Chapter 10: The Plan

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"She's hearing voices? Why hasn't her previous doctor noted that?" Aubrey asked Chloe in confusion as she was currently sat with Chloe in her office, looking though Beca's old doctor's notes. "He didn't know Aubrey, I mean Beca probably knew if she told him she was hearing voices, she would be stuck here even longer than she was." Aubrey sighed as she rubbed her neck in frustration. "Okay so what now? We wipe everything that he has written down about her? For all we know she could have something far more serious than borderline personality disorder. If shes truly having these psychosis episodes I mean." Chloe nodded as she sighed, slouching in her chair. "I mean we have no choice but to start over with Beca. Clearly her old doctor didn't even know what he was doing at all. He just pumped her full of medicine to calm her down. I mean look at all of these prescriptions he's had her on over the past year." Aubrey bit her lip worriedly as she nodded. "That does make me think very lowly of him now, but the medication she currently is on, seems to be working for her at the moment. I think all she needs is more therapy, good therapy this time." Chloe chuckled as she nodded in agreement. "I think I know where to begin as well. I might need your help for some of the tests." Aubrey nodded as Chloe continued. "First the physical exam, just to see if she does have a psychical illness that is making her act the way she is right now. Second, lab tests. Brain scans and all that joyless fun. Third, mental health history and personal history, which we know a bit about from her parents. We don't know how she was like with her original parents. Which is a sore subject for her, so I guess we will save that for last. Then lastly, we will do mental evaluations and cognitive evaluation." Aubrey sighed out in worry, as she nodded nonetheless. "Okay and how long will all of this take?" Chloe shrugged as she cleared her throat. "I don't really know, I guess it all depends on how willing Beca will be to let me do all of the tests on her." Aubrey sat back down as she threw away some notes on Chloe's scattered desk. "I mean she trusts you enough to cry in front of you. Didn't you say she hugged you when she was crying?" Chloe nodded as she had a soft smile on her face. "Well she trust you Chloe, more than anyone else here. I'm sure if she really wants this voice to stop controlling her, she will do what she has to do to eventually make it stop."

"Hey Beca did you enjoy the brownie my mom made me? It was pretty good, a tad bit dry but I made Jimmy bring around some milk for the whole fam yesterday." Beca ignored him as she sat there, staring out the window. Jesse smiled as he sat down next to the chair beside her. "It's been raining non stop since yesterday. I really want to feel the fresh air on my face again, being in here locked up with all the crazies gets to me sometimes." Just then they both heard Cheryl's dry chuckle as she was sat on a table a few feet away from them, reading a book. "Trust me Jesse I think the crazies feel the exact same way about you. I don't think anyone obsesses over that freak more than you do and that's saying something." Jesse growled as he stood up, ready to defend Beca's honor with all his might. "Oh yeah?! Well I can think of a certain red headed bitch, who thinks she can just grab someone without asking them for consent first." Cheryl's smirk faded on her face as she closed her book all together nervously. Jesse smiled evilly as he crossed his arms against his chest. "Yeah someone saw you grab Beca when we were having movie night and if it wasn't for your privilege around here I might have smashed your face in by now. So why don't you leave Beca alone?" Cheryl scoffed as she got up from her chair quickly. "I don't know what you're talking about, but half of these crazies in here have delusions coming out of their asses. I wouldn't touch that freak with my bare hands, she might give me whatever fucked up illness she has." Beca scrunched her eyebrows together as Jesse and Cheryl's fighting just became background noise as she had a flashback of what happened at the movie night. That told her to hurt Cheryl and she did. Why couldn't she remember it until now? Was this voice trying to protect her from remembering what she did? She has to see Chloe to get some answers.

Beca was just about to knock on Chloe's office door as Chloe suddenly opened it with a surprised smile on her face at seeing Beca. "Oh hi, I was just about to come and get you. Come on in." Chloe held the door open for Beca as Beca entered the room quickly. Sitting at her usual spot on the couch, waiting for Chloe to join her. Chloe shut the door softly as she turned around and sat beside Beca. As soon as Beca was about to speak to Chloe, Chloe beat her to it. "So I have good news and I have bad news. Which do you want to hear first?" Beca tilted her head in confusion as she looked at Chloe and shrugged. "Bad news." Chloe smiled tightly as she nodded, intertwining her hands together nervously. "Well since your previous doctor didn't leave me with anything helpful to work with, we're gonna have to do your mental health evaluation again." Beca's eyes widened in protest making Chloe sigh. "I know these things aren't always fun, but we have to start all over again Beca. If you're hearing a voice that's potentially controlling every action you do, I need to know everything and I mean everything. You can't hide any detail from me. You have to be honest with me or I won't be able to help you, do you understand?" Beca sighed heavily as she eventually nodded. "Okay..." Chloe smiled in relief as she put her hand on top of Beca's in comfort. "Okay since we got that out of the way, the good news is that you get to get out of here when we are doing these tests." Beca perked up in her seat as she looked like an adorable puppy who was just told she was going for a ride in the car. Chloe smiled widely as she thought Beca looked absolutely adorable with the excitement that was currently radiating from her eyes. "We we're gonna do them here, but I have a more suitable place that I think will make you even more comfortable to actually share vulnerable information with me. Luckily it's just down the street, but don't get too excited because Jimmy will have to come along with us as well." Beca huffed as she slouched on the couch cushion. Chloe giggled as she got up from the couch, putting her hand out for Beca to take. "Oh don't be such a sourpuss, Jimmy is a nice guy. Now are you ready to go?" Beca nodded as she took Chloe's hand, feeling herself become nervous about all of these tests. Some of the nervousness faded away though Because Chloe was still holding her hand. Why is she feeling like this?

Author's note: hello another short chapter, I promise they will be longer once I get the chapters up.

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