Wilbert's Defeat..?

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Bella gasped, her sea blue eyes filling with tears as she stared at the sinking ship. The Octonauts had shocked faces, as they looked on with Bella.

Growling, the tiger ran straight up to Wilbert, pinning him down and clawing him further in rage. The wolf snarled and struggled, but he was no match for Tanya's strength.

The Captain went over and held him down, looking sternly down at him. Tanya looked at Barnacles. "Ey, what do we do with him?"

Barnacles growled, looking down at the furious wolf's piercing golden eyes. "We'll lock him in a dungeon. HIS dungeon," he added coldly.

Surprisingly, Wilbert had not said or done anything as they gripped his wrists like cuffs, marching him squarely towards his base.

"Be ready," whispered Tanya suddenly. "I think he's planning a surprise attack."

"You fool," hissed Wilbert, but said no more, as Tanya kicked him in the shins. "Shut up! You're ruined my friend's life enough already!"

"Oh, I haven't just played around with Bella," Wilbert said, snickering. "I do recall seeing you as a little girl, Tanya, in Texas - your mother died in a tornado. MY tornado." He chuckled cruelly.

Tanya's angered green eyes lit up. Wild with rage, she slammed him into a wall, scratching at him furiously again. This wasn't just normal anger. This was pure rage.

"Tanya!" the Captain growled, pulling her off of him. He put him inside the dungeon, locking it tight. "He's injured enough already!"

The furious tiger looked away. Barnacles laid a paw on her shoulder. "Come on. Let's go back to the Octopod."

They padded away, where they went back to the Octopod with their Gups.

Unknowing that a white fox was watching.


Sorry this chapter is so short, but I wanted to create an opportunity where Bella, Barnacles, Zoe and Peso get to have some romantic moments. :)

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