Wilbert the Wolf

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Guys, I am sorry about the late updates lately, I really am. Mostly because I have been sidetracked or just plain run out of ideas. But I really am excited about this story still, so I'll do my best!


The beagle wandered up to the sandy shores of Burpton Island, her home. She lived near the beach, so it really wasn't far.

She turned to the Octonauts, glancing at them slightly. Tanya bit back a snarl. She had that kind of look when she had told them about Wilbert in the first place and how he had managed to murder her sister, Bethany.

Unknowingly, Peso found himself staring at Zoe as he treated to her wounds inside the submarine. Zoe must have realized Peso was staring at her as she blinked in confusion. Smiling nervously, the penguin continued with his duties as a light blush creeped slowly onto his cheeks.

Bella then opened the door. The air around them was strangely silent, normally Bella would have attempted a friendly conversation or something.

Barbara instantly rushed at her. "My darling girl!" She sobbed. Boris quickly ran up beside her. The female elder beagle pulled Bella into a hug, then noticed the Octonauts. "Come inside and have some crossiants!" She said, opening the door wider.

"Er.. no thank you." Barnacles said politely, who wanted to just make sure Bella was safe with her family. But Barbara insisted. "Something terrible must have happened to you. I can smell Whiteout on Bella, plus we have also caught scent of Wilbert."

The Octonauts exchanged confused and concerned glances. The Captain put a gentle white paw on Bella's shoulder to comfort her. "Tell us in the lounge room." He said in a soft tone.

Nodding, Barbara took out some crossiants from the fridge and put them in the oven. She went over and took a seat, as did the ocean crew.

"Now." Boris said in an important tone. "Who's goin' first?"

Bella cleared her throat. "I will." Zoe and Peso came in that moment, and then sat down with Tanya and Kwazii.

Bella bit her lip, recalling the times she was with Wilbert. "Wilbert is an arctic wolf, and he is a mean person really. He is insane, stupid, and yet somewhat smart all at once, having made lots of machines. I won't even go to detail of what they do." Peso, at this, gulped.

Barbara decided it was her turn. "I really am regretful about all of this. When I was a younger pup, me and Wilbert were best friends. Err, when we were teenagers, we decided to become a thing. I then met Boris. He was nicer than Wilbert, honestly - he didn't boss me around like Wilbert normally did and accepted me for who I was. I started meeting him in secret."

She then sighed. "But somehow, he found out, and became enraged. He started swearing at me and calling me names - oh my goodness, it was shocking, really it was."

"He has.. unfortunately interacted with our family as well. I blame it mostly on myself, but Boris says it can't be helped." She sighed again.

The room was quiet. No one dared to speak. Suddenly, Barnacles spoke up. "Mrs Beagle, I have an idea I'd like to suggest. If Bella is living here, she may be endangered, because Wilbert obviously knows your location."

Barbara went pale. "I haven't thought of that."

The captain continued, "But we have a safe place we could use." Bella's parents looked at him in curiousity.

"The Octopod."


Guys, I am sorry about this chapter; I really am. 

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