Chapter 21: It's Back

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Beca moaned as she stirred in her bed, frowning when she felt a weight on top of her. Beca immediately opened her eyes and gasped loudly in shock. "Hey now, you don't want to wake sleeping beauty up now do you? After all she's been through last night she deserves the sleep." Beca turned her head to find her own self sitting on her desk chair smirking over at her. "You don't remember what happened last night do you? Well let me give you a little run down shall I?" Beca moaned in pain as all the memories of last night came flooding back to her. The pain of having Chloe reject her was just too much and the last thought she had was herself begging to be released of what she was feeling. "And I did what you asked of me. What I've always done for you when everything becomes just a little too much for you to handle. I take the reigns and I do what I want when I want. It just so happens what I wanted to do was fuck blondie over there. To be quite honest with you? She was more of a pity fuck for you anyways." Beca gulped as she remained silent, carefully removing the blonde from on top of her naked chest and ran over to her bathroom, shutting the door behind her quietly looking at herself in the mirror in complete and utter shock. "Oh come on, you're not actually angry with me are you? You asked me take over and we've fucked plenty of girls who meant nothing to us, well to me anyways." Beca then started to cry as she slowly sat down on the cold tile floor and wrapped her arms around her knees in fear. Her shadow self sighed as she kneeled down before her, looking at Beca with pity in her eyes. "Look I'm not going to go crazy with power like I did last time. I promise you that I'm never going back to that loony bin;we aren't ever again. I mean if I was going to then you wouldn't be conscience right now and we would be back at square one. All I'm saying is I can help numb the pain again, that's what you want right? She hurt you...she hurt us, the last thing you want is to see her face again, believe me. Now, what do you want me to do?" Beca looked back up to herself as she stared at the shadowy figure before her finally giving in to its demands, making her shadow self smirk in victory.

"I'll see you at the shop later?" Lacy asked her as she kissed Beca's lips one last time at her front door as she was being walked out. Beca shrugged as she smirked down at Lacy carelessly. "Maybe you will maybe you won't, but one thing is definite. I'm definitely fucking you over that counter later." Lacy let out a loud laugh as Beca playfully slapped her ass on her way out the front door. Beca sighed happily as she turned around to find everyone looking at her in shock at the dining room table. "Ah good morning family, I see the breakfast of champions are waffles today. Oh Sharon baby, blueberry? You're too sweet to me, truly." Sharon let out a small confused smile as Carson looked at Beca with raised eyebrows. "So uh becs, I'm sure you were very busy last night but-" Beca laughed loudly as she swallowed the chunk of blueberry waffle in her cheeks to answer him cheekily. "Busy? That's an understatement of the century pops." Chloe huffed under her breath as Beca suddenly winked at her quickly. "Okay young lady just because you're eighteen doesn't mean-" Beca interrupted him with a charming smile as she put down her waffle. "Oh once again guys the party was awesome thanks for throwing that for me, but I got to spilt. Marley promised to tutor me early this morning before work. Oh and Pops don't worry about picking me up from work I'm sure Lacy can give me a ride home!" Carson sighed in frustration as he looked at his wife, picking at his food solemnly. "I swear once they turn eighteen it's like they don't need you anymore." Sharon nodded as she rubbed her husband's hand in comfort as Chloe sat there still in shock at how Beca was acting all of a sudden.

"I can't believe she's still on pre algebra." Beca whispered to herself in amusement as Marley came back into her room with refreshments. "I couldn't find any Coca Cola like you asked for Beca, but we have Dr. Pepper." Beca smiled at Marley charmingly as she thanked her and they got back to work. "Wow Beca you literally just finished everything from this section, how did you do that so quickly?" Beca sighed in satisfaction as she just finished gulping. down the last of her drink. "Well you know I did have a fantastic tutor, I think you actually know her she's very easy on the eyes." Marley let out a giggle with a blush to her cheeks as she closed both of their books. "Well thank you Beca, I also think that you might be ready to take the test. We went over all of these sections already and you've aced each and every one. Now you just have to schedule the tests and you're good to go." Beca pouted at her playfully as she scooted her way towards Marley slowly. "You mean I won't be able to see you anymore? Gosh how I will miss those wonderful blue eyes of yours. I just can't help but wonder if you'll miss me too?" Beca said with a small smirk as she put her hand on one of Marley's thighs, making the other girl's breath to hitch in surprise. "B-Beca what are you doing? I thought-" Beca then felt a small pain in her hand as she hissed and pulled it away from Marley's thigh. "Ouch! What the fuck?" Marley looked at her worriedly as Beca then started to laugh softly. "Well that's new...uh Marley I'm gonna head to work now. I'll catch you later yeah?" Marley nodded in confusion as she walked Beca to her front door. As soon as Beca was alone she made her way halfway downtown with her backpack on her shoulders. "Oh come on, she was practically begging me to fuck her you didn't have to do that...I guess I won't touch her again if it means that much to you pal." Once Beca made it to her work she immediately seeked out a certain blonde. Lacy smiled as she squealed and jumped into Beca's arms. "What took you so long? I was practically dying from boredom." One of her friends scoffed as they sat behind the cashier counter. "What am I chopped liver to you? Jeez when you think you know a girl." Beca smiled down at Lacy as she looked over her shoulder to set her eyes on a brunette girl with dark green eyes. Beca felt a small headache just staring at the girl, she looked somehow familiar. "Hi there, the names Beca and you are?" The girl ignored her as she just flipped through some random  magazine without a care in the world. Lacy huffed at her so called friend as she brought Beca's attention back to herself greedily, by moving her face towards hers once more. "Forget about her, she's always grumpy when someone else gets my attention for once. Anyways, I was thinking we could actually hang out today, you know like proper Bffs should." Beca smirked down at the petite blonde as she moved her hands at the lower of her back suggestively. "Oh? And what do you have in mind blondie?" Lacy smiled as she pushed herself off of Beca's chest, walking back towards the office in the back with a teasing smile on her face. "A few things actually, but if we really want to piss my dad off we can do it in his office." Beca knew she liked this girl for a reason as she immediately followed the giggling blonde into the back office, shutting the door behind them roughly.

"I'm really worried about her Bree, she's not home yet and she was supposed to get off of work about ten minutes ago. Plus she knows we have a session today, she's never late for those." Aubrey furrowed her eyebrows as she waved Chloe off in protest. "Well maybe she's with that girl you said she was with last night. Didn't you say they were co-workers? I'm sure she will be there any minute now." Chloe hummed worriedly as her ears perked up at the sound of the front door closing loudly. "Oh I got to go Bree, she's here. I'll call you later." Aubrey nodded as they said goodbye and Chloe put her phone back in her pocket and immediately headed downstairs. Beca was all smiles as soon as she noticed her. "Oh what up Doc! Sorry I was running a bit late, got stuck at the office you know how it is." Chloe couldn't help but glare at the newly found adult as she gave her another cheeky wink, before throwing her things carelessly on the floor beneath them. "You were supposed to be here ten minutes ago Beca. Your parents don't pay me to sit here and wait on you." Beca chuckled as she suddenly walked towards Chloe menacingly, making the red head back up in surprise until her back hit the other side of the wall. "I suppose they also don't pay you to make out with your so called underage patient either now do they? Let's get one thing straight here red, I call the shots now...not you." Chloe looked at Beca in shock as Beca then suddenly backed away from her with a bright smile like nothing ever happened. "You know I'm feeling quite better as of the moment, so I don't think our daily session is needed for today. You should take the day off red, I insist." Before Chloe could protest Beca was already heading up the stairs and towards her own room, shutting the door behind her harshly. Chloe bit her lip worriedly as she looked up the stairs towards Beca's room. She knows they have to talk about what happened between them last night, but it seems like Beca wants nothing to do with her anymore. She can't help but blame herself for the way Beca has been acting. It was like something switched inside of her brain once Chloe turned her offer of their relationship down. One thing was for sure though, she had to understand what was going on inside of Beca's mind once and for all and she had a pretty good sense of what it finally was.

Author's note: hello this is just a short filler chapter, but hey it's another chapter.

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