Spinning Out of Control

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Hello all you lovelies! I'm sorry it took so long, I had writer's block.. again. Anyway, prepare for more action-ness and fun-ness and feels! :3


"Captain, wake up."

" ... "


"Barnacles, get up!"

The captain awoke with a groan to see Tweak staring at him, expression blank. "We're going to Wilbert's hideout now, so I was wondering if you wanted to come."

"Come?" he echoed in surprise. "I most certainly want to, that's what!" He got up. Tweak grinned. "The captain's back in action, guys!" she called to the remaining.

"Bella is in that iceberg," Whiteout explained. She ignored the Captain's look of shock when he saw that she was helping them, and simply folded her arms. "What?"

"Let's get going," Tanya simply spoke. "Our beagle-amigo's in danger. We can't waste any time hanging around like this." The tiger was wearing a serious expression. Zoe was surprised at how calm she was. Maybe it was the calm-yet-let's-go attitude Whiteout was having. Or maybe it was because she was desperate not to lose control of her temper and mess up. 

"We may need deep sea suits. It's freezing out there," argued Tweak. Barnacles shrugged. "I have a thick coat, I should be fine." Tweak sighed. "Alright, but don't blame me when you get hypothermia."

"If I get hypothermia," Barnacles corrected. He went to the exit of the Gup X. "Well? Are you guys coming or not?"

Several voices chorused at once in indignation, including Whiteout, surprisingly. Barnacles shrugged and allowed the others to go before him. Tweak was the last of them all to go out. She hesitated, before offering him a paw. Barnacles hesitated, before slowly accepting it. The mint green bunny pulled him up onto the roof.

The captain looked at the iceberg below the waters, before activating his helmet. One by one, all the Octonauts leapt into the water, travelling after the 'Berg-Marine'.


The air was silent and tense.

Bella mournfully looked up as Wilbert came storming in, eyes narrowed in fury. He looked down and saw her in tears. For a moment, Bella just considered, that maybe she had seen a change in his eyes.

But she was wrong.

Wilbert carelessly stepped over her like she was a ragdoll, cursing silently as he tripped over and fell on his face flat. He roared a curse word at her before turning to the console.

Suddenly, there was a loud banging sound.

Bella inhaled quickly. To her joy, there was the scent of her friends. And Whiteout.
Wilbert seemed to recognise her scent as well. He went up to the exit.

"No!" Bella screamed, but it was too late. He gave a cry of shock when he noticed it was the Octonauts.

 The look of shock turned into an unpleasant smirk as he looked up and down at them.

"Well, well, well. Here to join the show, are you, Octonauts?~"
Barnacles responded with a snarl. Tanya grinned. "There's one thing you should know, Wilbert."

"And what is that?!" Wilbert cried out in frustration.

Tanya's grin stretched further.

"Never mess with the Octonauts."

Tanya raised her paw to punch him in the nose, but Wilbert suddenly ducked, picking up the tiger by the scruff and throwing her into a wall. The force of the throw was so great it knocked her unconscious. Zoe quickly ran over to carry her somewhere safe.

Wilbert smiled cruelly, before running over to grab Bella. He aimed the knife at the terrified beagle's stomach. "Step away, and your precious beagle won't get hurt.~"

Hesitantly, Captain Barnacles stepped backwards, arms extended, to protect his crew. He looked sideways at Bella, frowning in concern.

The arctic wolf grinned before turning to Whiteout. "Whiteout!" he roared. "Connect the Storm Maker 3000 to the submarine's console! It'll give us power to swim into THE DEPTHS OF THE OCEAN!" 

" .. No."


"I said no."

Wilbert stared at Whiteout in shock. In all those years of working together, Whiteout had never opposed to Wilbert. Well, maybe at first.. but still..

The arctic wolf had no choice but to do it himself, so he turned to his vault. Whiteout shook her head frantically. "No! Wilbert, you're crazy! The Berg-marine can't handle that much power! The Storm Maker will override its switches and-"

"QUIET!" Wilbert furiously roared. "I'm going to do it MY way! I've had enough of your annoying little shenanigans! This time I will WIN!" He stormed off inside his vault, dragging out his Storm Maker 3000 and raising its wires and cables-

"Someone stop him! He's crazy!" Whiteout burst out, looking very afraid.

Wilbert plugged it in.

Whiteout had a horrified look on her face, as the Storm Maker began to rattle and steam. The arrows on the green-and-red dial half-circle swung madly. The arctic wolf's expression switched as she pinned Wilbert against the giant mass of parts, but froze.

She had slammed him on the "Snowstorm" button.

Whiteout's look of horror returned. The Storm Maker's snowstorms needed ice to run on.

Please don't be against the wall, she silently begged.

The gear on the storm machine began to turn. The arrow on the dial speedily turned to the red zone, rattling so fast it became a blur.

At first nothing happened. Then a small vortex of snow picked up. It picked up faster, and faster, until it became massive. The room became so white that none of them could see anything. 

"Octonauts," Barnacles spoke, "We need to get out of here. Fast."


Whew! Finally, I managed to update! Sorry if it's so short, but the next chapter will be longer, I promise. (which will take a while to write) Some parts in this chapter were kind of difficult to write, but at least I managed to get it over with! :3 Yay! Wait, not-yay because.. GIANT BLIZZARD! Will the Octonauts escape? 

In the next list of updates, I plan on updating "Octopus High" and writing up a plot for it. Though, I will need some of my friend's help, because writing in a setting where I've never been before is SUPER hard. It's like trying to write about alien culture! 

And last but not least, I'll soon be publishing my new AU for the Octonauts: where they are spies and EVERYTHING is in the Future! I'm not completely sure what I should call the AU. XD

Anyways, see you guys in the next chapter!

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