Clearing the Ashes

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Holy SHERBERT.. we're almost at the end of the story - sort of! I have some VERY big plans for the upcoming sequel, so hang tight!

Also, Whiteout.. Oh no! Did she survive?!



The Octonauts quickly rushed over to what was left of the Bergmarine, quickly pulling away the icy debris as they desperately searched for the winter fox. Suddenly, the Captain froze in realization.

"Where did Bella go? I thought she was at my side the entire time.." he murmured. The others froze in shock. In a mad fit of sudden panic, he pulled away more debris frantically. A white fox lay under some rubble, her eyes firmly closed.

" .. Whiteout.." he said in horror. He gently scooped her up, trying to search for signs of life.

"Captain Barnacles? There's something you might want to see," Zoe spoke, lingering outside the entrance. She had a beagle in her arms, who was unconscious, coughing slightly. 

"Bella!" he cried, rushing over with Whiteout still in his arms. He put the white fox on her shoulder before feeling the pup's forehead. It was broken and bleeding - clearly, Bella had been outside the entrance for some reason.

But why?

He frowned, climbing outside before yelping in shock as some of the ice crumbled beneath him. Dashi frowned. "I think we're drifted into warmer climates, Captain. We'd best get off this iceberg before it melts completely."

Barnacles nodded. "Then we'd better get going. Where is the Gup X?"

"Right behind you!" called Tanya, as she rose up with the said machine.

Tweak's jaw dropped. "Tanya? You're .. driving .. it?"

Tanya scoffed with a cheeky grin on her face. "I guess the driving lessons with Kwazii paid off, eh?" She grinned once more before opening the doors on the roof. The Octonauts gingerly stepped in. Peso was in the back, taking care of Wilbert.

"We could take a different route to one of his old lairs. I mean, Whiteout isn't awake yet, so we might as well go to one of his old lairs." Tanya spoke again, driving the Gup X quickly towards the direction of Burpton Island.

"Tanya! Not so fast!" Zoe scolded. Tanya grinned once more. "Sorry, but this is an underwater ambulance. Gotta go fast." With her signature trademark daredevil smirk, she drove at an even faster pace, gathering quicker speeds.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the familiar island. Tanya immediately leapt up, inhaling all scents. "Aaahh, good times." When she received several annoyed looks, she sheepishly grinned. "Ah, I mean, bad times. Heh."

Zoe gave a sigh. "If only Bella were awake, then she'd be able to sniff out the lair," she spoke gloomily.

Tanya gave an angry snort. "Who said that tigers had no sense of smell? Well, technically, we're not as good as beagles, but still, dudes! Just leave it to me."

The tiger ran around here and there, before she came to a clearing. She paused and sniffed again, frowning deeply. "You guys remember the time Bella got 'napped?" When they once again gave her strange looks, she decided to continue. "Well, I can smell her scent here, but it's really stale. I can still follow it, though. Follow me." And with that, Tanya took off, the others in hot pursuit.

They came to the familiar, giant metal doors and Kwazii instantly sprang forwards. It was a little relieving he had such a good memory, as he had remembered all the tales his Uncle had told him - and he had remembered the code, as well. He typed it in quickly before stepping back with a proud grin on his face.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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