Zoe's Nightmare

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Hey guys! I'm on my tablet, so I can't really put the text in italic, bold, strike or underline. Anyway.. I am not depressed anymore, and I have had a few more exciting ideas! I won't spill any beans though. Okay, here we go! :)


Young Zoe was trotting through the sandy Africa, looking around occasionally. It was night-time - and although the little zebra was well aware of the lions sleeping, she was still on the look out.

Suddenly, she heard a scream. Young Zoe rushed forwards, knowing who it had come from. "Mama!" She cried as she ran towards the sound.

"I'm over here," a weak voice called. She pushed aside some leaves, revealing a rather sick-looking she-zebra. She lifted her head in shock. "Oh, mama! I've been looking for papa everywhere. Those lions are awful! Are we really endangered?"

"My child, I only have a few hours left before this sickness takes my life completely. Please don't give up searching for your papa. Once you find him, you will be able to come back, although I doubt it will not take long.." she coughed.

Zoe teared up. "N-no! I won't lose you too! Please stay strong for me, mama!" She cried. But her mother had already fallen asleep. A low growl came from nearby. Zoe's ears pricked up and she screamed.


Zoe shot up from her bed, breaking a cold sweat. She sighed in relief. It was just a nightmare. She hadn't gotten them in ages. Perhaps she was missing Africa.

She looked over to Bella. She was beginning to stir a little, groaning. She widened her eyes, but she shook her head. Peso was no where to be seen. It was best just to wait here until he got back.

The zebra widened her eyes a little. She stepped back. Although she enjoyed helping people, she was still afraid of making mistakes, her old childhood fear was returning..

"Zoe?" Her head shot up, upon hearing her name called. A polar bear was standing in the doorway. "Peso sent me to check up on you. He's busy bandaging patients outside. Would you like some breakfast?"

Zoe felt her stomach rumble a little. Of course. She had eaten early last night. "U-uh, some breakfast would be good, thanks." The polar bear nodded. "Tunip will bring it to you." His eyes twinkled. "My name is Barnacles, Captain Barnacles"

"A pleasure to meet you sir." Zoe said dipping her head in honor. The captain chuckled. "Please, no need to call me that. Just 'captain' would be fine." Zoe nodded, remembering that Bella's father was a captain. He often sailed around the ocean, sometimes taking Bella and his wife with him.

Tunip later returned with some algae pancakes. Although Zoe was afraid of getting germs from the algae, she gobbled it down with no question and thanked him.

An hour passed, and Peso still did not return. Were they occupied with a mission of some sort? She knew doubting wouldn't give her any answers, so she got up.

She groaned in pain slghtly, feeling dizzy. Part of her warned to go back to bed, yet there was a stubborn side of her that refused. She trotted forwards.

The next thing she knew, something orange slammed into her, and her whole world went black.


Ooo! Cliffhanger! What will happen next? I like ending chapters with a cliffhanger!

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