Zoe and Bella

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I decided to update quickly because I love writing this so much.. XD


Elsewhere in the North Atlantic, the Octopod was resting in the ocean floor. Currents were swirling about, making the Octopod sway a little.

"Dashi, secure the Octopod," Captain Barnacles told Dashi. "Already on it Captain," she replied as she tapped the screens a bit. The screens rolled down onto the windows so that the lightning wouldn't go through the glass. Next, the Octopod drew its pods in.

"Let's take a look up there." Barnacles said calmly, looking through the telescope's camera. They often checked for ships having trouble."Right, everything seems to be- whoah!" His eyes widened as an airplane swerved past the top. Whoever was controlling the airplane must've had its engine hit by lightning, he realized.

The airplane rocketed around the sky for a few minutes before smashing into a rock. "We need to make sure everyone is alright." Barnacles informed before jumping down the Octo-Chute, Kwazii and Peso following after him.

The two swam quickly towards the smoking airplane after activating their helmets and swimming through the Octo Hatch, where Tweak opened it for them. Peso quickly looked around, making sure no fish had gotten hurt during the crashlanding.

Barnacles pushed away some rubble and plane debris, revealing a zebra and a beagle. They seemed to be unconscious. He lifted them up with his polar bear strength. He took them inside the Octopod, where he went into Peso's sick bay.

The medic was already hot in heels after him as Barnacles laid them on the beds. Peso quickly set to work, cleaning their wounds and bandaging them up. Barnacles then left the room, assuming Peso had everything under control.

Zoe was the first one to come to. This shocked Peso very much, normally someone hit with great force would be out for weeks. She groaned, looking around.

"Where am I?" she asked groggily. Peso smiled at her. "You're in my sick bay, at the Octopod. My name is Peso. I help any creature who is sick or hurt feel better."

Zoe widened her eyes. "You're a doctor?" He laughed. "A medic," This confused Zoe a little, but she nodded. Surprisingly, the zebra had no knowledge of the difference between them.

Seeing her expression, Peso smiled and gently explained, "A medic handles emergencies, and a doctor handles slower, upcoming things." He looked at her in concern. "Is there anywhere else you are hurting?"

"I'd like a drink of water, if you don't mind." Zoe said. "Oh.. how rude of me. I never told you my name, did I? Well, my name's Zoe, and over there is my best friend Bella. How is she?" she asked, worried.

Peso went over to get a drink for her with the water tank (A/N: I don't know what it's called, but I know they have one at offices) and he placed it on the bedside for her. "She'll be fine. For now though, it looks like she's knocked for the loop." He looked at her worriedly. "What were you doing out in stormy weather, anyway?"

Zoe sighed, looking a little upset. "I was going for a holiday," she admitted. "To see my friends.. and my family, in Africa.."

Peso's eyes widened. "Africa? It must be scary living over there, constantly being a lion's lunch.." Zoe laughed. "It is. But it's not so bad if you know how to hide with your family." She frowned. She felt homesickliness towards her home. Africa.. She was born there.

"You alright?" Peso asked. Zoe blinked. "Oh! I, uh.. Yeah, I'm fine." She jumped in surprise as an alarm sounded throughout the Octopod. She noticed a nearby TV-like screen was flashing orange. "What's that supposed to mean? Is there a fire?"

Peso laughed. "No, it's just the Octo-Alert. I'll be right back, okay? Better see what's wrong." He scurried off to the HQ.


It turned out that the storm had passed, and Captain Barnacles had wanted everyone to take a quick check-up on the sea. Peso immediately began his work, as he began checking up on numerous fish, crabs, and lobsters of all kind.

There had been mass damage from the storm, mostly near a coral reef. What worried him though was how many fish that had been injured during the storm. Just how was he able to keep up with all of this? Peso loved his job, though, and nevertheless, took all of them inside his sick bay area. Zoe looked up from her bed and blinked curiously, watching him work away and wishing she could do something to help him.

By the time he had finished, Peso was exhausted, and many hours had passed. He gave a sigh of relief and went to bed.


Okay, I'm sorry if this chapter is cheesy.. but this is my first time writing an Octonauts story xD So yeah, what do you think? Some feedback would be nice, btw! TMOF, signing out! ;D

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