Escape and the Fall of Boris

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Whiteout crept into the first dungeon, where Tanya, Bella and Zoe was. She gave them a fangfilled grin, her sharp white teeth glistening in the moonlight.

"What do you want, Whiteout?" Zoe asked, furious. Tanya just gave Whiteout a deadly look. If the tiger was free, she'd have pinned the confident arctic to the floor in seconds.

Whiteout gave a smile. "Wilbert did so promise me that he'd let me toy with you two. And I am so very excited to do so. Now, let's begin!"

She whipped out a knife, proceeding to stab Zoe before stabbing Tanya. The young tiger refused to cry out, stubborn and anger tugging at her veins as she stared at Whiteout with green eyes filled with rage.

Whiteout pretended to think. "Oh. What's next?" She smirked, and was about to stab Bella when Wilbert screamed angrily for her name. She rolled her eyes, dropping the knife to her floor. "I'll be back," she hissed coldly, before departing.

Wilbert smiled as he saw Whiteout enter. "Get ready to wake that stupid green frat up. If she has made her decision, bring her to me. If she hasn't.." He smiled cruelly. "Kill her."

Whiteout nodded. "Got it." She looked at the security cameras, and snarled loudly. "Wilbert, the cameras!"


Bruce followed Bella's scent, keeping close to the shadows as he glanced at Boris and Barbara, who were departing. The elderly beagle was furious with Wilbert and he tightened his fist. "Bloody idiot has mental issues," he grumbled to himself.

He then noticed a dungeon door was ajar, and wasn't surprised. "Idiot's gone and forgotten about it, I see."

"Grandpa!" Bruce heard Bella's overjoyed, excited voice. "Is that you?!" Bruce entered the room, smiling. "It sure i-" He stopped, noticing Tanya and Zoe's wounds. "Holy columbus!"

"Whiteout did this to them," the beagle explained, leaning over to examine the knife Whiteout had dropped. "Wilbert has a new partner, Grandpa. Her name's Whiteout."

Bruce sighed. "I'm sorry you're going through this, lass." He then had an idea, and picked up the knife. " ... Hmm." He went over to Bella's chains, sliding the silver weapon into the keyhole.

Bella grinned. "Picking the lock with a knife? Grandpa, you're a genius!" The chains opened, and she got up.

Bruce chuckled. "It's nothin'!" He went over to Zoe and Tanya's chains, unlocking them. As soon as she was free, Tanya leapt up, roaring, but Zoe grabbed onto her, despite her struggles. "Tanya! You can't fight Wilbert yet. You're wounded!" She pleaded.

Bella clicked her tongue. "We have to escape without them knowing. But where are the Octonauts? We should free them-"

"-Not so fast, my dear beagle!" said a nasty voice, laughing. Bella's eyes widened in fear, and Bruce pushed her forward. "RUN!"

To Bella's surprise, Tanya disobeyed Bruce's orders and leapt at Wilbert, snarling. Tanya had never disobeyed Bruce before, unless she was very very angry.

"Aaaaggh! Get off me, you stupid striped frat!" Wilbert screamed, wrestling with the furious tiger. The tiger tore at his skin, causing deep wounds with her claws.

Bella ran over and ripped Tanya off of him, growling. "Tanya!" she scolded, disappointed in her friend. The tiger looked away. It was difficult to read her emotions at this point.

Zoe grabbed their paws with her hooves. "I thought Bruce told you guys to run!" And, run they did. The Octonauts met up with them, confused at the chaos.

"Boris released us. He told us to meet up at the ship. I expect he wants to meet up with you three as well! Let's go, let's go!" the Captain ordered, and they ran through the halls, just as they heard quick thudding behind them. Whiteout and Wilbert were chasing them.

They quickly met up at the metal doors, and Kwazii quickly typed in numerous codes. Bella tugged on his arm. "Hurry! They're coming!"

The giant medal doors slid open, and they rushed out. They were free.

Wilbert snarled. He ran outside, grabbing his enormous natural disaster machine and turning up the dial to the strongest tsunami he could make. He pointed it near the docks, where Boris was patiently waiting for them.

"I will avenge myself and kill your family, Bella. SO YOUR FATHER MAY SUFFER MY WRATH!" He roared, activating an enormous tsunami. It washed over the ship, causing it to sink rapidly.

As Bella reached the docks, they were shocked to discover the wave swallowing the ship whole and dragging it down. She heard a wild shriek.

"Yes! I did it! I killed Barbara's husband!" He yelled, jumping for joy. Bella's mouth fell open. Just how heartless and insane was Wilbert exactly?

Bella looked at the waters, expecting to see her father rush up to the surface, gasping for air and smiling at Bella.

But he didn't.

He never rose up.


Wilbert, you (beeping) filthy little (beep)!

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