An Unexpected Meeting

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I decided to be kind and update... so here's the rope! *throws it down to you and lifts you up from the cliff* Now we must venture deeper into the plot! *grins evilly*


Kwazii looked down to an unconscious Zoe, his eyes widening. He picked her up and hastily carried her to Peso's clinic. As he looked around for some bandages, he spotted a spider .. dangling in the corner of a cabinet.

With a scream, Kwazii ran away from the cabinet, cowering in a corner (A/N: I'd be doing the same, I am terrified of bugs and spiders).

"It's just a spider."

Kwazii's head turned, confused. Then he realized it was the beagle talking to him. "J-Just a sp-sp-spider?!" He spluttered on his words, "I-I-It-It's huge!" He cried.

"Well, you're obviously bigger than him. How would you feel if someone towering over you wanted to squash you? Spiders are helpful because they eat flies." She chided calmly. Kwazii remained silent. Then he noticed Zoe stirring and groaning. He ran over to her bed, looking at her anxiously.

"Ugh, what happened?" She groaned. "And where am I?"

"You're in Peso's clinic, me hearty." Kwazii replied.

Suddenly the Octo Chute opened and Peso jumped in. "What happened? Is everything alright?" He asked in concern when he saw Zoe in the bed, whimpering.

The zebra sat up when she saw him. "Okay.. must've hit my head real bad, hah." She chuckled at her poor attempt of humor.

Bella went over and picked up the spider, inspecting it curiously. Kwazii screamed again and went back to his corner. She rolled her eyes.

It was a tarantula, but it didn't seem to have talons to bite with, and this puzzled Bella very much, until a new thought hit her.

"No way! Tanya stowed away with us?!"


Haha, I'm sorry this chapter was short, but I wanted to introduce my other OC, Tanya the Tiger. I will update as fast as I can for the next chapter! <:

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