gladly followed her without a care in the world. Chloe cleared her throat as she turned towards Beca's adoptive parents. "So is everything going alright with Beca?" Carson was about to speak until Sharon exploded with excitement. "Of course Miss Beale, she's been doing so well these past couple of months. What you're done for her and for us of course does not go unappreciated." Chloe looked at Carson who seemed a bit apprehensive, so Chloe decided to get his perspective of the situation. "She does seem a bit different, what do you think Carson?" Carson sighed heavily as he put his newspaper down and sat up straight in his chair. "Well I must admit she does seem a bit out of character for herself, but I guess that's what we wanted. For her to get better and be able to function in society, but it feels like she's a whole different person now. She's not so cautious about the world anymore, it's like she's so anxious to explore it. I don't know, maybe I'm just rambling but it does concern me how quickly she's adapted to things." Sharon huffed in disagreement as she faced her husband. "Carson please, Beca is a normal young adult who is just trying to get her bearings. For example, she got a job working for Cheryl's parents at their farm and I know how you've been dying to meet them. I think it's wonderful that she has this new persona about her." Chloe smiled tightly as she tried to gain both of their attention by clearing her throat once more. "I know it seems that Beca is different, but that's because she is. I know you might think I cured her in someway and to your knowledge that might be the case. What if I told you Beca isn't herself because it's not her that's putting up this act." Carson and Sharon stared at Chloe in confusion as Chloe went on. "I was led astray to what illness Beca had, I believed I did help her, but at some point I realized I was mistaken. Beca has a mental disorder called dissociative identity disorder. Which means when she has a triggering memory or someone tends to push her in a certain way, she gets over stimulated. When this happens she blacks out and a different personality that her own brain created comes and takes over her. Now this usually happens because Beca has experienced some sort of trauma in one point of her life and it's a coping mechanism. I need to know what happened to Beca to be able to fully help her." At first Carson and Sharon were speechless until Carson decided to speak up for the both of them. "The way Beca is acting now is because this isn't Beca? Then who is it?" Chloe sighed heavily as she licked her lips nervously. "That's what I don't know, but I do know this part of her has been and will continue to protect her for as long as possible. Now Beca's blackouts has always been short, but it seems that Beca doesn't want to come out anymore. She hides because she can't face whatever she's been through on her own. Now what I need from you and Sharon, is everything from her background. Do you think you can do that for me?" Sharon sighed heavily as she eventually nodded in defeat. "I haven't been telling you the whole truth about what Beca has been though Miss Beale and it's all my fault. I just didn't want Beca to be in that place anymore, I wanted her to be with us. I know that's selfish of me, but I just couldn't bear the thought of it any longer. I'm so sorry and I will tell you everything you need to know to help Beca once and for all." Chloe smiled in relief as she nodded and brought out a pen and paper from her book bag.

"So all you did was say how you felt?" Cheryl asked Beca as the dark brunette hummed on her neck, leaving small kisses on the red heads soft skin. Cheryl sighed as she brushed her hair out as they both just got out of the shower together. "So what I just talk to her for a couple of weeks then I'm free to do whatever I want?" Beca groaned as she pulled Cheryl closer to her body with her arms around her waist, looking up at her in the mirror in front of them. "Your parents just want you to see a psychiatrist, who cares what you say to her? As long as you see her they will keep giving you whatever you want. All you have to do is be the best poster child for them. How hard is that?" Cheryl huffed as she put the brush down on the sink and turned around in Beca's arms angrily. "You obviously haven't been tangled in their house of lies for your entire life, then when you try to kill yourself they lock you up with a bunch of freaks. Ive tried my hardest to be perfect for them and look where it's gotten me." Beca rolled her eyes as subtly as she could before she leaned down to kiss Cheryl softly on her lips. "I won't let them do that to you ever again. Don't you trust me?" Cheryl licked her lips as a blush formed on her face before eventually nodding. Beca smiled widely as Cheryl hugged her tightly. "I'll see you in a couple hours okay? I got to make a good impression on your parents and I have to be early to do that." Cheryl sighed as she pulled away from Beca to give her a quick kiss before the brunette slipped out of her arms. Beca grabbed her leather jacket from her closet before wiping away the kiss Cheryl gave her with the back of her hand. Beca finally made it downstairs making sure no one was around before she ran out the door. It wasn't until another few minutes before she reached Cheryl's parents farm. It looked like an old regular barn house to her and not a drug den, like Cheryl told her it was. It looked like it was abandoned as much as she could tell. Once she reached the farmhouse she opened the creaky door to find it filled with boxes and no one else in sight. "Hello? New employment here!" With no answer Beca huffed as she took off her jacket and threw it on the ground without a care. She looked at the boxes until one of them caught her eye and she smiled. "Well lookie what we got here, don't mind if I open you up do ya?" Her hand reached for the box but her hand stilled instantly. Beca rolled her eyes as she eventually pulled her hand back in recoil. "Just because I'm willing to let you see what I'm doing sometimes does not mean you get to control me. If I want to have a little taste of the product then I fucking will!" A dark chuckle was heard behind her as Beca instantly turned around to see a spitting image of Cheryl but in a male form. "Wow, Cheryl told me you were a freak but this hits a new different level. Hi there, I'm Jason and I'll be your guide this lovely evening. Now I'm sure she told you everything you need to know about my parents business, but I'm gonna need you to sign something before we actually get to work." Beca looked at him in confusion before he pulled out a contract out of one of the boxes near the door. "It's an NDA, you know so you don't go snitching on us later on when you eventually get fired. Now sign your soul away here please." Beca smirked as she was handed a pen by Jason and immediately signed the bundle of papers. "Wow no hesitation huh? Someone's got a death wish. Anyways, let's get these boxes moved out of here and into my truck we got a long night ahead of us."

Author's note: holy shit it's been awhile huh? Hopefully this doesn't suck completely. But here ya go. Have a good night or day guys.

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