The Paw on the Note

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Me again, of course, with another chapter! Prepare to be amazed as action-ness and awesome-ness and fun-ness and adventure-ness will be coming up soon! Hopefully this chapter will do because my paraghraps are kinda short and I hate writing short paragraphs.. :/

Anyway, begin!


Bella sighed longingly, looking out the window and out to the sea. Her friends, Zoe and Tanya, were staying in her house, and had informed Zoe's father what had happened.

She felt a tug on her skirt and she looked down. "What is it, Benjy?" she asked softly when she saw the child beagle.

"What's wrong, Bella?" Bella sighed again, looking away. "I'm missing the undersea," she admitted.

Benjy remained quiet. Suddenly, Barbara came into the room. "Sweetheart," she said sweetly, "why don't you come into the lounge room? Find something to do?" she suggested gently.

Bella thought about it. "I guess I could watch some television," she admitted. She went down to the lounge room and sat on the maroon red leathery couch, switching on the TV as she did so. The first channel that came up was the Burpton Island News, also known as BIN.

And that's when she heard something shocking.

".. Recent reports from Pupsville Island conclude a massive killer tsunami that has washed upon the island itself. So far, the rescue team has not found any survivors. An earthquake occured not so long after the dangerous storms from the West that travelled throughout this region-"

Suddenly, the television switched off. Bella turned to glare at her father, who shook his head. "You shouldn't be watching the news so much, Bella."

"Oh bugger off, will you!" Barbara cried, exasperated with him. Her face was white with terror. "Darling, we're got to do something! My father went over there for a trip and he was just about to go back!"

"If he's in the air, then he's perfectly safe." Bella deadpanned, but realized her mother was right. Her grandfather was in danger if he hadn't had gone into his areoplane. "We need to do something, fast." She turned to her father. "Dad. Have you still got your submarine?"

"Yes, Bella." he answered. "Why?" he asked, tilting his head.

Bella's expression turned grim. "I'm going after Grandad." With Tanya and Zoe racing after her, the beagle disappeared outside.

Bella quickly ran inside his garage and began dragging a small-looking submarine. Her friends darted over to help her, but it would not budge.

"Allow me," laughed her father as he helped them drag it to the shore. He then narrowed his eyes as he looked at Bella. "Now, remember, Bella. Don't do anything silly. I know you can handle this. Good luck."

Bella nodded. "Thank you for believing in me, father." She saluted him and he saluted back. She then jumped into the submarine and rushed away.

The vehicle turned out to be very fast, and Bella had slight difficulty controlling it. However, she soon grew to adjust to the speed. Although the beagle had no clue on how to get to the island, she soon began relying on her sense of smell.

Bella quickly "parked" the submarine into the shore and jumped out of it, her friends quickly following her. Looking around, she gasped. The palm trees she knew so well had been flattened, and lying under some timber was her grandfather, Bruce. With her friends' help, she lifted it off of him.

But then she noticed something. There was a note pinned on a flat palm tree, and on it was a paw-print. Puzzled, Bella blinked, and read the note.



Oh em geeeeeeeee. I just introduced one of my villains! But what does he have to do with the tsunami? Stay tuned to find out! :)

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