Chapter 11: Evaulation

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Beca was currently annoyed that it was still raining outside, when she finally can walk out these front doors for over a year now. "The van is right over here guys, no running now kiddo, or I'll have to chase you down like the last time." Jimmy said playfully as he unlocked the white van for them to get in. Beca rolled her eyes at his joke as Chloe and herself got into the back seat. "So it's just down the street?" Jimmy asked Chloe curiously as he started up the van. Chloe nodded as she put her seatbelt on and put her satchel down below her feet. "Yeah believe or not the hospital has a back up facility, I'm surprised no one uses it." Jimmy laughed as he nodded and turned down the street. "Yeah Doctor Charles bought it a couple of years ago, I guess he thought they were gonna have more patients during the summers. I have no idea why, so don't ask me." Chloe laughed as Beca felt her chest tighten uncomfortably. She didn't like it when Chloe laughed at Jimmy's dumb joke. It made her slightly angry as she scooted closer to Chloe subtly. "And here it is ladies and Beca, it's quite a small building. We mostly just use it for storage nowadays." (Because I'm too lazy to describe a building)

"But all of the rooms are perfectly intact and set up to look like the one we were currently in

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"But all of the rooms are perfectly intact and set up to look like the one we were currently in." Jimmy said as he picked a parking spot and they all got out of the van together. They entered the small white building looking around. "Wow, you weren't kidding this is pretty small. How many rooms did you say this building has?" Chloe asked Jimmy as they looked on to see only one small hallway in front of them, connected to four other rooms. "Well it has eight rooms, but we're kind of in the front wing right now. The back wing has the other rooms, which includes our storage for the winter. The door to your left is a main office, the two doors on your right are just regular patient rooms. The cool thing is that they have a lab right next to the main office." Jimmy said with an excitement to his voice, as he led Chloe and Beca to the lab room. It was a small white painted room, with two chairs at a small white table, and white counters filled with boxes on top of them. Beca thought this room looked like a prison investigation room more than a lab room. "Well what do you say Beca? Is this room okay for the tests?" Beca sighed lowly as she shrugged nonchalantly. Chloe smiled as she thanked Jimmy, using a gesture to make Beca sit down at one of the chairs. "Okay well I'll be in the front if you guys need anything, on my phone. Don't tell anyone I have it on me, might get fired." Jimmy said with a playful wink to both of them, making Chloe chuckle once more. Beca internally rolled her eyes at the blonde haired man as he finally left the room. Chloe smiled at Beca as she took the satchel off of her shoulder and set it down on the small white table gently. "Okay so I know you've done this all before with your previous doctor, but I promise this will be more worthwhile." Chloe said as she sat down in front of Beca, looking through her bag to find a folder she made specially on Beca's history. Beca eyed the red haired woman carefully as Chloe pulled out a large blue folder. So as you know the first part of the evaluation is the psychical examination. Which will just be us talking about the medications your other doctor had you on and how they made you feel. Also the one you are on now and how that one also makes you feel. The last part of this is your families mental illness history, which is still a touchy subject so whenever you're ready we can begin." Chloe said with a wide smile as she pulled out one of two papers, looking up at Beca with sparkling eyes. It was quiet for a few moments as Beca just eyed her confusedly. "Now?" Chloe chuckled as she shrugged. "Like I said whenever you're ready." Beca huffed lowly as she slouched in the uncomfortable chair. "Don't you already know my medication history? Why do I have to repeat it?" Chloe sighed as she put the papers down, that were currently in her hands. "Of course I know your medication history already, but I want to know why they didn't work for you. Why you felt the need to ask for them to up your dosage when obviously they weren't working." Beca's eyes widened in surprise, Chloe was talking to her like she was a normal person. Like this was an every day conversation, which made Beca a little bit pissed at the beautiful red head. Beca suddenly sat up in her seat with rage in her eyes. "I thought they were gonna work, but that fucking bastard lied to me! He told me they would help me, that I just needed more time on them! Well guess what?! None of them worked-!" Chloe could tell Beca was an inch away from losing herself all together in her rage so she immediately put her hand over Beca's. "Why didn't they work? Tell me how you felt Beca. I know you think I'm not here to help you, but I promise that's not even one ounce of the truth. I want to help you, you just have to let me in and if that takes a few months then so be it. Just know that I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure you can have a normal life again." Beca's huffing chest suddenly became calmer as she looked at Chloe's bright blue eyes with her glossy confused ones. Chloe truly cared about her, why? She didn't have one fucking idea, the woman barely knows her. Beca then looked down at Chloe's supple lips and did the only thing she knew how to do when she felt like this. Felt like she was losing control of the facade she had on herself. She let herself go. Beca quickly leaned over the small table to connect her lips roughly with Chloe's, making Chloe's eyes widened in shock. Chloe let go of Beca's hand as she immediately distanced herself from Beca all together, standing up from her seat. It was quiet again for a few moments as Chloe tried to regain her composure and Beca was looking at the ground in humiliation. Chloe was the first to speak, "Beca I-" Beca didn't let Chloe finish her sentence before she stood up from her seat and ran from the room with tears down her face. Beca only made it halfway towards the front entrance as Jimmy popped up from the couch he was currently playing a game on his phone on. "Hey hold up kiddo! Are you guys done or-?" All Beca did was blink once and suddenly Jimmy was on the floor holding his face in pain, blood running down his nose. Beca's eyes widened as she looked at her closed fist that was covered in his blood. What did she do?! Beca turned around as she heard Chloe gasp and shout out from behind her. "Beca stop!" Beca gulped as she stumbled to the side of Jimmy as she watched Chloe grab some gauze from the main desk, putting it on Jimmy's nose.

Author's note: it's going down

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